X. Шиллер Институт физики высоких энергий АН ГДР, Берлин The high dimensionality of phase space of hadronic interactions with several final state particles renders the experimental study more difficult. The dynamical mechanisms contributing to the final state lead to a structure of the density distribution in the phase space. This structure can be investigated using minimum a priori knowledge by the cluster analysis. For this a cluster algorithm was developed, which takes into account the orientation and the shape of the clusters. Applying this analysis to data of the reactions p±p®pp±p+p- (plab = 16 GeV/c) и К-р ®рК0-p0+p-(рlab = 10 GeV/c) dynamical mechanisms with small cross sections were founvd and limits of the applicability of the methods were investigated.
Изучение адронных взаимодействий с несколькими конечными частицами затруднено из-за высокой размерности фазового пространства. |