Year 2015, issues:
, 2
, 3
, 4
, 5
, 6
, 7
up |
Kuraev E.A.,, Kokoulina E.S., Tomasi-Gustafsson E.
Hard Light-Meson Production in (Anti)Proton-Hadron Collisions and Charge-Exchange Reactions
(189 Kb) |
Silenko A.J.
Comparison of Spin Dynamics in the Cylindrical Coordinate System and the Frenet-Serret One
(79 Kb) |
Khelashvili A.A., Nadareishvili T.P.
Singular Behavior of the Laplace Operator in Polar Spherical Coordinates
and Some of Its Consequences for the Radial Wave Function at the Origin of Coordinates
(195 Kb) |
Salah Eddine Ennadifi
Intersecting D-Brane Models: A Brief Overview
(92 Kb) |
Yeletskikh I.V., Bednyakov V.A.
Results of Searches for "Dubna Z* Resonance" in Dimuon Channel in ATLAS (LHC) Detector Data
(200 Kb) |
Yeremin A.V., Popeko A.G., Malyshev O.N., Lopez-Martens A., Hauschild K.,
Dorvaux O., Gall B., Chepigin V.I., Svirikhin A.I., Isaev A.V., Sokol E.A., Chelnokov M.L., Kuznetsov A.N.,
Kuznetsova A.A., Belozerov A.V., Rezynkina K., Dechery F., Le Blanc F., Piot J., Gehlot J., Tonev D., Stefanova E.,
Pantelika D., Nita C., Andel B., Mulins S., Jones P., Ntshangase S.
First Experimental Tests of the Modernized VASSILISSA Separator
(700 Kb) |
Yeremin A.V., Popeko A.G., Malyshev O.N., Gall B., Asfari Z.,
Lopez-Martens A., Hauschild K., Dorvaux O., Gikal B.N., Bogomolov S.L., Loginov V.N., Bondarchenko A.E.,
Chepigin V.I., Svirikhin A.I., Isaev A.V., Sokol E.A., Chelnokov M.L., Kuznetsov A.N., Kuznetsova A.A.,
Popov Yu.A., Rezynkina K., Dechery F., Andel B., Hofmann S., Maurer J., Heinz S., Rubert J.
Experimental Tests of the Modernized VASSILISSA Separator (SHELS)
with the Use of Accelerated 50Ti Ions
(157 Kb) |
Tokarev M.V., Zborovsk I., Aparin A.A.
Fractal Structure of Hadrons in Processes with Polarized Protons at SPD NICA (Proposal for Experiment)
(648 Kb) |
Butler A., Butler Ph., Bell S., Gostkin M.I., Dedovich D.V.,
Demichev M.A., Elkin V.G., Zhemchugov A.S., Zakhvatkin M.M., Kotov S.A., Kozhevnikov D.A., Kruchonak U.G.,
Nozdrin A.A., Porokhovoy S.Yu., Potrap I.N., Smolyanskiy P.I., Chelkov G.A.
Measurement of the Energy Resolution and Calibration of Hybrid Pixel Detectors
with GaAs:Cr Sensor and Timepix Readout Chip
(1.9 Mb) |
Tsyganov Yu.S.
Automation of the Experiments at the Dubna Gas-Filled Recoil Separator
(3.3 Mb) |
Tsyganov Yu.S.
Method of "Active Correlations" for DSSSD Detector Application
(493 Kb) |
Gornushkin Yu.A., Dmitrievsky S.G., Chukanov A.V.
Neutrino Interaction Vertex Location with the Help of Electronic Detectors in the OPERA Experiment
(17.1 Mb) |
Grigalashvili N., Kekelidze G.D., Myalkovskiy V.V., Peshekhonov V.D.
The Optical Method of the Straw Selection for the MPD END-CAP Tracker
(345 Kb) |
Syresin Å., Kostromin S., Krasilnikov M., Makarov R., Morozov N., Petrov D.
THz Wiggler Applied for Measurements of Electron Bunch Longitudinal Structure in FEL
(804 Kb) |
Kolesnikov D.V., Osipov V.A.
The Influence of Grain Boundaries on the Low-Temperature Thermal Conductivity of Graphene Nanoribbons
(109 Kb) |
Didyk A.Yu., Wi niewski R.
Synthesis of Microparticles in Hydrogen (1 kbar) Induced by Braking
-Rays (10 MeV) at the Inner Surfaces of the Pressure Chamber Components
(2.9 Mb) |
Didyk A.Yu., Wi niewski R.
Synthesis of Microparticles in Hydrogen (1 kbar) Induced by Braking
-Rays (10 MeV) in the Reaction Chamber
(24 Mb) |
Galoyan A.S., Uzhinsky V.V.
Glauber Monte-Carlo Program for NICA/MPD and CBM Experiments
(113 Kb) |
Mitsyn S.V., Ososkov G.A.
Watershed on Vector Quantization for Clustering of Big Data
(446 Kb) |
Tronov V.A., Vinogradova Yu.V., Poplinskaya V.A., Nekrasova E.I., Ostrovsky M.A.
Mouse Retinal Adaptive Response to Proton Irradiation: Correlation with Increase in DNA Repair and Decrease
in Photoreceptor Cell Death
(384 Kb) |
Guseva S.V., Lesovaya E.N., Timoshenko G.N.
Neutron Effective and Ambient Dose Correlation in the JINR Nuclear Facilities Radiation Fields
(180 Kb) |
Shipulin K.N., Mytsin G.V., Agapov A.V.
A Device for Verifying Boluses Used in Proton Therapy
(782 Kb) |
Publisher's imprint
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Chugreev Yu.V.
Mach's Principle for Cosmological Solutions in Relativistic Theory of Gravity
(153 Kb) |
Shirkov D.V.
Remarks on Simple Modified Perturbation Theory
(328 Kb) |
Tokarev M.V., Zborovsk I.
Self-Similarity of Proton Spin and Asymmetry of Jet Production
(298 Kb) |
Tokarev M.V., Zborovsk I., Aparin A.A.
Self-Similarity of Hard Cumulative Processes in Fixed Target Experiment for BES-II at STAR
(395 Kb) |
Kaur Maninder, Dhir Rohit, Sharma Avinash, Verma R.C.
Topological Diagram Analysis of Bottom Meson Decays Emitting Two Pseudoscalar Mesons
(134 Kb) |
Bugaev K.A., Ivanytskyi A.I., Oliinychenko D.R., Sagun V.V.,
Mishustin I.N., Rischke D.H., Satarov L.M., Zinovjev G.M.
Thermodynamically Anomalous Regions as a Mixed Phase Signal
(221 Kb) |
Ghosh D., Deb A., Mondal M., Biswas S., Mondal A., Sarkar R.
Void Fluctuation Study of Compound Hadrons: Signatures of Quark-Hadron Phase Transition
(141 Kb) |
Ghosh D., Deb A., Mondal M., Saha R., Mondal A.
Fluctuation of Fluctuations in Pionization: Target Excitation Dependence
(582 Kb) |
Zlokazov V.B.
Radioactivity. Case: Rare Events
(131 Kb) |
Fabre de la Ripelle M.
A Mathematical Structure for Nuclei
(114 Kb) |
Ikot A.N., Molaee Z., Elham Maghsoodi, Zarrinkamar S.,
Obong H.P., Hassanabadi H.
Analytical Solutions of the DKP Equation under Tietz-Hua Potential in (1+3) Dimensions
(136 Kb) |
Antipin K.V., Vernov Yu.S., Mnatsakanova M.N.
Von Neumann's Uniqueness Theorem in Theories with Non-Physical Particles
(101 Kb) |
Serebrov A.P., Kolomenskiy E.A., Pirozhkov A.N., Krasnoshekova I.A.,
Vasiliev A.V., Polyushkin A.O., Lasakov M.S., Murashkin A.N., Solovey V.A., Fomin A.K., Shoka I.V.,
Zherebtsov O.M., Geltenbort P., Ivanov S.N., Zimmer O., Alexandrov E.B., Dmitriev S.P., Dovator N.A.\
New Measurements of the Neutron Electric Dipole Moment with the PNPI Double Chamber EDM Spectrometer
(1.2 Ìb) |
Batusov V., Budagov J., Lyablin M., Gayde J.-Ch., Di Girolamo B., Mergelkuhl D., Nessi M.
The Laser Fiducial Line Measurement Precision in Open Air Media Determined in Comparison with Laser Tracker AT-401
(264 Êb) |
Akishin P.G., Isupov A.Yu., Khrenov A.N., Kurilkin P.K., Ladygin V.P.,
Piyadin S.M., Topilin N.D.
Optimization of a Large Aperture Dipole Magnet for Baryonic Matter Studies at Nuclotron
(3.7 Ìb) |
Gavrishchuk O.P., Ladygin V.P., Petukhov Yu.P., Sychkov S.Ya.
Hadron Calorimeter Module Prototype for Baryonic Matter Studies at Nuclotron
(8.1 Ìb) |
Afanaciev K.G., Artikov A.M., Baranov V.Yu., Batouritski M.A.,
Budagov J.A., Davydov Yu.I., Djilkibaev R.M., Emeliantchik I.F., Fedorov A.A., Glagolev V.V.,
Korzhik M.V., Kozlov D.Yu., Mechinsky V.A., Simonenko A.V., Shalyugin A.N., Shevtsov V.V.,
Tereschenko V.V., Usubov Z.U.
Response of LYSO:Ce Scintillation Crystals to Low-Energy Gamma Rays
(388 Êb) |
Bystritsky V.M., Valkovic V., Grozdanov D.N., Zontikov A.O.,
Ivanov I.Zh., Kopatch Yu.N., Krylov A.R., Rogov Yu.N., Ruskov I.N., Sapojnikov M.G.,
Skoy V.R., Shvetsov V.N.
Multilayer Passive Protection of Scintillation Detectors Based on Crystals BGO, NaI (Tl) and Stilbene
Working in Intense Neutron Fields with Energy of 14.1 MeV
(2 Ìb) |
Shabalin E.P., Verkhoglyadov A.E., Bulavin M.V., Rogov A.D., Kulagin E.N.,
Kulikov S.A.
The Spectrum and Density of the Neutron Flux in the Irradiation Channel No.3 at the IBR-2 Reactor
(7.2 Ìb) |
Bulavin M.V., Verkhoglyadov A.E., Kulikov S.A., Kulagin E.N.,
Kukhtin V.V., Cheplakov A.P., Shabalin E.P.
Irradiation Facility at the IBR-2 Reactor for Investigation of Material Irradiation Hardness
(543 Êb) |
Tsyganov Yu.S.
Automatization of the Experiments at the Dubna Gas-Filled Recoil Separator
(330 Êb) |
Odeychuk A.N., Komir A.I.
Modeling Graphite Oxidation in the Oxygen Environment at 400-800 C
(8.9 Ìb) |
Ilieva M.A., Kolesnikov V.I., Murin Yu.A., Suvarieva D.A., Vasendina V.A.,
Zinchenko A.I., Litvinenko E.I., Gudima K.K.
Evaluation of the MPD Detector Capabilities for the Study of the Strangeness Production at the NICA Collider
(1.1 Ìb) |
Maksimenko A.V., Zaginaylov G.I., Shcherbinin V.I.
On the Theory of Longitudinally Inhomogeneous Waveguides with Impedance Walls
(211 Êb) |
Publisher's imprint
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International Conference
Dubna, July 8-12, 2013
Proceedings of the Conference
Amirkhanov I.V., Pavlu M., Puzynina T.P., Puzynin I.V., Sarhadov I., Vabishchevich P.N.
Scheme of Splitting with Respect to Physical Processes for a Model of Heat and Moisture Transfer
(134 Êb) |
Amoskov V.M., Belyakov V.A., Gribov Yu.A., Lamzin E.A., Maximenkova N.A., Sytchevsky S.E.
Optimization of Currents in ITER Correction Coils
(236 Êb) |
Ayryan E.A., Gevorkyan A.S., Sahakyan V.V.
New Algorithm for Simulation of 3D Classical Spin Glasses under the Influence of External Electromagnetic Fields
(289 Êb) |
Bogdanova N.B., Todorov S.T.
New Approximating Results for Data with Errors in Both Variables
(126 Êb) |
Degtyarev A., Gankevich I.
Hydrodynamic Pressure Computation under Real Sea Surface on Basis of Autoregressive Model of Irregular Waves
(80 Êb) |
Dimovski I., Spiridonova M.
Operational Calculus Approach to Explicit Solving of Initial and Boundary Value Problems
(71 Êb) |
Gertsenberger K.V.
Development of the Distributed Computing System for the MPD Experiment at the NICA Collider
(152 Êb) |
Khiem L.H., Trong T.D.
A Software for Simulation of Efficiency of HPGe Detectors
(179 Êb) |
Khiem L.H., Trong T.D.
Monte Carlo Simulation of Scattering for Density Variation Measurement
(132 Êá) |
Kostenko B.F.
The Dynamical Casimir Effect in Two-Nucleon Systems
(78 Êb) |
Kostenko B.F., Pribi J.
On Dibaryon Production in D + D X + D Reaction
(100 Êb) |
Mikhailova T.I., Erdemchimeg B., Artukh A.G., Lukyanov S.M., Sereda Yu.M., Di Toro M., Wolter H.H.
Projectile Fragmentation at Fermi Energies with Transport Simulations
(128 Êb) |
Mitsyn S.V., Musulmanbekov G., Mikhailova T.I., Ososkov G.A., Polanski A.
A Clustering Approach in the UrQMD Transport Model for Nuclear Collisions at Relativistic Energies
(146 Êb) |
Poryazov S., Saranova E., Spiridonova M.
Modeling of Telecommunication Processes in an Overall Complex System
(224 Êb) |
Rybakov Yu.P.
Structure of Topological Solitons in Nonlinear Spinor Model
(83 Êb) |
Ablyazimov T.O., Zyzak M.V., Ivanov V.V., Kisel P.I.
A Fast Parallelized Kalman Filter-Based Reconstruction of Charged Particle Trajectories for the CBM Experiment
(205 Êb) |
Amirkhanov I.V., Karamysheva G.A., Kiyan I.N., Sulikowski J.
Calculation of Proton Rotation Frequency in Static Equilibrium Orbits at the Isochronous Cyclotron
(159 Êb) |
Kozlov G.E., Ivanov V.V., Lebedev A.A., Vassiliev Yu.O.
Development of Clustering Algorithms for the CBM Experiment
(113 Êb) |
Pepelyshev Yu.N., Popov A.K., Sumkhuu D., Sangaa D
Model of Dynamics of the IBR-2M Pulsed Reactor for Analysis of Fast Transients
(198 Êb) |
Slavnov D.A.
Computer Model of a Qubit
(90 Êb) |
Shishanin O.E.
Application of the Fourier Series for Particle Dynamics Simulation in the Periodic Magnetic Fields
(97 Êb) |
Koval E.A., Koval O.A., Melezhik V.S.
Numerical Solution of the Quantum Scattering Problem on the Plane
(479 Êb) |
Publisher's imprint
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Bilenky S.M.
Some Comments on High-Precision Study of Neutrino Oscillations
(145 Êb) |
Skalozub V.V., Kucher I.V.
Detection of the Z' Boson at the ILC
(145 Êb) |
Shnir Ya.M.
Fractional Nontopological Quantization of the Magnetic Fluxes in the U(1) Gauged Planar Skyrme Model
(358 Êb) |
Ennadifi Salah Eddine
Yukawa Sector in Minimal D-Brane Models
(155 Êb) |
Kasatkin Yu.A., Klepikov V.Ph., Kuznietsov P.E.
Two-Particle Photodisintegration of 3He and 3H Nuclei in Relativistic Approach with Exactly Conserved EM Current
(890 Êb) |
Sushenok E.O., Severyukhin A.P.
Tensor Correlations and the Half-Life of Decay of 132Sn
(666 Êá) |
Ikot A.N., Hassanabadi H., Obong H.P., Mehraban H., Yazarloo B.H.
Approximate Arbitrary -State Solutions of the Dirac Equation with
the Schi berg and Manning-Rosen Potentials within the Coulomb-Like,
Yukawa-Like and Generalized Tensor Interactions
(515 Êá) |
Kaushik M., Saxena G.
High-Spin Structure of 80Kr
(193 Êb) |
Tawfik A., Abbas E.
Thermal Description of Particle Production in Au-Au Collisions at STAR Energies
(306 Êb) |
Azaryan N., Batusov V., Budagov J., Glagolev V., Lyablin M., Trubnikov G.,
Shirkov G., Gayde J.-Ch., Di Girolamo B., Mergelkuhl D., Nessi M.
The Precision Laser Inclinometer Long-Term Measurement in Thermostabilized Conditions (First Experimental Data)
(4.8 Ìb) |
Borzakov S.B., Gundorin N.A., Pokotilovski Yu.N.
Experimental Search for the Singlet Metastable Deuteron in the Radiative n-p Capture
(594 Kb) |
Ahmadov G.S., Kopatch Yu.N., Telezhnikov S.A., Ahmadov F.I., Granja C., Garibov A.A., Pospisil S.
Detection of Ternary and Quaternary Fission Fragments from 252Cf with a Position-Sensitive
E-E Telescope Based on Silicon Detectors
(288 Kb) |
Bystritsky V.M., Gazi S., Huran J., Dudkin G.N., Krylov A.R., Lysakov A.S., Nechaev B.A.,
Padalko V.N., Sadovsky A.B., Filipowicz M., Philippov A.V.
Study of the D(p, )3He Reaction Using a Zirconium Target in the Proton Beam Energy Range 9-35 keV
(330 Kb) |
Ablyazimov T.O., Ivanov V.V.
Selection Criteria of J/
+ - Decays Using the MUCH Detector in the CBM Experiment
(2.8 Má) |
Anfimov N., Anosov V., Barth J., Chalyshev V., Chirikov-Zorin I., Dziewiecki M., Elsner D., Frolov V.,
Frommberger F., Guskov A., Hillert W., Klein F., Krumshteyn Z., Kurjata R., Marzec J., Nagaytsev A., Olchevski A., Orlov I., Rezinko T., Rybnikov A.,
Rychter A., Selyunin A., Zaremba K., Ziembicki M.
Tests of the Module Array of the ECAL0 Electromagnetic Calorimeter for the COMPASS Experiment with the Electron Beam at ELSA
(276 Kb) |
Tsyganov Yu.S.
A New Reasonable Scenario to Search for ER-Alpha Energy-Time-Position Correlated Sequences in a Real-Time Mode
(380 Kb) |
Bazhazhina N.V., Mareev Yu.D., Pikelner L.B., Sedyshev P.V., Shvetsov V.N.
Analysis of Element and Isotope Composition of Samples by the Neutron Spectroscopy Method at the IREN Facility
(173 Kb) |
Babenko V.A., Petrov N.M.
The Mirror Nuclei 3H and 3He Binding Energies Difference and the Low-Energy Parameters of Neutron-Neutron Scattering
(131 Kb) |
Syresin E.M.
Injection in NICA Booster with Electron Cooling
(822 Kb) |
Bystritsky V.M., Dudkin G.N., Kuznetsov S.I., Nechaev B.A., Padalko V.N., Philippov A.V., Sadovsky A.B.,
Varlachev V.A., Zvyagintsev O.A.
Research Methods for Parameters of Accelerated Low-Energy Proton Beam
(215 Kb) |
Didyk A.Yu., Wi niewski R.
Synthesis of New Structures on the Surface of a Pd-Rod and HHPC Elements and Their Chemical Composition under Nuclear Reactions Induced by Braking
-Rays with a Threshold Energy of 10 MeV in Molecular Hydrogen at 0.5 kbar Pressure
(3.1 Ìb) |
Ilieva M., Kolesnikov V., Suvarieva D., Vasendina V., Zinchenko A.
Reconstruction of Multistrange Hyperons with the MPD Detector at the NICA Collider: A Monte Carlo Feasibility Study
(619 Êá) |
Syresin Å.Ì., Bokor J., Breev V.M., Karamysheva G.A., Kazarinov M.Yu., Morozov N.A.,
Mytzin G.V., Shakun N.G., Shvidky S.V., Shirkov G.D.
Project of the Demonstration Center of Proton Therapy at DLNP, JINR
(2.9 Mb) |
Badawy Wael M., Ali Khaled, El-Samman Hussein M., Frontasyeva M.V., Gundorina S.F., Duliu O.G.
Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis of Soil and Sediment Samples from the Siwa Oasis, Egypt
(1.8 Mb) |
Publisher's imprint
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Aleksejevs A.G., Barkanova S.G., Bystritskiy Yu.M., Kuraev E.A., Zykunov V.A.
NNLO Electroweak Corrections for Polarized M ller Scattering: One-Loop Insertions to Boxes
(187 Êb) |
Krivoruchenko M.I., Simkovic F., Kovalenko S.G.
Longitudinal Component of the Weak Vector Current of Spin-1/2 Nuclear Isotopic Doublets
(198 Êb) |
Arbabi Moghadam S., Mehraban H., Habibi Khoshmehr H.
The Energy Eigenvalues of the Dirac Equation with the Modified Eckart and the Modified Deformed Hylleraas Potentials by Shape Invariance Approach
(434 Êb) |
Ishmukhamedov I.S., Aznabayev D.T., Zhaugasheva S.A.
Two-Body Atomic System in a One-Dimensional Anharmonic Trap: The Energy Spectrum
(508 Êb) |
Aznabayev D.T., Bekbaev A.K., Ishmukhamedov I.S., Korobov V.I.
The Energy Levels of Helium Atom
(130 Êb) |
Terekhin A.A., Gurchin Yu.V., Isupov A.Yu., Khrenov A.N., Kurilkin A.K., Kurilkin P.K., Ladygin V.P., Ladygina N.B., Piyadin S.M.,
Reznikov S.G., Vnukov I.E.
Study of the dp-Elastic Scattering at the Energy of 2 GeV
(457 Êá) |
Denikin A.S., Lukyanov S.M., Skobelev N.K., Sobolev Yu.G., Voskoboynik E.I., Penionzhkevich Yu.E., Trzaska W.H., Tyurin G.P.,
Burjan V., Kroha V., Mr zek J., Pisko ., Glagolev V.,
Yi Xu, Khlebnikov S.V., Harakeh M.N., Kuterbekov K.A., Tuleushev Yu.
Inelastic Scattering and Multinucleon Transfer in 3,4He + 9Be Reactions
(418 Êb) |
Aleksandrov A.B., Bagulya A.V., Vladimirov M.S., Galkin V.I., Dedenko L.G., Zemskova S.G.,
Konovalova N.S., De Lellis G., Managadze A.K., Orurk O.I., Polukhina N.G., Roganova T.M., Sirignano C., Starkov N.I., Tan Nang So, Tioukov V.E.,
Fomenko N.V., Chernyavsky M.M., Shchedrina T.V.
Test Experiments on Muon Radiography with Emulsion Track Detectors in Russia
(394 Êb) |
Shalyapin V.N., Tyutyunnikov S.I.
Development of the Analyzer of the Atomic Composition of Substances on the Basis of Filamentary RF Discharge
(182 Êb) |
Gongadze A., Zhemchugov A., Chelkov G., Kozhevnikov D., Potrap I., Demichev M., Smolyanskiy P.,
Abramishvili R., Kotov S., Butler A.P., Butler P.H., Bell S.T.
Alignment and Resolution Studies of the MARS CT Scanner
(1 Ìb) |
Publisher's imprint
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Kalinovsky Yu.L., Friesen A.V.
Light Mesons Properties and Critical Points in the Nambu-Jona-Lasinio Model with Different Regularization Schemes
(256 Êb) |
Ahmadov A.I., Volkov M.K.
The Decays ( , ')
 in the Nambu-Jona-Lasinio Model
(147 Êb) |
Al-Rubaiee A.A., Hashim U., Al-Douri Y.
Investigating the Cherenkov Light Lateral Distribution Function for Primary Proton and Iron Nuclei in Extensive Air Showers
(205 Êb) |
Taha M.M.
Delta I = 1 Staggering Effect for Negative-Parity Rotational Bands with K = 1/2 in W/Os/Pt Odd-Mass Nuclei
(196 Êb) |
Skachkova A.N., Skachkov N.B.
Perspectives of Study of the Direct Photon Production Process at FAIR Energy
(545 Êb) |
Belyakov A., Bulavin M., Chernikov A., Churakov A., Kulikov S., Litvinenko E., Mukhin K., Petrenko A.,
Petukhova T., Sirotin A., Shabalin E., Shirokov V., Verhoglyadov A.
Control System of Pelletized Cold Neutron Moderator at the IBR-2 Reactor
(358 Êb) |
Yurevich V.I., Batenkov O.I., Agakishiev G.N., Averichev G.S., Babkin V.A., Basylev S.N.,
Bogoslovsky D.N., Efimov L.G., Lobastov S.P., Philippov I.A., Povtoreyko A.A., Rogov V.Yu., Rumyantsev M.M., Slepnev I.V., Slepnev V.M.,
Shipunov A.V., Terletsky A.V., Tikhomirov V.V., Veschikov A.S., Yarigin G.A., Zubarev A.N.
Beam Tests of Cherenkov Detector Modules with Picosecond Time Resolution for START and L0 Trigger Detectors of MPD and BM@N Experiments
(2.4 Ìb) |
Kazarinov N.Yu., Kazacha V.I., Lebedev N.I., Fateev A.A.
System of Formation of Magnetic Fields for Scanning Charged Particle Beam along an Arbitrary Trajectory on a Target
(815 Kb) |
Beskrovnaia L.G., Komochkov M.M., Maurach N.A.
Double Differential Cross Section for Neutron Production in Carbon-Nucleus Interactions at Energies of 135-400 MeV/Nucleon,
Obtained Using the Phenomenological NNEP Method
(685 Kb) |
Publisher's imprint
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Maksimenko N.V., Vakulina E.V., Kuchin S.M.
Polarizability of Particles with Spin One in the Formalism of Duffin-Kemmer-Petiau
(113 Kb) |
Batusov V., Budagov J., Lyablin M., Shirkov G., Gayde J.-Ch., Mergelkuhl D.
The Sensitivity Limitation by the Recording ADC to Laser Fiducial Line and Precision Laser Inclinometer
(449 Kb) |
Batusov V., Budagov J., Lyablin M., Shirkov G., Gayde J.-Ch., Mergelkuhl D.
The Calibration of the Precision Laser Inclinometer
(332 Kb) |
Bogomolov S.L., Bondarchenko A.E., Efremov A.A., Kuzmenkov K.I., Lebedev A.N., Lebedev K.V., Lebedev V.Ya., Loginov V.N., Mironov V.E.,
Yazvitsky N.Yu.
Production of Intense Metal Ion Beams from ECR Ion Sources Using the MIVOC Method
(434 Kb) |
Bolshakov A.E., Zenkevich P.R., Kozlov O.S.
Study of the Asymptotic Dynamic Aperture in the NICA Collider Using Symplectic Tracking Codes
(353 Kb) |
Didyk A.Yu., Wi niewski R.
Chemical Composition and Structure of the Synthesized Particles on the Surface of HHPC by Nuclear Reactions during Irradiation with
Brake Rays with a Threshold Energy of 10 MeV in Molecular Hydrogen at 0.5 kbar Pressure
(5.1 Ìb) |
Bugay A.N., Vasilyeva M.A., Krasavin E.A., Parkhomenko A.Yu.
Modeling of Induced Mutation Process in Bacterial Cells with Defects in Excision Repair System
(452 Êb) |
Subject index
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