SATURATION AND s-CHANNEL HELICITY NONCONSERVATION IN DIFFRACTIVE DIS Ivanov I. P., Nikolaev N. N., Schäfer W. The s-channel helicity conservation (SCHC) in diffractive DIS is known to break down despite the exact conservation of the s-channel helicity of quarks in high energy QCD. Here we demonstrate that the s-channel helicity nonconservation (SCHNC) in diffractive vector meson production survives strong absorption effects in nuclear targets. This must be contrasted to the classic 1959 result of Glauber that the spin-flip phenomena caused by the conventional spin-orbit interaction do vanish in the scattering off heavy, strongly absorbing nuclei. The intranuclear absorption often discussed in terms of the saturation effects introduces a new large scale QA2 into the calculation of diffractive vector meson production amplitudes. Based on the color dipole approach, we show how the impact of the saturation scale QA2 changes from the coherent to incoherent/quasifree diffractive vector mesons. |