Year 2013, issues:
, 2
, 3
, 4
, 5
, 6
, 7
up |
Korchagin N., Kochelev N., Nikolaev N.
Anomalous Quark-Gluon Chromomagnetic Interaction and High-Energy -Meson Electroproduction
(150 Ká) |
Volkov M.K., Kostunin D.G.
- - 0 Decay in the Extended NJL Model
(113 Ká) |
Kucukarslan A., Ozdem U.
The Coupling Constants gV in QCD Sum Rules
(140 Ká) |
Mohammadi B., Mehraban H.
Final State Interaction in B0 J/ 0
(222 Ká) |
Bystritsky Yu.M., Kuraev E.A., Shatnev M.G.
The Potential of Providing Multi-Photon Exchanges in the Scattering of Light Charged Particle by a Heavy Target
(102 Ká) |
Hassanabadi S., Rajabi A.A., Zarrinkamar S., Hassanabadi H.
DKP Equation under a Vector Yukawa-Type Potential
(102 Ká) |
Dmitriev A.Yu., Pavlov S.S.
Automation of Quantitative Determination of the Elements Content in Samples by Neutron Activation Analysis at the Reactor IBR-2, FLNP, JINR
(295 Ká) |
Krasnov V.A., Karnjushina L.V., Kuznetsov S.N., Kurepin A.B., Livanov A.N., Piljar A.V.
Multilayer Scintillation Charge Pions Spectrometer
(690 Ká) |
Batusov V., Budagov J., Lyablin M.
A Laser Sensor of a Seismic Slope of the Earth Surface
(302 Ká) |
Garipov G., Grinyuk A., Grebenyuk V., Klimov P., Khrenov B., Porokhovoy S., Puchkov A., Sabirov S., Saprykin O., Sharakin S., Skrypnik A., Slunecka M., Tkachenko A., Tkachev L., Yashin I.
The TUS Fresnel Mirror Production and Optical Parameters Measurement
(7.7 Ká) |
Kaplin V.I., Karpinsky V.N., Polyakov Yu.A., Rudakov A.Y., Smirnov V.I.
JINR DLNP Phasotron Intellectual Power Supply and Control System, Realized on the Basis of One High Power Supply Source at Different Currents in Electromagnetic Lenses
(1.0 Ká) |
Kaplin V.I., Karpinsky V.N., Rudakov A.Y.
Precision Power Supply System of the LEPTA Group Magnetic Elements
(3.2 Ká) |
Merts S.P., Razin S.V., Rogachevsky O.V.
Accumulation of Spatial Charge in the Time-Projection Chamber of the Multipurpose Detector
(356 Ká) |
Zhabitsky V.M.
Transient Beam Response in Synchrotrons with a Digital Transverse Feedback System
(532 Ká) |
Golunov A.O., Gorbunov N.V., Korenkov V.V., Shmatov S.V., Zarubin A.V.
CMS Remote Center at JINR
(837 Ká) |
up |
Silenko A.J.
Classical Limit of Equations of the Relativistic Quantum Mechanics in the Foldy-Wouthuysen Representation
(78 Ká) |
Siringo F.
Grand Unification in the Minimal Left-Right Symmetric Extension of the Standard Model
(121 Ká) |
Modarres M., Mohamadnejad A.
The Thermodynamic Properties of Weakly Interacting Quark-Gluon Plasma
via the One-Gluon Exchange Interaction
(249 Ká) |
Gevorkyan S.R., Tarasov A.V.
Lepton Pair Production in Peripheral Collisions of Relativistic Ions and the Problem of Regularization
Ãåâîðêÿí Ñ.Ð., Òàðàñîâ À.Â.
(118 Ká) |
Gautam Sakshi, Bansal Preeti
Phase-Space Analysis of Fragments Formed in Heavy-Ion Collisions
(404 Ká) |
Sveshnikov K.A., Khomovsky D.I.
Large Z Effects in Hydrogen-Like Atoms Caused by Radiation Component of Electronic AMM
(251 Ká) |
Hassanabadi H., Yazarloo B.H., Zarrinkamar S., Rajabi A.A.
DKP Equation under Scalar and Vector Cornell Interactions
(123 Ká) |
Beda A.G., Brudanin V.B., Egorov V.G., Medvedev D.V.,
Pogosov V.S., Shevchik E.A., Shirchenko M.V., Starostin A.S., Zhitnikov I.V.
GEMMA Experiment: The Results of Neutrino Magnetic Moment Search
(363 Ká) |
Chizhov M.V., Bednyakov V.A., Budagov J.A.
On Resonance Search in Dilepton Events at the LHC
(100 Ká) |
Kulikov S., Belyakov A., Bulavin M., Mukhin K., Shabalin E., Verhoglyadov A.
Current Status of Advanced Pelletized Cold Moderators Development for IBR-2M Research Reactor
(2.9 Ìá) |
Zhabitsky V.
Longitudinal Beam Emittance Blow-up Caused by Injection Errors in Synchrotrons with a Longitudinal Feedback System
(200 Êá) |
Bokuchava G.D., Papushkin I.V., Sumin V.V., Aznabayev D., Muhametuly B.,
Balagurov A.M.
Microstrain in Dispersion-Hardened Steels
(201 Êá) |
Kulakov I.S., Baginyan S.A., Ivanov V.V., Kisel P.I.
Performance Analysis of a Cellular Automaton Algorithm for the Solution
of the Track Reconstruction Problem on a Manycore Server at LIT, JINR
(1.3 Ìá) |
Mokrov Yu.V., Morozova S.V., Schegolev V.Yu.
Comparative Study of Sensitivity of Different Albedo Dosimeters and Readout Corrections at the U-400M Cyclotron
(3.0 Ìá) |
Besbach À.A., Zager V.B., Kaminski G., Krylov A.I., Krylov V.A., Teterev Yu.G.,
Timoshenko G.N.
Upgrade of the «Genome» Facility for Radiobiological Experiments at Heavy Ion Beams
(234 Êá) |
up |
Kiselev V.V.
Quantum Black Hole and Hawking Radiation at Microscope of Thermodynamical Approach
(186 Êá) |
Shirkov D.V.
«Massive» Perturbative QCD, Regular in the IR Limit
(200 Êá) |
Vernov Yu.S., Mnatsakanova M.N., Salynskiy S.G.
Bogoliubov Transformations for Regular Representation of the Canonical Commutation
Relations Algebra in Indefinite Metrics Spaces
(94 Êá) |
Silenko A.J.
Verification of Validity of the Eriksen Method of the Exact Foldy-Wouthuysen Transformation
(78 Êá) |
Salah Eddine Ennadifi
Probing New Physics Scale with High-Energy Neutrinos
(93 Êá) |
Ghahramany N., Beladi S.M.
Investigation of the Semileptonic Weak Decays of B(s) to S (Scalar Meson)
via Light-Cone QCD Sum Rules
(184 Êá) |
Volkov V.V., Cherepanov E.A.
Formation of Nuclear Molecules in Cluster Radioactivity.
On Interpretation of the Cluster Radioactivity Mechanism
(102 Êá) |
Saxena G., Singh D., Kaushik M.
Magicity in Exotic Nuclei
(190 Êá) |
Mandeep Kaur, Sakshi Gautam
On the Isospin Effects in the Geometry of Vanishing Flow in Heavy-Ion Collisions
(309 Êá) |
Mikheev S.A., Tsvetkov V.P.
Critical Points and Points of a Bifurcation of the Rotating Magnetized Newtonian Polytropic Curves with
1 n
1.6 Index
(848 Êá) |
Gurchin Yu.V., Isupov A.Yu., Janek M., Karachuk J.-T.,
Khrenov A.N., Krasnov V.A., Kurilkin A.K., Kurilkin P.K., Ladygin V.P., Ladygina N.B., Livanov A.N.,
Piyadin S.M., Rapatskiy V.L., Reznikov S.G., Terekhin A.A., Vasiliev T.A.
The Cross-Section in dp-Elastic Scattering at the Energies of 500, 700 and 880 MeV
Obtained at the Internal Target Station of Nuclotron
(374 Êá) |
Skobelev N.K., Penionzhkevich Yu.E., Kulko A.A., Demekhina N.A., Kroha V.,
Kugler A., Lukyanov S.M., Mrazek J., Sobolev Yu.G., Maslov V.A., Muzychka Yu.A., Voskoboynik E.I., Fomichev A.S.
Investigation of Nuclear Fusion and Nucleon Transfer Channels in the 197Au + 6He
Reaction at Energies of 6He up to 20 MeV/A
(430 Êá) |
Razin V.I.
Study of Streamer Regime for Narrow-Gap Detector with Simple Gas Inflation
(73 Êá) |
Yurevich V.I., Batenkov O.I., Veschikov A.S., Povtoreyko A.A., Lobastov S.P.,
Babkin V.A., Efimov L.G., Dunin V.B., Tikhomirov V.V., Bogoslovsky D.N., Averichev G.S., Yarigin G.A.
Fast Forward Detector for MPD/NICA Project: Concept, Simulation, and Prototyping
(1.152 Má) |
Serdyukova S.I.
Determination of IVC Breakpoint for Josephson Junction Stack. Periodic and Nonperiodic
(with = 0) Boundary Conditions
(99 Má) |
Didyk A.Yu.,
Wi niewski R.
Phenomenological Nuclear-Reaction Description in Deuterium-Saturated Palladium and Synthesized
Structure in Dense Deuterium Gas under -Quanta Irradiation
(526 Má) |
Chudoba J., Elias M., Fiala L., Horky J., Kouba T., Kundrat J.,
Lokajicek M., Schovancova J., Svec J., Belov S., Dmitrienko P., Dolbilov A., Korenkov V.,
Mitsyn V., Oleynik D., Petrosyan A., Rusakovich N., Tikhonenko E., Trofimov V., Uzhinsky A., Zhiltsov V.
JINR (Dubna) and Prague Tier2 Sites: Common Experience in the WLCG Grid Infrastructure
(751 Má) |
up |
Modestov K.A., Chugreev Yu.V.
Linear Perturbations on a Cosmological Background in Relativistic Theory of Gravitation. I.Theory
(96 Êá) |
Modestov K.A., Chugreev Yu.V.
Linear Perturbations on a Cosmological Background in Relativistic Theory of Gravitation. II.Application
(142 Êá) |
Modestov K.A., Chugreev Yu.V.
The Structure of the Integral of Motion for a Rotating Body in the Relativistic Theory of Gravity
(106 Êá) |
Tryasuchev V.A.
Photoproduction of - and
'-Mesons on Nucleons
(467 Êá) |
Guseva I.S., Gagarski A.M., Gusev Yu.I., Petrov G.A., Valski G.V.
The Comparison of Binary- and Ternary-Fission Configurations Close to the Instant of Scission
(452 Êá) |
Tran Duc Thiep, Truong Thi An, Phan Viet Cuong, Nguyen The Vinh,
Belov A.G., Maslov O.D., Starodub G.Ya., Markov B.N.
Study of the Isomeric Ratios in Photonuclear Reactions of Natural Indium Induced
by Bremsstrahlungs with End-Point Energies in the Giant Dipole Resonance Region
(280 Êá) |
Barabanov A.L.
Nuclear Spin-Orbit Interaction and T-odd Angular Correlations in Ternary Fission
(112 Êá) |
Bondarenko I.P., Khryachkov V.A., Ivanova T.A., Kuzminov B.D.,
Semenova N.N., Sergachev A.I.
Experimental Data of 19F(n, )16N
Reaction Excitation Function in 4-7.35 MeV Neutron Energy Region
(562 Êá) |
Ivanova T.A., Bondarenko I.P., Kuzminov B.D., Semenova N.N.,
Sergachev A.I., Khryachkov V.A.
The Tritium Production Cross Section for Neutron Interaction with 10B Nuclei
(100 Êá) |
Vezhlev E.O., Voronin V.V., Kuznetsov I.A., Semenikhin S.Yu., Fedorov V.V.
Verification of the Weak Equivalence Principle with Laue Diffracting Neutrons. Test Experiment
(135 Êá) |
Khryachkov V.A., Bondarenko I.P., Ivanova T.A., Kuzminov B.D.,
Semenova N.N., Sergachev A.I.
Recent Investigation of (n, )
Reaction Cross Section for Chromium Isotopes
(180 Êá) |
Gulbekyan G.G., Buzmakov V.A., Zarubin V.B., Ivanenko I.A.,
Kazarinov N.Yu., Karamysheva G.A., Franko J.
Flat-Top System of the DC-280 Cyclotron
(1.501 Ìá) |
Ivanov E.V., Trubnikov G.V., Sidorin A.O., Smirnova Z.I.
The Quench Detection System for Superconducting Elements of Nuclotron Acceleration Complex
(326 Êá) |
Didyk A.Yu., Wi niewski R.
Nuclear Reactions in Palladium Saturated with Deuterium and Rhenium
in Dense Deuterium Gas under Irradiation by -Quanta
of Continuous Spectrum with Boundary 23 MeV Energy
(570 Êá) |
up |
Gakh G.I., Dbeyssi A., Tomasi-Gustafsson E.,
Marchand D., Bytev V.V.
Proton-Electron Elastic Scattering and the Proton Charge Radius
(146 Êá) |
Sveshnikov K.A., Roenko A.A.
Confinement of Atoms under General Conditions of «Not Going Out»
(292 Êá) |
Skobelev N.K., Kulko A.A., Penionzhkevich Yu.E., Voskoboynik E.I.,
Kroha V., Burjan V., Hons Z., Mr zek J.,
Pisko .,
ime kova E.
Formation Cross Sections of 43Sc, 44Sc and 46Sc Isotopes
in the 45Sc + 3He Reaction
(157 Êá) |
Artemenkov D.A., Bezbakh A.A., Bradnova V., Golovkov M.S., Gorshkov A.V.,
Zarubin P.I., Zarubina I.G., Kaminski G., Kornegrutsa N.K., Krupko S.A., Mamatkulov K.Z., Kattabekov R.R.,
Rusakova V.V., Slepnev R.S., Stanoeva R., Stepantsov S.V., Fomichev A.S., Chudoba V.
Exposure of Nuclear Track Emulsion to 8He Nuclei at the ACCULINNA Separator
(533 Êá) |
Gangrsky Yu.P., Zuzaan P., Belov A.G., Blaszczak Z., Zhemenik V.I.,
Markov B.N., Mishinsky G.V.
The Fission Fragment Yields at the Photofission of Actinide Nuclei
(72 Êá) |
Derenovskaya Î.Yu., Vassiliev I.Î.
J/ Reconstruction in Dielectron Decay
Channel at SIS100 Energies in the CBM Experiment
(424 Êá) |
Okunev I.S., Tchuvil'sky Yu.M.
T-Odd Correlations in (n,
 ) Reactions
(112 Êá) |
Belushkin A.V., Bogdzel A.A., Buzdavin A.P., Veleshki St.I.,
Zhuravlev A.I., Zhuravlev V.V., Kichanov S.E., Kozlenko D.P., Kulikov S.A., Levtchanovski F.V.,
Lukin E.V., Milkov V.M., Murashkevich S.M., Panteleev Ts.Ts., Prikhodko V.I., Savenko B.N., Tsankov L.T.
Multisection Ring Detector of Thermal Neutrons for Diffraction Studies on Microsamples in Axial Geometry
(473 Êá) |
Bystritsky V.M., Zamyatin N.I., Zubarev E.V.,
Rapatsky V.L., Rogov Yu.N., Romanov I.V., Sadovsky A.B., Salamatin A.V., Sapozhnikov M.G., Saphonov M.V.,
Slepnev V.M., Philipov A.V.
Stationary Setup for Detection and Identification of Explosives Using Tagged Neutrons Method
(473 Êá) |
Kazarinov N.Yu., Kazacha V.I.
Calculation of Ion Beam Lines while Instantaneous Changing of the Beam Parameters
(127 Êá) |
Didyk A.Yu., Semina V.K., Hofman A., Mikhailova G.N.,
Troitskij A.V., Antonova L.Kh.
Thermal Processes in Multi-Layered Second Generation HTSC under Swift Heavy Ion Irradiation
(350 Êá) |
Bednyakov I.V., Zrelov P.V., Ivanov V.V., Polozov R.V.,
Sivozhelezov V.S., Stepanenko V.A., Chirgadze Yu.N.
Mapping Structures of Proteins and Nucleic Acids
(392 Êá) |
Grokhlina T.I., Zrelov P.V., Ivanov V.V., Polozov R.V.,
Chirgadze Yu.N., Sivozhelezov V.S.
Database of Amino Acid-Nucleotide Contacts in the DNA Complexes with Homeodomain Family Proteins
(162 Êá) |
Duliu O.G., Lyapunov S.I., Gorbunov A.V., Ricman C., Brustur T.,
Szobotka S.A., Dimitriu R.G., Pop C., Frontasyeva M.V., Culicov O.A., Iovea M.
On the Heavy Elements Content of Sediments and Rocks from Two Semiclosed
Ecosystems: Proglacial Lake Balea (Fagaras Mountains) and Crater Lake St. Ana (Harghita Mountains)
(904 Êá) |
up |
Modestov K.A., Chugreev Yu.V.
The Structure of the Integral of Motion for a Charged Body in the Relativistic Theory of Gravity
(91 Êb) |
Dedovich T.G., Tokarev M.V.
Comparison of Fractal Analysis Methods in the Study of Fractals with Independent Branching
(308 Êb) |
Dedovich T.G., Tokarev M.V.
Analysis of Fractals with Dependent Branching by Using BC, PaC and SePaC Methods
(289 Êb) |
Dineykhan M., Zhaugasheva S.A., Issadykov A., Sagimbayeva N.
Determination of the Hyperfine Splitting of the Energy Levels of Positronium
(135 Êb) |
Bugaev K.A., Ivanytskyi A.I., Sagun V.V., Oliinychenko D.R.
Is Bimodality a Sufficient Condition for a First-Order Phase Transition Existence?
(346 Êb) |
Kaur M.
Nuclear Dynamics at the Geometry of Vanishing Flow in Heavy-Ion Collisions
(245 Êb) |
Akkoyun S., Bayram T., Kara S.O., Yildiz N.
Consistent Empirical Physical Formulas for Potential Energy Curves of 38-66Ti Isotopes by
Using Neural Networks
(233 Êb) |
Voronina Yu.S., Silaev P.K.
On the Shape Dependence of the Tangential Casimir Force
(111 Êb) |
Hassanabadi H., Yazarloo B.H.,
Ko cik P.
Rosen-Morse Potentials for Relativistic Spinless Particles; Approximate Solutions
(124 Êb) |
Artushenko M.Yu., Voronko V.A., Husak K.V., Zhuk I.V.,
Kadykov M.G., Patapenka A.S., Safronova A.A., Sotnikov V.V., Tyutyunnikov S.I., Furman W.I., Chilap V.V.,
Chinenov A.V.
Measuring Parameters of the Deuteron Beams in Experiments
with the Target Assembly QUINTA Using Solid-State Track Detectors
(246 Êb) |
Shalyapin V.N., Tyutyunnikov S.I., Kriachko I.A.
About Some Properties of the Filament RF Discharge
(398 Êb) |
Gusev A.A., Kulchitsky Yu.A., Lednicky R.,
Rimondi F., Russakovich N.A., Tsiareshka P.V.
Calculating Particle Correlators with the Account of Detector Efficiency
(111 Êb) |
Bystritsky V. M., Zubarev E. V., Krasnoperov A. V., Porokhovoy S. Yu., Rapatsky V. L., Rogov Yu. N., Sadovsky A. B., Salamatin A. V., Salmin R. A., Slepnev V. M. Andreev E. I.
Gamma Detectors for Explosive and Drug Detection Systems
(354 Êb) |
Kadykov M.G., Korneev S.V., Martsynkevich B.A., Tyutyunnikov S.I.,
Khilmanovich A.M.
Âîññòàíîâëåíèå ñïåêòðà áûñòðûõ íåéòðîíîâ ìåòîäîì äåôîðìàöèè îïîðíîãî ñïåêòðà,
ïðåäñòàâëÿåìîé â âèäå ôóíêöèè ðàçëîæåíèÿ ïî ïîëèíîìàì Ëåæàíäðà
(205 Êb) |
Zhabitsky V.M.
Beam Dynamics in Synchrotrons with Feedback Systems
(154 Êb) |
Belov O.V., Chuluunbaatar O., Kapralov M.I., Sweilam N.H.
Quantitative Model of Bacterial Mismatch Repair as Applied to Studying Induced Mutagenesis
(260 Êb) |
Dushanov E., Kholmurodov Kh., Yasuoka K., Krasavin E.
MD Studies on Conformational Behavior of a DNA Photolyase Enzyme
(398 Êb) |
up |
Vall A.N., Perevalova I.A., Polyakov M.V., Sokolnikova A.K.
About the Problem of Singular Charge Density at the Center of the Pion
(83 Êb) |
Korenblit S.E., Taychenachev D.V.
Higher-Order Corrections to the Grimus-Stockinger Formula
(114 Êb) |
Satunin P.S.
Astrophysically Relevant Processes in Lorentz-Violating QED
(86 Êb) |
Shishmarev A.A., Markova M.A., Markov Yu.A.
Semiclassical Approximation of the Dirac Equation with Supersymmetry
(106 Êb) |
imkovic F.
Theory of Neutrinoless Double-Beta Decay - A Brief Review
(199 Êb) |
Gorbunov D.S., Tokareva A.A.
Inflation and Reheating in the Starobinsky Model with Conformal Higgs Field
(123 Êb) |
Silenko A.J.
Quantum-Mechanical Description of Lense-Thirring Effect for Relativistic Scalar Particles
(100 Êb) |
Naumov D.V.
On the Theory of Wave Packets
(150 Êb) |
Bilenky S.M., Christova E.
On the Polarization of the Final Nucleon in NC Elastic
-N Scattering
(305 Êb) |
Wergieluk A., Blaschke D., Kalinovsky Yu.L., Friesen A.V.
Pion Dissociation and Levinson's Theorem in Hot PNJL Quark Matter
(545 Êb) |
Ayryan E.A., Gevorkyan A.S., Sevastyanov L.A.
On the Motion of a Three-Body System on Hypersurface of Proper Energy
(545 Êb) |
Sayahi M., Mehraban H.
Analysis of the B0(+)
J/ D0(+) Decays
(154 Êb) |
Abu-Shady M., Soleiman M.
The Extended Quark Sigma Model at Finite Temperature and Baryonic Chemical Potential
(303 Êb) |
Bansal Rubina, Kumar Suneel
Assessment of Multifragmentation under the Effect of Symmetry Energy
(412 Êb) |
Hassanabadi H., Molaee Z., Zarrinkamar S., Ghominejad M.
Exact Solutions of Spin-One DKP Equation under Kratzer Potential in (1 + 2) Dimensions
(126 Êb) |
Klapdor-Kleingrothaus H.V., Krivosheina I.V.
Why Is the Conclusion of the GERDA Experiment Not Justified?
(238 Êb) |
Derenovskaya Î.Yu., Vassiliev I.Î.
Selection Criteria of J/
Decays Registered by the CBM Detector in 25A GeV Au + Au Collisions
(1 Mb) |
Bystritsky V.M., Kobzev A.P., Krylov A.R., Parzhitskii S.S.,
Philippov A.V., Dudkin G.N., Nechaev B.A., Padalko V.N., Pen'kov F.M., Tuleushev Yu.Zh.,
Filipowicz M., Bystritskii Vit. M., Gazi S., Huran J.
Measurement of Astrophysical S-Factors and Cross Sections of the
p(d, )3He
Reaction in the Ultralow Energy Region Using Deuterated Zirconium Target
(162 Êb) |
Bolortuya D., Zuzaan P., Gustova M.V., Maslov O.D.
Study of the Correlation between the Coal Calorific Value and Coal Ash Content Using X-Ray Fluorescence Analysis
(211 Êb) |
Bernabei R.
Direct Dark Matter Investigation
(294 Êb) |
Ivanov I.P.
Forward Physics of Hadronic Colliders
(468 Êb) |
Smirnov O.Yu.
Actual Problems in Low-Energy Neutrino Physics
(167 Êb) |
Dolgij S.A., Nikolaevsky G.P., Nomofilov A.A., Sharov V.I.,
Starikov A.Yu., Zaitsev I.V., Zaporozhets S.A.
Spin-Rotating Magnet for the  L
(np) Experiment at JINR VBLHEP
(512 Êb) |
Vasendina V., Jejer V., Kolesnikov V., Lobastov S., Musulmanbekov G.,
Tyapkin I., Zinchenko A.
Study of the MPD Detector Capabilities for Electron-Positron Pair Measurements at the NICA Collider
(887 Êb) |
Ahmadov F., Abdinov O., Ahmadov G., Anfimov N., Garibov A.,
Guliyev E., Krumshtein Z., Madatov R., Olshevski A., Shvetsov V., Sadigov A., Sadygov Z., Titov A., Zhezher V.
Alpha Particle Detector Based on Micropixel Avalanche Photodiode
(92 Êb) |
Sadygov Z., Ariffin A., Ahmadov F., Anfimov N., Bokova T., Dovlatov A.,
Zheleznykh I., Zerrouk F., Mekhtieva R., Olshevski A., Sadigov A., Titov A., Chalyshev V., Troitskaya M.
Manufacturing Technique for Micropixel Avalanche Photodiodes and Compact Matrix on Their Basis
(175 Êb) |
Vankov I., Vassiliev S.E., Golutvin I.A., Ershov Yu.V., Karjavin V.Yu.,
Makankin A.M., Perelygin V.V., Tchekhovski V.A.
Thick GEM with Resistive Layers
(489 Êb) |
Azaryan N.S., Baturitsky M.A., Budagov Ju.A., Glagolev V.V.,
Demin D.L., Kolosov S.V., Kurayev A.A., Onischenko L.M., Popkova T.L., Rak A.O., Sinitsyn A.K., Trubnikov G.V.,
Shirkov G.D., Shumeiko N.M.
Measurement of Ultra-High Unloaded Quality Factor by Actuating of Superconducting Cavity by Electron Beam
(334 Êb) |
Belyaev O.K., Budanov Yu.A., Zvonarev I.A., Ivanov S.V.,
Kudryavtsev V.G., Mazurov E.V., Mal'tsev A.P., Timofeev A.A., Kobets V.V., Meshkov I.N.
Heavy Ion Linear Accelerator with Radio-Frequency Quadrupole Focusing
(378 Êb) |
Didyk A.Yu., Wi niewski R.,
Wilczynska-Kitowska T.
Changes of Surface Structure and Elemental Composition of Pd Rod and Collector of Nuclear Reaction Products,
Irradiated with 10-MeV Quanta in Dense Deuterium Gas
(2.7 Mb) |
Didyk A.Yu., Wi niewski R., Wilczynska-Kitowska T.
Changes of Surface Structure and Elemental Composition of Components of DHPC Inner Surfaces, Irradiated with
10-MeV Quanta in Dense Deuterium Gas
(1.2 Mb) |
Kostromin S.A., Syresin E.M.
Development of the Accelerator-Based Technique for Hadron Therapy
(5.1 Mb) |
Batmunkh M., Bayarchimeg L., Lkhagva O., Belov O.
Cluster Analysis of HZE Particle Tracks as Applied to Space Radiobiology Problems
(476 Kb) |
Aleksahin V.Yu., Bystritsky V.M., Zamyatin N.I., Zubarev E.V.,
Krasnoperov A.V., Rapatsky V.L., Rogachev A.V., Rogov Yu.N., Sadovsky A.B., Salamatin A.V., Sapozhnikov M.G.,
Slepnev V.M.
Application of Tagged Neutron Technique for Detection of Dangerous Substances Underwater
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