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Here you can find JINR preprints and communications in pdf format starting from 1999. File size is given in bytes in round brackets.

Subject Categories for JINR Publications Archive (1999 - 2023)

E4-2024-27 (1.257.216)
Efimov A. D., Izosimov I. N.
Advanced Microscopic IBM1 Version. Description of the Crossing of Bands in Xe and Th Isotopes

The boson representation of fermion operators is used. A method is described for calculating the parameters of boson operators based on consideration of matrix elements between phonon states with a minimum number of the latter. The configuration space of bosons is expanded up to bosons with multipole J = 14+. Within the framework of this method, the effect of backbending in even isotopes 112–128Xe is considered, where it is clearly manifested. In even 220–236Th isotopes, where backbending is observed only for the lightest of these nuclei, the intersection of bands is obtained only for two nuclei. Moreover, for 222Th it is so smooth that it does not appear through the moment of inertia. Among the properties, the energies of the yrast bands and the values of B(E2) are considered.

P13-2024-22 (6.474.596)
Pepelyshev Yu. N. et al.
Preliminary Computations for the Pulsed Reactor IBR-4. Optimization of the Neutron Flux

The IBR-4 pulsed reactor with a power of 4 MW and a pulse repetition frequency of 10 s–1 is considered as a pulsed neutron source to replace the IBR-2M reactor, which will be decommissioned by the end of the thirties. The design of the IBR-4 is based on the MBIR reactor with some rearrangement of the core. The core, with the changes made, ensures the nuclear safety of the reactor and minimizes the low-frequency fluctuations in pulse energy inherent in periodic pulse reactors. The optimal design of the IBR-4 core is based on the basic design with the addition of beryllium reflectors and small volume water moderators. The IBR-4 reactor, with a relatively small average power of 4 MW, makes it possible to obtain thermal neutron flux densities on the surface of the water moderator for the derived neutron beams at the level of 1.2 · 1014 cm–2 · s–1, and in the area close to the surface — 3.0 · 1014 cm–2 · s–1. Therefore, IBR-4 is a powerful pulsed source of thermal neutrons.

E11-2024-17 (469.408)
Gordeev I. S., Bugay A. N.
Computer Modeling of a New Type Galactic Cosmic Rays Simulator

A new type of a galactic cosmic rays (GCR) simulator, provided at the JINR Laboratory of Radiation Biology, is potentially capable of generating a complex radiation field with inclusions of a variety of ions with a wide energy range and with required abundance at the charged particle accelerators. This complex multicomponent radiation field simulates radiation environment inside a spacecraft during an interplanetary flight, for example, to Mars. The paper provides an analytical description of the GCR simulator as well as a description of a specially developed software that enables selection of necessary parameters of a simulator model for creating relevant mixed radiation conditions. The software implements processing of data obtained with Monte Carlo-based FLUKA and PHITS programs, fitting and optimization of model parameters as well as data visualization tools.

D17-2024-16 (43.002.580)
Shukrinov Yu. M., Botha A. E.
JINR-UNISA Results of Collaboration on Theoretical Study of Josephson Nanostructures

An overview of the results obtained within the framework of the JINR—UNISA collaboration in the field of theoretical study of Josephson nanostructures is presented. In particular, our work has involved studies of a wide variety of nonlinear dynamic effects in various systems of coupled Josephson junctions, including superconductor/ferromagnet/superconductor junctions, which are currently being investigated intensively due to the potential applications in superconducting electronics and spintronics.

E6-2024-14 (177.455)
Izosimov I. N.
Manifestations of the Intermediate Structure in the γ Decay of Non-Analog Resonances

The angular distributions of γ radiation during the decay of non-analog resonances in reactions 58, 60, 62Ni (p, γ ) 59,61,63Cu are analyzed. The coefficients of decomposition of angular distributions by Legendre polynomials, the correlation of widths and the distribution function of a mixture of multipoles δ for M1+E2 γ decays of non-analog resonances are analyzed. Unambiguous evidence of the non-statistical nature of the studied resonances has been obtained. A possible reason for the manifestation of non-statistical effects in (p, γ ) reactions is discussed.

E4-2024-13 (177.455)
Kuz'min V. A., Tetereva T. V.
Formation of Superconducting Pair Correlations in Spherical Even-Even Nuclei

The appearance of like nucleon pair correlations in the ground state of spherical even-even nuclei is considered within the special Bogoliubov transformation. It is confirmed that in closed subshell nuclei, superconducting pair correlations appear if the coupling constant G exceeds a certain threshold value. Rough upper and lower estimates are obtained for the threshold value. It is shown that superconducting correlations exist in open subshell nuclei at any positive G. In this case, nucleon pairs are distributed over all subshells participating in the pairing interaction.

P13-2024-7 (3.929.070)
Pepelyshev Yu. N. et al.
Preliminary Computations for the Pulsed Reactor IBR-4. Basic Composition

By the end of the thirties, the IBR-2M reactor will be decommissioned. The authors suggested that after the decommissioning of the reactor, they should not create an absolutely new neutron source, which would require significant development work, but use positive technical solutions tested at other fast neutron nuclear facilities, for example, IBR-2, IBR-2M, MBIR, BOR-60, BN-1200 and others. This is a conceptual vision of a new source, called IBR-4. Special attention in IBR-4 was devoted to the issues of stable reactor dynamics. The article is based on calculations for the so-called basic composition of the IBR-4, which considers the fundamental possibility of implementing positive technical solutions. In the next work, based on the basic composition, the IBR-4 core and its immediate environment — all that makes it possible to increase the density of the thermal neutron flux on the extracted neutron beams and at the same time fully ensure the reliability and safety of the reactor — will be considered. It is expected that the parameters of the IBR-4 will be significantly higher than the parameters of the IBR-2M.

P11-2024-5 (683.575)
Bureš M. et al.
Application of the Hopfield Network to SPD Track Reconstruction

One of the key stages of processing data from particle physics experiments is the reconstruction of trajectories (tracks) of interacting particles from measurement data. In the SPD experiment planned at the NICA collider, a special difficulty will be caused by the extremely high frequency of interactions (3 MHz), which leads to overlapping of events during the data acquisition in the time-slice mode, as well as by the strong contamination of data by fake measurements due to the specifics of the track detectors. This makes track reconstruction (tracking) algorithms very complicated.