Gauge theory in deformed =(1,1) superspace
Buchbinder I.L., Ivanov E.A., Lechtenfeld O., Samsonov I.B., Zupnik B.M.
We review the nonanticommutative Q-deformations of
=(1,1) supersymmetric theories in four-dimensional
Euclidean harmonic superspace. These deformations preserve
chirality and harmonic Grassmann analyticity. The associated field
theories arise as a low-energy limit of string theory in specific
backgrounds and generalize the Moyal-deformed supersymmetric field
theories. A characteristic feature of the Q-deformed theories is
the half-breaking of supersymmetry in the chiral sector of the
Euclidean superspace. Our main focus is on the chiral singlet
Q-deformation, which is distinguished by preserving the SO(4)~Spin(4)
"Lorentz" symmetry and the SU(2) R-symmetry. We
present the superfield and component structures of the deformed
=(1,0) supersymmetric gauge theory as well as of
hypermultiplets coupled to a gauge superfield: invariant actions,
deformed transformation rules, and so on. We discuss quantum
aspects of these models and prove their renormalizability in the
Abelian case. For the charged hypermultiplet in an Abelian gauge
superfield background we construct the deformed holomorphic
effective action.
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