

Pepan Letters

Annual Reports
To Authors

Particles and Nuclei, Letters
[ISSN 1814-5957] (Print), [ISSN 1814-5973] (Online)

The journal Physics of Elementary Particles and Atomic Nuclei, Letters, brief name Particles and Nuclei, Letters, publishes the articles with results of the original theoretical, experimental, scientific-technical, methodical and applied research. Subject-matter of articles covers the principal fields of research at JINR: theoretical physics, elementary particle physics, relativistic nuclear physics, nuclear physics and related problems in other branches of physics, neutron physics, condensed matter physics, physics and technique at low temperature, physics and technique of accelerators, physical experimental instruments and methods, physical computer experiments, applied research in these branches of physics and radiology, ecology and nuclear medicine. The journal Physics of Particles and Nuclei, Letters is translated and published in English in MAIK "Nauka/Interperiodica" from 2004.

Archive (1984-2023) Editorial board Guidance for Authors

Year 2024, issues: 1

Issue 1
Krivoruchenko M. I., Šimkovic F.
Neutrino Mixing Matrix in Terms of Neutrino Mass Matrix and Its Frobenius Covariants

Abstracts (eng, 31 Kb)
Volkova D. A., Gramotkov N. A., Teryaev O. V.
Invariants for Angular Distribution in Lepton Pair Production

(rus, 242 Kb)
Anikin I. V.
Vacuum Integration: UV and IR Divergencies

Abstracts (eng, 29 Kb)
Buyanov G. O.
The Use of Bremsstrahlung of a Linear Electron Accelerator for Processing Large Objects

(rus, 1.165 Kb)
Nouri S., Khanbabaei B.
Exploring Stopping Power Models for Efficient Ignition Condition in Inertial Confinement Fusion Driven by Fast Ignition Method

Abstracts (eng, 43 Kb)
Manaenkov S. I.
Coherent Electroproduction of Vector Mesons on Spinless Targets

Abstracts (eng, 36 Kb)
Volkov I. S., Averyanov A. V., Vnukov I. E., Gurchin Yu. V., Enache D., Isupov A. Yu., Karachuk J. T., Krivenkov D. O., Kurilkin P. K., Ladygin V. P., Livanov A. N., Piyadin S. M., Reznikov S. G., Skhomenko Ya. T., Terekhin A. A., Tishevsky A. V., Khrenov A. N., Chernykh E. V., Janek M.
Vector Analyzing Power in Quasi-Elastic Proton–Proton Scattering at the Energy 500 MeV/nucleon

(rus, 1.630 Kb)
Selyunin A. S., Anfimov N. V., Kuznetsova K. I., Rybnikov A. V., Fedoseev D. V., Samoylov O. B., Sokolov S. A., Chetverikov A. V.
Method for Studying the Characteristics of Light Readout Systems in Liquid Argon

(rus, 1.609 Kb)
Krupko S. A., Gorshkov A. V., Bezbakh A. A., Fomichev A. S., Ter-Akopian G. M.
System of Cryogenic Physical Targets for the ACCULINNA-2 Facility

(rus, 1.963 Kb)
Khodzhibagiyan H. G., Novikov M. S., Fisher E. Z., Shemchuk A. Â.
The Concept of the HTSC Magnetic System of the «New Nuclotron» Synchrotron

(rus, 1.963 Kb)
Turdiev S., Zinicovscaia I., Vergel K., Yushin N., Chaligava O., Grozdov D.
Determination of Elemental Composition of Soils Collected near Waste Incineration Plants in Moscow Using Neutron Activation Analysis

Abstracts (eng, 39 Kb)
Gerasimchuk M., Uzhinskiy A.
Food Recognition for Smart Restaurants and Self-Service Cafes

Abstracts (eng, 34 Kb)



A. P. Isaev

Editorial board:

A. V. Bednyakov (Scientific Editor),
D. Blaschke,
A. V. Boreyko,
D. N. Voskresensky,
S. N. Ershov,
E.-M. Ilgenfritz,
M. G. Itkis (Deputy Editors-In-Chief),
V. V. Ivanov,
D. I. Kazakov,
V. P. Ladygin,
G. G. Musulmanbekov,
D. V. Naumov,
A. G. Olchevski,
D. V. Peshekhonov (Deputy Editors-In-Chief),
G. D. Shirkov,
V. N. Shvetsov,
S. I. Sidorchuk,
E. M. Syresin

Head of the Editorial Office

G. V. Fedorova

Tel.: (496) 216-26-50
e-mail: pepan@jinr.ru
FAX: (496) 216-58-92
