

Pepan Letters

Annual Reports
To Authors

Particles and Nuclei, Letters
[ISSN 1814-5957] (Print), [ISSN 1814-5973] (Online)

The journal Physics of Elementary Particles and Atomic Nuclei, Letters, brief name Particles and Nuclei, Letters, publishes the articles with results of the original theoretical, experimental, scientific-technical, methodical and applied research. Subject-matter of articles covers the principal fields of research at JINR: theoretical physics, elementary particle physics, relativistic nuclear physics, nuclear physics and related problems in other branches of physics, neutron physics, condensed matter physics, physics and technique at low temperature, physics and technique of accelerators, physical experimental instruments and methods, physical computer experiments, applied research in these branches of physics and radiology, ecology and nuclear medicine. The journal Physics of Particles and Nuclei, Letters is translated and published in English in MAIK "Nauka/Interperiodica" from 2004.

Archive (1984-2023) Editorial board Guidance for Authors

Year 2024, issues: 1, 2 3, 4

Issue 1
Krivoruchenko M. I., Šimkovic F.
Neutrino Mixing Matrix in Terms of Neutrino Mass Matrix and Its Frobenius Covariants

Abstracts (eng, 31 Kb)
Volkova D. A., Gramotkov N. A., Teryaev O. V.
Invariants for Angular Distribution in Lepton Pair Production

(rus, 242 Kb)
Anikin I. V.
Vacuum Integration: UV and IR Divergencies

Abstracts (eng, 29 Kb)
Buyanov G. O.
The Use of Bremsstrahlung of a Linear Electron Accelerator for Processing Large Objects

(rus, 1.165 Kb)
Nouri S., Khanbabaei B.
Exploring Stopping Power Models for Efficient Ignition Condition in Inertial Confinement Fusion Driven by Fast Ignition Method

Abstracts (eng, 43 Kb)
Manaenkov S. I.
Coherent Electroproduction of Vector Mesons on Spinless Targets

Abstracts (eng, 36 Kb)
Volkov I. S., Averyanov A. V., Vnukov I. E., Gurchin Yu. V., Enache D., Isupov A. Yu., Karachuk J. T., Krivenkov D. O., Kurilkin P. K., Ladygin V. P., Livanov A. N., Piyadin S. M., Reznikov S. G., Skhomenko Ya. T., Terekhin A. A., Tishevsky A. V., Khrenov A. N., Chernykh E. V., Janek M.
Vector Analyzing Power in Quasi-Elastic Proton–Proton Scattering at the Energy 500 MeV/nucleon

(rus, 1.630 Kb)
Selyunin A. S., Anfimov N. V., Kuznetsova K. I., Rybnikov A. V., Fedoseev D. V., Samoylov O. B., Sokolov S. A., Chetverikov A. V.
Method for Studying the Characteristics of Light Readout Systems in Liquid Argon

(rus, 1.609 Kb)
Krupko S. A., Gorshkov A. V., Bezbakh A. A., Fomichev A. S., Ter-Akopian G. M.
System of Cryogenic Physical Targets for the ACCULINNA-2 Facility

(rus, 1.963 Kb)
Khodzhibagiyan H. G., Novikov M. S., Fisher E. Z., Shemchuk A. Â.
The Concept of the HTSC Magnetic System of the «New Nuclotron» Synchrotron

(rus, 1.963 Kb)
Turdiev S., Zinicovscaia I., Vergel K., Yushin N., Chaligava O., Grozdov D.
Determination of Elemental Composition of Soils Collected near Waste Incineration Plants in Moscow Using Neutron Activation Analysis

Abstracts (eng, 39 Kb)
Gerasimchuk M., Uzhinskiy A.
Food Recognition for Smart Restaurants and Self-Service Cafes

Abstracts (eng, 34 Kb)
Issue 2
Alizada M. R., Ahmadov A. I., Arbuzov A. B.
Prompt Photon Production in Subprocesses qg → qγ and qγ → qγ of Compton Scattering in Proton-Proton Collisions at NICA Energies

(rus, 219 Kb)
Sing Y. P., Kumar V., Shukla A., Sharma M. K., Choudhary A., Jain P., Kumar Y., Sapra R., Rohtash, Jha K., Verma T., Rathod N., Silarski M., Singh U., Sharma S.
Gamma Decay Hindrance Factors Used in Systematic Configuration Assignments

Abstracts (eng, 47 Kb)
Grashin P. A., Sveshnikov K. A.
The Gershtein–Greiner–Zeldovich Effect: Vacuum Charge Density and Vacuum Energy

(rus, 837 Kb)
Avdeev S. P., Busin S. G., Buryakov M. G., Golovatyuk V. M., Litvinenko A. G., Litvinenko E. I., Malakhov A. I., Milnov G. D., Otgongerel B., Sovd M.
Counting Rates during Collisions of Main and Satellite Bunches at NICA

(rus, 168 Kb)
Babkin V. A., Buzin S. G., Burdyko A. S., Buryakov M. G., Golovatyuk V. M., Daribaeva A., Dmitriev A. V., Dubinchik B. V., Dulov P. O., Zaitsev A. A., Kolesnikov R. Yu., Malakhov A. I., Rumyantsev M. M.
Time-of-Flight Particle Identification System of the NA61/SHINE Experiment at CERN

(rus, 2.606 Kb)
Potylitsyn A. P., Baldin A. A., Bleko V. V., Vukolov A. V., Naumenko G. A., Karataev P. V., Kobets V. V., Kocharyan V. R., Kubankin A. S., Nazhmudinov R. M., Toktaganova M. M., Shevelev M. V., Shkitov D. A., Bleko V. V., Korovkin D. S., Kishin I. A., Kidanova E. Yu.
Characteristics of Coherent Transition Radiation in the Prewave Zone from the Finite-Size Target

(rus, 1.051 Kb)
Potylitsyn A. P., Vukolov A. V., Shevelev M. V., Baldin A. A., Bleko V. V., Bleko V. V., Kobets V. V., Karataev P. V., Kocharyan V. R.
On the Effect of Focusing of Coherent Diffraction Radiation by a Semi-Parabolic Target

(rus, 559 Kb)
Podlesnyy M. M., Kruglov V. V., Bodnarchuk V. I., Milkov V. M., Bogdzel A. A.
A Method for Increasing the Efficiency of Thermal Neutron Detection by a Scintillation Detector Based on a 6LiF/ZnS(Ag) Screen and Wavelength Shifting Optical Fibers Using Digital Signal Processing

(rus, 867 Kb)
Perepelkin E. E., Verhoglyadov A. E., Kushnir I. V., Klimenko M. V.
Natural Frequencies and Eigenfunctions of a Composite Rod

(rus, 579 Kb)
Shevchik E. A., Zinatulina D. R., Belov V. V., Brudanin V. B., Gusev K. N., Gurov Yu. B., Egorov V. G., Kazartsev S. V., Medvedev D. V., Ponomarev D. V., Rozova I. E., Rumyantseva N. S., Fomina M. V., Shirchenko M. V.
Natural Frequencies and Eigenfunctions of a Composite Rod

(rus, 579 Kb)
Batrakov A. M., Bryzgunov M. I., Goncharov A. D., Gusev I. A., Zharikov A. A., Parkhomchuk V. V., Reva V. B., Senkov D. V.
System of High-Voltage Supply for Electron Cooling for the NICA Booster with Ripple Suppression

(rus, 3.697 Kb)
Kurganov A., Vasilev O., Karmanov D., Kovalev I., Panov A., Podorozhnyi D., Slivin A., Syresin E., Turundaevskiy A., Filatov G., Shulga A.
Experimental Alignment Procedure in the SDC-NICA Project

(rus, 3.908 Kb)
Zinicovscaia I., Safonov A., Kravtsova A., Chaligava O., Germonova E.
Neutron Activation Analysis of Rare Earth Elements (Sc, La, Ce, Nd, Sm, Eu, Tb, Dy, Yb) in the Diagnosis of Ecosystems of Donbass

Abstracts (eng, 41 Kb)
Hassan A. A., Dikova T. S., Afanasyev V. V.
Analysis of Libraries of Evaluated Nuclear Data Using the Example of Np-237 Sphere Criticality Calculation

(rus, 792 Kb)
Issue 3
Ivanov S. V., Andreianov A. I., Bragin A. A., Soldatov A. P., Tyurin N. E.
Upgrade Projects for Hadron Accelerator Complex of NRC «Kurchatov Institute» — IHEP

(rus, 1.339 Kb)
Butenko À. V., Brovko Î. I., Galimov À. R., Golovensky B. V., Gorbachev Å. V., Donets Å. Å., Êàrpinsky V. N., Êîstromin S. À., Lebedev V. À., Levterov Ê. À., Ìeshkov I. N., Mjalkovsky V. V., Nikiphorov D. N., Sergeev À. S., Sidorin À. Î., Smirnov V. L., Syresin Å. Ì., Òrubnikov G. V., Òuzikov À. V., Khodzhibagiyan H. G., Shandov Ì. Ì.
Status of the NICA Complex

(rus, 2.162 Kb)
Gavrish Yu. N., Filatov O. G., Zuev Yu. V., Blagov A. E., Presnyakov M. Yu., Targonsky A. V., Samarin A. V., Kovalchuk M. V., Dyubkov V. S., Yurin I. A., Indiushny E. N.
Accelerating and Storage Complex of Mega Installation SILA

(rus, 1.076 Kb)
Dyubkov V. S., Polozov S. M., Rashchikov V. I.
Compton Backscattering X-Ray Source at NRNU MEPhI

(rus, 1.774 Kb)
Rassadov D. N., Boytsov A. Yu., Butenko E. A., Gudkov S. V., Donets D. E., Donets E. D., Donets E. E., Malyshev N. A., Ponkin D. O., Ramzdorf A. Yu., Salnikov V. V., Shutov V. B.
The Prospects of Use of the Source of Multicharged Ions «Krion-6T» on the Injection Complex NICA: Multiple Injection of Heavy Element Ions

(rus, 3.915 Kb)
Kurakin V. G.
Geometric Properties of a Beam Formed from Radionuclide Positron Source by Stochastic Electron Optics

(rus, 417 Kb)
Osina Yu. K., Galchuk A. V., Stogov Yu. I., Kirtsev D. V., Klinov A. P.
Proton Beam Output from a High-Energy Cyclotron with Deep Energy Control

(rus, 9.007 Kb)
Baranov G. N., Levichev E. B., Skamarokha M. A.
Correction of Influence of Wigglers and Undulators on Beam Dynamics in SRF «SKIF» Synchrotron Light Source

(rus, 1.099 Kb)
Senichev Yu. V., Aksentev A. E., Kolokolchikov S. D., Melnikov A. A., Nikolaev N. N., Ladygin V. P., Syresin E. M.
Quasi-Frozen Spin Structures at Collider NICA as Pathways to Search for the Electric Dipole Moment of Deuterons and Axion Dark Matter

(rus, 3.803 Kb)
Senichev Yu. V., Aksentev A. E., Kolokolchikov S. D., Melnikov A. A., Ladygin V. P., Syresin E. M.
Magneto-Optical Structure of the Nuclotron for Searching for the Electric Dipole Moment of Light Nuclei

(rus, 4.667 Kb)
Arsentyeva M. V., Levichev A. E., Batrakov A. M., Volkov V. N., Ma X. C., Meshkov O. I., Nikiforov D. A., Pavlenko A. V., Barnyakov A. M., Kondakov A. A., Kotov E. S., Pavlov O. A., Chekmenev D. I., Samoylov S. L., Semenov A. M., Schegolkov N. S.
Results of Operation of the Test Accelerator Facility for the SKIF Linear Accelerator

(rus, 7.813 Kb)
Bryzgunov M. I., Bubley A. V., Lebedev V. A., Meshkov I. N., Osipov K. G., Parkhomchuk V. V., Panasyuk V. M., Prokofichev Yu. V., Reva V. B., Sergeev A. S., Semenov S. V., Timonin R. V., Shpakov V. S.
First Experiments on Electron Cooling of Ion Beams in the NICA Booster

(rus, 754 Kb)
Kremnev N. S., Bryzgunov M. I., Bubley A. V., Konstantinov V. M., Korchagin V. Ya., Reva V. B., Ruvinsky S. I., Panasyuk V. M., Parkhomchuk V. V., Pospolita S. P., Putmakov A. A., Shiyankov S. V.
Magnetic System Design of HV Electron Cooling System for the NICA Collider

(rus, 7.347 Kb)
Reva V. B., Bryzgunov M. I.
Features of the Longitudinal Electron Friction Force in Experiments on the COSY Synchrotron

(rus, 1.939 Kb)
Shandov M. M., Gorbachev E. V., Kostromin S. A., Lebedev V. A., Nikolaichuk I. Yu., Sedykh G. S., Smirnov V. L.
Measurements of the NICA Booster Lattice Characteristics

(rus, 4.320 Kb)
Koop I. A., Bedarev E. V., Otboev A. V., Shatunov Yu. M.
Free Spin Precession as an Alternative to the Resonant Depolarization Method in Future Electron—Positron Colliders

(rus, 771 Kb)
Klopenkov R. M., Akimova A. A., Gavrish Yu. N., Gorbunov I. V., Lazarev I. V., Leukhina A. N., Lugin V. P., Klopenkov M. L., Kravchuk K. A., Osina Yu. K., Stepanov D. N., Usanova M. V., Trifonov S. A.
Multipurpose Complex Based on Cyclotron C-80

(rus, 8.853 Kb)
Kutergin D. D., Lotov I. K., Minakov V. A., Spitsyn R. I., Tuev P. V., Lotov K. V.
Plasma Wakefield Acceleration Driven by XCELS Laser Pulse

(rus, 1.251 Kb)
Ashanin I. A., Bondarenko T. V., Vladimirov M. V., Gusarova M. A., Kluchevskaia Yu. D., Lalayan M. V., Polozov S. M., Rashchikov V. I.
Design of an RF Photogun for a Linac-Injector for the USSR FEL

(rus, 626 Kb)
Kozlovskij K. I., Morozova E. A., Vovchenko E. D., Alekhine A. M., Isaev A. A., Melekhov A. P., Polozov S. M., Shikanov A. E.
Laser-Spark Source of Intense Ion Fluxes for Accelerators

(rus, 3.827 Kb)
Pugachev D. K., Bogomolov S. L., Bondarchenko A. E., Berestov K. I., Kuzmenkov K. I., Efremov A. A., Loginov V. N., Mironov V. E., Protasov A. A.
Optimization of Parameters of Hexapole Magnets for ECR Ion Sources

(rus, 3.674 Kb)
Samarokov N. Yu., Rashchikov V. I., Polozov S. M., Zbruev R. A.
Preliminary Tests of a Modified Electron Source for a Medical Therapeutic Accelerator

(rus, 7.849 Kb)
Budanov Yu. A., Kalinin V. A., Frolov B. A.
Carbon Ion Injection System for a Complex of Radiation Therapy

(rus, 823 Kb)
Abdrashitov G. F., Kapitonov V. A., Kolesnikov Ia. A., Savinov S. S., Singatulina N. Sh., Singatulin Sh. R., Sorokin I. N., Taskaev S. Yu.
Compact Accelerator-Based Fast Neutrons Source for Radiation Testing of Perspective Materials

(rus, 1.148 Kb)
Bedarev E. V., Koop I. A., Otboev A. V., Shatunov Yu. M.
Planning the Experiment to Determine the Weinberg Running Angle for the J/ψ-Meson Energy at the Charm-Tau Factory

(rus, 570 Kb)
Baistrukov M. A., Nikiforov D. A., Piminov P. A., Krasnov A. A., Rotov E. A.
The SRF SKIF Storage Ring Vacuum Chamber Impedance Calculation

(rus, 4.447 Kb)
Osina Yu. K., Galchuk A. V., Gorbunov I. V., Leukhina A. N.
Beam Dynamics in the Modernized C-80 Cyclotron and Transport System

(rus, 5.912 Kb)
Khabibullina E. R., Nikolaev V. I., Sitnikov A. L., Sergeeva O. S., Skachkov V. S., Kropachev G. N., Kulevoy T. V., Semennikov A. I., Boriskov A. S., Guzov M. A.
Beam Dynamics Simulation of the High Energy Ion Transport Channel (HEBT)

(rus, 4.922 Kb)
Yunenko K. E., Kobets V. V., Trifonov A. N., Barnyakov A. M.
Research of the Accelerating Structure of the Linac-200 Linear Electron Accelerator

(rus, 5.376 Kb)
Bekhtenev E. A., Karpov G. V., Cheblakov P. B., Gerasyov A. V., Karnaev S. E., Lipovyy D. A.
Synchronous Monitoring of Devices and Beam Parameters on the SKIF Accelerator Complex

(rus, 138 Kb)
Novoskoltsev F. N., Sinyukov R. Yu., Sokolov A. A.
Formation of Neutrino Beams at the U-70 Accelerator Complex with Parent Particle Deflection

(rus, 295 Kb)
Bikchurina M. I., Bykov T. A., Kasatov D. A., Sokolova E. O., Taskaev S. Yu., Shuklina A. A.
Study of the Reaction 11 B(p,α)αα in the 0.3–2.15 MeV Proton Beam Energy Range

(rus, 2.247 Kb)
Bikchurina M. I., Bykov T. A., Kasatov D. A., Kolesnikov Ia. A., Sokolova E. O., Shchudlo I. M., Taskaev S. Yu.
Study of Impurities Accumulation in a Thin Lithium Target by an Ion Scattering Spectroscopy

(rus, 3.865 Kb)
Zbruev R. A., Batov A. A., Bondarenko T. V., Polozov S. M.
Gamma Radiation Simulations of the Medical Therapy Linac's Target

(rus, 2.959 Kb)
Kasatov D. A., Kolesnikov Ia. A., Konovalova V. D., Porosev V. V., Sokolova E. O., Shchudlo I. M., Taskaev S. Yu.
Development of a Cold Neutron Beam Shaping Assembly for the Accelerator-Based Neutron Source VITA

(rus, 2.215 Kb)
Liakin D. A., Barabin S. V., Kuzmichev V. G., Kulevoy T. V., Orlov A. Yu.
The Decomposition Method and Modeling of the RFQ Resonator Using Scattering Matrices Applied to Field Adjustment and Stabilization Systems

(rus, 3.134 Kb)
Shebolaev I. V., Chernousov Yu. D.
Measurement of the Phase Density of Beam Bunches Formed by a Microwave Controlled Electron Gun

(rus, 983 Kb)
Kolokolchikov S., Senichev Yu., Aksentev A., Melnikov A., Ladygin V., Syresin E.
Longitudinal Dynamics in NICA Barrier Bucket RF System at Transition Energy Including Impedances in BLonD

(rus, 1.259 Kb)
Levichev A. E., Arsentyeva Ì. V., Samoilov S. L., Zhironkin I. S., Mikhailov K. I., Sumbaev A. P., Kobets V. V.
On the Influence of the Operating Frequency Shift on the Efficiency of the Accelerating Structure of the LUE-200 Accelerator

(rus, 503 Kb)
Popov A., Studenikin A.
Oscillations of Majorana Neutrinos in Supernova and CP Violation

Abstracts (eng, 42 Kb)
Gning M. T., Sakho I.
Resonance Energies of Autoionizing Rydberg Series from the Single Photoionization of the 4s2 4p2(3 P1) and 4s2 4p2 (1D2) Excited States of the Br3+Ion

Abstracts (eng, 47 Kb)
Boumali A., Selama Z., Serdouk F.
Dynamics of a Spin-1 Particle in a Two-Dimensional Kemmer Oscillator Framework within Noncommutative Phase Space

Abstracts (eng, 35 Kb)
Volkov M. K., Pivovarov A. A., Nurlan K.
The Decays τ → [K K0 π0 , K K + π , K0 K0 π] ντ in the NJL Quark Model

Abstracts (eng, 52 Kb)
Arbuzov A., Kuznetsov D., Latosh B., Shmidt V.
Inflation as a One-Loop Effect

Abstracts (eng, 39 Kb)
Sheremetev A. D., Dementev D. V., Leontiev V. V., Shitenkov M. O., Murin Yu. A.
Technological Process of Assembly and QA Testing of Silicon Tracking Modules with Silicon Strip Sensor

(rus, 22.050 Kb)
Boyko I. R., Huseynov N. A., Yeletskih I. V., Didenko A. R., Dolovova O. A., Tropina A. D.
Application of Artificial Neural Networks for the Search of Higgs Boson Production in Association with a Single Top Quark

(rus, 1.118 Kb)
Zhabitsky V. M.
Monitoring of Betatron Oscillations in the JINR Booster Synchrotron

(rus, 2.464 Kb)
Shalyapin V. N., Tyutyunnikov S. I., Artyukh V. A.
Analysis of the Carbon Content in Marine Sediments

(rus, 481 Kb)
Kirilov A. S., Morkovnikov I. A., Murashkevich S. M., Petukhova T. B., Truntova L. A.
Reorganization of the Sonix+ Software Package to Work with Data in the Event List Form

(rus, 4.004 Kb)
Stukalov S. S., Sobolev Yu. G., Penionzhkevich Yu. E.
The Measurements of Total Cross Sections of Reactions with Weakly Bound Nuclei Using 4π-Scintillation Spectrometer

(rus, 4.004 Kb)
Yeremin A. V., Popeko A. G., Svirikhin A. I., Malyshev O. N., Popov Yu. A., Bychkov M. A., Isaev A. V., Katrasev D. E., uznetsova A. A., Mukhin R. S., Osipov N. F., Sailaubekov B. S., Sokol E. A., Tezekbayeva M. S., Chelnokov M. L., Chepigin V. I.
Universal GRAND Gas-Filled Separator. First Experimental Results

(rus, 3.313 Kb)
Meshkov I. N., Eseev M. K., Kuziv I. V., Kostin A. A., Sidorin A. A., Orlov O. S.
The Occurrence of Defects in Synthetic HPHT Diamonds during Electron Irradiation According to the PAS Data

(rus, 3.057 Kb)
Nikitenko Yu. V., Kolupaev E. D., Zhuravlev V. V.
Neutron Gate at Nonmagnetic Wall of Neutron Accumulator

(rus, 1.986 Kb)
Morkovnikov I. A., Truntova L. A.
PyChannel Messaging Service in Sonix+

(rus, 1.635 Kb)
Kashunin I., Mitsyn V., Strizh T., Golunov A.
InfluxDB2 Software in the JINR MLIT MICC Monitoring System

Abstracts (eng, 32 Kb)
Zinchenko D. A., Nikonov E. G., Zinchenko A. I., Zinchenko R. A.
Development of the Vector Finder Toolkit for Track Reconstruction in the BM@N Experiment

Abstracts (eng, 35 Kb)
Sidorov N. E., Chudoba D. M., Gorshkova Yu. E., Kochnev P. O., Sadovsky D. A.
User Program for the Neutron Source Reactor IBR-2 (FLNP JINR)

Abstracts (eng, 37 Kb)
Issue 4
XXVII International Scientific Conference of Young Scientists and Specialists (AYSS-2023)
Dubna, Russia, October 30 – November 3, 2023
Avdeev N., Dyadina P.
Accretion in a Hybrid Metric-Palatini f(R)-Gravity onto Spherically Symmetric Black Holes

Abstracts (eng, 40 Kb)
Savkova N. A., Radzhabov A. E.
Analysis of 1/Nc Corrections in the Quark Model for the Pion Transition Form Factor

Abstracts (eng, 38 Kb)
Sitkov D. A., Trofimov L. E., Filonchik P. G., Titarenko Yu. E., Barabanov A. L.
Analysis of the Cross Sections of the Formation of Nuclei in Isomeric States in (n,p) Reactions

Abstracts (eng, 39 Kb)
Arkhipova K.
Correlation Functions in Holographic RG Flow of 3d Supergravity

Abstracts (eng, 32 Kb)
Bezuglov M. A.
Differential Equation Method for Expansion of Hypergeometric Functions

Abstracts (eng, 35 Kb)
Garima Punetha
Effect of Magnetic Field on Dual QCD Quark–Hadron Phase Transition

Abstracts (eng, 32 Kb)
Zenin O., Alexeyev S., Nemtinova A., Baiderin A.
Extended Gravity and Black Hole Shadows: Rotation Accounting

Abstracts (eng, 38 Kb)
Mukhaeva A.
Investigating of Conformal Window in the Litim–Sannino Model at 433 Order

Abstracts (eng, 35 Kb)
Iakhibbaev R. M.
Regge Limit of Correlation Function in 6D Biscalar Fishnet Models

Abstracts (eng, 28 Kb)
Panasenko L.
Relic Gravitational Wave Conversion into Photons in the Cosmological Magnetic Field

Abstracts (eng, 37 Kb)
Saiko V., Karpov A.
Study of the Possibility of Obtaining Neutron-Enriched Isotopes with the Magic Number N=126 in the Multinucleon Transfer Reactions Induced by Radioactive Ion Beams

Abstracts (eng, 42 Kb)
Galkin V. O., Savchenko E. M.
Relativistic Description of Asymmetric Fully Heavy Tetraquarks

Abstracts (eng, 42 Kb)
Voznaya U. E., Arbuzov A. B.
Higher-Order Radiative Corrections to Unpolarized Muon Decay Spectrum

Abstracts (eng, 33 Kb)
Pukhov T. A., Rumyantsev D. A., Chistyakov M. V.
The Multiple Compton Process in a Strongly Magnetized Plasma

Abstracts (eng, 37 Kb)
Syurakshin A., Saleev V., Yushankhai V.
Simulated Quantum Computation of Non-Equilibrium Charge Transport in a Cyclic Molecule

Abstracts (eng, 38 Kb)
Vedeneev V. Yu., Rodin A. M., Krupa L., Abakumov A. M., Chernysheva E. V., Guliaev A. V., Guliaeva A. V., Kohout P., Kohoutova A., Komarov A. B., Kurkova N. Yu., Novoselov A. S., Opichal A., Podshibyakin A. V., Salamatin V. S., Yukhimchuk S. A.
Cryogenic Gas-Filled Ion Stopping Cell as an Instrument for Experimental Study of Heaviest Nuclei

Abstracts (eng, 52 Kb)
Boyko I., Didenko A., Dolovova O., Huseynov N., Tropina A., Yeletskikh I.
A New Evolutionary Algorithm for Optimizing the Search of a Rare Higgs Boson Production Channel

Abstracts (eng, 39 Kb)
Zhavoronkova I., Rumyantsev M.
Alignment of the TOF-400 Detector at the BM@N Experiment

Abstracts (eng, 34 Kb)
Vasilieva A., Burov N., Kraeva A., Nigmatkulov G.
Azimuthally Differential Two-Pion Femtoscopy in Zr + Zr and Ru + Ru Collisions at √sNN = 200 GeV Using the UrQMD Model

Abstracts (eng, 45 Kb)
Idrisov D., Segal I., Golosov O., Taranenko A.
Centrality Determination Method in Nuclear Collisions by Using Hadron Calorimeter

Abstracts (eng, 41 Kb)
Ivanova A. D., Sheshukov A. S., Samoylov O. B.
Preliminary Estimation of the Atmospheric Neutrino Detection Efficiency in NOvA

Abstracts (eng, 36 Kb)
Lenskii P., Chukanov A.
Determination of the Photon Detection Efficiency, Time and Spatial Resolution of the Light Collecting System of the Near Liquid-Argon Detector (ND-LAr) of the DUNE Experiment

Abstracts (eng, 37 Kb)
Lashmanov N.A., Yurevich V. I., Sedykh S. A., Rogov V. Yu., Sergeev S. V., Grigoriev P. N., Tikhomirov V. V., Timoshenko A. A.
Development of a TOF Neutron Spectrometer in the BM@N Experiment

Abstracts (eng, 30 Kb)
Hambardzumyan Ye., Kharlov Yu.
Electron Identification with the Electromagnetic Calorimeter and Its Application for Charmonia Studies in the Experiment ALICE3 at the LHC

Abstracts (eng, 42 Kb)
Kleimenov M., Zaborov D.
Expected Neutrino Rates from Point-Like Astrophysical Sources in Baikal-GVD

Abstracts (eng, 37 Kb)
Tiurin I. S. for the OKA Collaboration
K+ → π0μ+νγ and K+ → π0e+νγ Decays: Recent Results from the OKA Experiment

Abstracts (eng, 52 Kb)
Volkov I. S., Ladygin V. P., Skhomenko Ya. T., Gurchin Yu. V., Isupov A. Yu., Janek M., Karachuk J.-T., Khrenov A. N., Kurilkin P. K., Livanov A. N., Piyadin S. M., Reznikov S. G., Terekhin A. A., Tishevsky A. V., Averyanov A. V., Chernykh E. V., Enache D., Krivenkov D. O., Vnukov I. E.
Measurements of the Deuteron and Proton Beam Polarizations at the Nuclotron

Abstracts (eng, 38 Kb)
Sinegribov D. V., Andreev V. V., Kurylenka V. R., Serenkova I. A.
Model-Independent Constraints on Extra Neutral Heavy Bosons Effective Parameters at the Future e+e Colliders

(rus, 253 Kb)
Mamaev M.
On the Azimuthal Flow of Protons in the Heavy-Ion Collisions at √sNN = 2—4 GeV

Abstracts (eng, 37 Kb)
Zubankov A., Afanasiev S., Golubeva M., Guber F., Karpushkin N., Kutinova O., Morozov S., Sakulin D., Shabanov A., Sukhov E., Ustinov V.
Online Monitoring of the High Granular Neutron Time-of-Flight Detector Prototype for the BM@N Experiment

Abstracts (eng, 38 Kb)
Belyakova A., Chernousov I., Malyshkin Yu., Perevalova I., Zavyalov S.
Optimization of Cascade Simulation Process Using Spatial Parametrization

Abstracts (eng, 35 Kb)
Gertsenberger S. V., Ivanov A. V., Kirsanov M. M.
Probing Lepton Flavor Violation with NA64 Experiment

Abstracts (eng, 35 Kb)
Kuskov V. for the ALICE Collaboration
Recent Neutral Meson and Direct Photon Measurements with ALICE

Abstracts (eng, 39 Kb)
Ponomarev D. V., Bystryakov A. D., Konovalov A. M., Lubashevskiy A. V. for the νGeN Collaboration
Coherent Elastic Neutrino-Nucleus Scattering Search in the νGeN Experiment

Abstracts (eng, 39 Kb)
Alishina K. A., Stepanenko Yu. Yu.
Study of Λ-Hyperon Production in Collisions of Heavy Ions with Solid Targets in the BM@N Experiment

Abstracts (eng, 44 Kb)
Ospennikov N. Yu., Shipilova A. V.
The Study of Backgrounds in Direct Photon Production at SPD NICA Energies

Abstracts (eng, 41 Kb)
Miloi M. M. for the DsTau Collaboration
Performances of the Reconstruction of the Primary Proton Vertices along the Beam Axis in the NA65 (DsTau) Experiment

Abstracts (eng, 38 Kb)
Omelyanchuk S. S., Saleev V. A.
Z-Boson pT Spectrum and Lepton Angular Coefficients

Abstracts (eng, 38 Kb)
Okhotnikov A. V.
Analysis of the Rare Kaon Decay K+ → π+ππ+γ in the NA62

(rus, 2 203 Kb)
Kohoutova A., Rodin A. M., Gulyaev A. V., Gulyaeva A. V., Vedeneev V. Yu., Àbakumov À. Ì., Kliman J., Komarov A. B., Kohout P., Krupa L., Kurkova N. Yu., Maheer A., Novoselov A. S., Opichal A., Pechousek J., Podshibyakin A. V., Salamatin V. S., Stepantsov S. V., Chernysheva E. V., Yukhimchuk S. A.
Extraction Time Simulations of a Cryogenic Gas Stopping Cell Designed to Study the Properties of Superheavy Elements

Abstracts (eng, 50 Kb)
Biriukov A.
A Fast and Accurate Tool for Calculation of Characteristics of Capacitive Micromachined Ultrasound Transducers (CMUT)

Abstracts (eng, 32 Kb)
Lapkin A., Lavrov G., Makarova V., Sotenskii R., Truong H. B. P.
Development of Clustering Algorithm for Pixel Detectors for FPGA

Abstracts (eng, 37 Kb)
Bychkov A., Rogachevsky O., Hnatic S.
Implementation of Task for Calibration of MPD TPC Electron Drift Velocity

Abstracts (eng, 32 Kb)
Dubinin F., Boyko N., Konotop A., Dolganov G., Zhurkina A.
PET Prototype Based on Scintillation Detectors GAGG-SiPM Coupled to 32-Channel Petiroc2A Chip

Abstracts (eng, 38 Kb)
Kohout P., Kohoutová A., Schlattauer L., Opíchal A., Kouřil L., Pechoušek J.
PXI-Compatible Preamplifier and Amplifier for Proportional Gas Counters for Mössbauer Spectroscopy

Abstracts (eng, 40 Kb)
Tishevsky A. V., Dubinin F. A., Isupov A. Yu., Ladygin V. P., Nigmatkulov G. A., Reznikov S. G., Teterin P. E., Volkov I. S., Zakharov A. M.
The SPD Beam–Beam Counter Scintillation Detector Prototype Tests with FERS-5200 Front-End Readout System

Abstracts (eng, 43 Kb)
Morozova S. D., Shipilova A. V.
The Simulation of Interactions in the Straw-Based SPD Track Detector and Primary Vertex Reconstruction

Abstracts (eng, 33 Kb)
Bautin V., Bulanova S., Chukanov A., Enik T., Kuznetsova E., Maleev V., Mukhamejanova A., Salamatin K., Sosnov D., Zelenov A.
TIGER ASIC as a Candidate Front-End Electronics Solution for Future Straw Trackers

Abstracts (eng, 38 Kb)
Zakharov A. M., Dubinin F. A., Isupov A. Yu., Ladygin V. P., Manakonov A. D., Nigmatkulov G. A., Reznikov S. G., Teterin P. E., Tishevsky A. V., Volkov I. S., Zhurkina A. O.
Tile Detector Configurations Testing for the SPD Beam–Beam Counter Prototype

Abstracts (eng, 43 Kb)
Yujakov I. A., Madzhidov A. I., Dmitrenko V. V., Ulin S. E., Vlasik K. F., Grachev V. M., Egorov R. R., Krivova K. V., Uteshev Z. M., Chernysheva I. V., Shustov A. E.
Investigation of the Capabilities of a Xenon Gamma-Ray Spectrometer to Assess the Activity of an Isotope 6027Co

(rus, 1 321 Kb)
Ustinov V. V., Kutinova O. V., Sakulin D. G., Sukhov E. V., Ustinov D. V.
Track Scintillation Detector Prototype Based on SiPM Matrix

(rus, 5 967 Kb)
Brovko O., Syresin E., Morozova V., Morozov D., Karpuk A., Yablochkin M., Malyshev A.
Control System for Automatic Frequency Tuning of the Harmonic Station RF3 for Collider NICA

Abstracts (eng, 32 Kb)
Butenko E. A., Donets D. E., Dzugaev M. G., Malyshev N. A., Matyukhanov E. S., Ponkin D. O., Rassadov D. N.
Electron String Ion Source (ESIS) Ion Trap Control System Development

Abstracts (eng, 37 Kb)
Butenko E. A., Donets D. E., Dzugaev M. G., Malyshev N. A., Matyukhanov E. S., Ponkin D. O., Rassadov D. N.
Electron String Ion Sources (ESIS) Electronics Development

Abstracts (eng, 38 Kb)
Sedov L., Popov D., Lyapin I., Gurskiy S.
The Extraction System Adaptation for MSC230 Cyclotron Final Engineering Design

Abstracts (eng, 34 Kb)
Poliakova O. Yu., Prudchenko A. P., Protasevich Yu. S.
Influence of the Nature of Chelating Agents on the Activity and Structural Pre-Organization of Metal Oxide Catalysts for the Growth of Carbon Nanotubes Synthesized by the Method of Polymerized Complex Precursors

Abstracts (eng, 35 Kb)
Ponomareva O. Yu., Sumnikov S. V., Vasin R. N., Korneeva E. A., Samoylova N. Yu.
Phase Transformations in Na-Rich Prussian White Cathode Materials with Different Morphology

Abstracts (eng, 39 Kb)
Kishin I. A., Kidanova E. Yu., Kubankin A. S., Nazhmudinov R. M., Alexeev V. I., Eliseev A. N.
The Difference between the Spectra of Parametric X-Ray Radiation from Powder Targets and Textured Polycrystals

(rus, 617 Kb)
Vivchar V. I., Yerin C. V.
Effects of Birefringence and Dichroism in Magnetic Fluids with Different Aggregative Stabilityls

(rus, 332 Kb)
Kulikov A. A., Dik V. Yu., Elzhov T. V., Perevalova I. A., Semeniuk A. A., Suvorova O. V. for the Baikal-GVD Collaboration
Applying Databases for Data Visualization in Enhanced Follow-Up Regime of Baikal-GVD Neutrino Telescope

Abstracts (eng, 41 Kb)
Gertsenberger K., Pelevanyuk I.
BM@N Run 8 Data Processing on a Distributed Infrastructure with DIRAC

Abstracts (eng, 32 Kb)
Friesen A. V., Goderidze D., Kalinovsky Yu. L.
Ñalculation of a Multidimensional Integral with a Singularity by Dividing the Integration Domain into Subsegments

Abstracts (eng, 38 Kb)
Blinova E., Dunaev I., Gertsenberger K., Klimai P., Nozik A.
Development of Next-Generation Event Visualization Platform for the BM@N Experiment

Abstracts (eng, 40 Kb)
Alexandrov E., Alexandrov I., Chebotov A., Filozova I., Gertsenberger K., Romanov I., Shestakova G.
Development of the Online Data Processing System for the BM@N Experiment at NICA

Abstracts (eng, 40 Kb)
Gertsenberger K., Klimai P., Nemova O.
Development of Monitoring Service for BM@N Information Systems

Abstracts (eng, 40 Kb)
Filozova I., Shestakova G., Kondratyev A., Bondyakov A., Zaikina T., Nekrasova I.
DSpace Software Platform for Digital Repository of JINR Publications

Abstracts (eng, 36 Kb)
Dima M., Dima M.-T., Mihailescu M.
Flash-Fit Algorithms for Circles in Particle Physics

Abstracts (eng, 32 Kb)
Semeniuk A. A., Dik V. Yu., Elzhov T. V., Kulikov A. A., Perevalova I. A., Suvorova O. V. for the Baikal-GVD Collaboration
Follow-Up Analysis and Visualization of Multimessenger Data for Baikal-GVD

Abstracts (eng, 39 Kb)
Kublinskiy M., Smolinkov N., Naymushin A.
Monitoring of the Efficiency of the IRT-T Reactor Heat Exchanger System by Machine Learning Method

Abstracts (eng, 32 Kb)
Togtokhtur T., Dushanov E. B., Kulahava T. A., Batmunkh M., Bugay A. N.
Calculation of DNA Damage in the Tumor Cell on Boron Neutron Capture Therapy

Abstracts (eng, 39 Kb)
Kharlamova A., Makarov D.
Calculation of the Spectrum of Interaction Model with Macromolecules by the Method of Finding Symmetries

Abstracts (eng, 28 Kb)
Kuklina D. D., Shishkin A. Yu., Bezruchko I. O., Kalenov S. V., Okhrimenko I. S., Dronova E. A., Mikhailov A. E., Ryzhykau Yu. L.
Cultivation of Halophilic Archaea Halobacterium Salinarum

Abstracts (eng, 37 Kb)
Ivashchenko S. D., Vlasov A. V.
Elucidating the Distinctions between Open-State Monomers and Dimers of Human Tissue Transglutaminase

Abstracts (eng, 36 Kb)
Naumenko M., Anisimov S., Popov I., Anisimova N., Orlova M., Lis O., Gorshkova Yu.
Species Similarity of Corneal Collagen in Grafts of Animal Origin

Abstracts (eng, 38 Kb)
Krivetskaya A., Kustov D., Savelieva T., Levkin V., Osminin S., Eventeva E., Vetshev F., Kharnas S., Gorbunov A., Loschenov V.
Spectroscopic Saturation Assessment for Different Organs of the Gastrointestinal Tract

Abstracts (eng, 42 Kb)
Hamdan Y. M., Makarova D. A., Shamsutdinov N. I., Zelenikhin P. V., Nizamutdinov A. S., Buglak A. A., Telegina T. A.
Study of the Effect of UV Laser Pulse Duration and Wavelength on Fibroblasts

Abstracts (eng, 41 Kb)
Logacheva K., Gergelezhiu P., Raksha E., Savostina L., Arzumanyan G., Eresko A., Malakhov S., Mamatkulov K., Ponomareva O., Belushkin A., Chudoba D.
Vibrational Spectroscopic Features of Ibuprofen and Ketoprofen: IR and Raman Spectroscopy Combined with DFT Calculations

Abstracts (eng, 36 Kb)
Batova A. S., Pilinskaya D. L., Dushanov E. B., Nasonova E. A., Bugay A. N.
DNA Double-Strand Breaks Repair Kinetics in Mammalian Cells after Photon Radiation

(rus, 991 Kb)
Khelashvili A., Nadareishvili T.
The Boundary Condition for Reduced Radial Wave Function in Multidimensional Schrödinger Equation

Abstracts (eng, 36 Kb)
Nishu Jain, Bhuyan M., Raj Kumar
Relativistic Mean-Field Study of Alpha Decay in Superheavy Isotopes with 100 ⩽ Z ⩽ 120

Abstracts (eng, 47 Kb)
Dolgov A. D., Rudenko A. S.
Conversion of Protons to Positrons by a Black Hole

Abstracts (eng, 39 Kb)
Chetna, Md. Moin Shaikh, Pardeep Singh, Rajesh Kharab
Investigation of the Projectile Breakup Effects on Elastic Scattering and Fusion for 9Be + 209Bi System at Around Barrier Energies

Abstracts (eng, 43 Kb)
Provorov A. A.
Split Casimir Operator of D(2,1;α) in the Representations ad⊗2 and ad⊗3 and Vogel’s Parametrization

(rus, 220 Kb)
Kharlamov A. G., Kharlamova T. A., Zhabin V. N., Kupich A. S.
Contribution of Direct Interaction Vertex in Zl+lγ Process

(rus, 675 Kb)
Krupko S. A., Belogurov S. G., Bezbakh A. A., Grigorenko L. V., Golovkov M. S., Gorshkov A. V., Gorshkov V. A., Kaminski G., Knyazev A. G., Nikolskii E. Yu., Parfenova Yu. L., Rymzhanova S. A., Slepnev R. S., Stepantsov S. V., Ter-Akopian G. M., Fomichev A. S., Chudoba V., Sharov P. G.
Design and Performance of the Fragment Separator ACCULINNA-2

(rus, 2 532 Kb)
Dementev D. V., Sheremetev A. D., Shitenkov M. O., Leontiev V. V., Rufanov I. A., Murin Yu. A.
Characterisation of the Tracking Modules Based on DSSD Sensors at SC-1000 Accelerator for BM@N Project

(rus, 5 018 Kb)
Pepelyshev Yu. N., Vinogradov A. V., Rogov A. D., Sumkhuu D.
Preliminary Computations for the Pulsed Reactor IBR-4. Basic Composition

(rus, 3 073 Kb)
Ledo Pereda L. M., Semenov V. N., Rikhvitsky V. S., Likhachev A. N., Isaev R. Sh., Chepurchenko I. A., Doroshkevich A. S.
Ion Beam Scanning System for EG-5 Accelerator

(rus, 3 073 Kb)
Yakubov T. R., Timoshenko G. N., Beskrovnaya L. G., Shvetsov V. N.
Measurements of the Spectral and Dose Characteristics of the Neutron Field behind the Biological Protection of the IREN Source at an Electron Energy of 60 MeV

(rus, 738 Kb)



A. P. Isaev

Editorial board:

A. V. Bednyakov (Scientific Editor),
D. Blashke,
A. V. Boreyko,
S. N. Ershov,
E.-M. Ilgenfritz,
M. G. Itkis (Deputy Editor-In-Chief),
V. V. Ivanov,
D. I. Kazakov,
V. P. Ladygin,
E. V. Lychagin,
G. G. Musulmanbekov,
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A. G. Olshevskiy,
D. V. Peshekhonov (Deputy Editor-In-Chief),
G. D. Shirkov,
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