

Pepan Letters
Annual Reports
To Authors
Subject Categories for JINR Publications

E7-2011-1 (302.497)
Karamian S.A. et al.
Production of Isomers in Compound and Transfer Reactions with 4He Ions

A well-known island of nuclear isomerism appears near A = 175-180 due to the deformation alignment of single-particle orbits at high angular momentum. This sometimes results in the formation of multi-quasiparticle states with record spin that are long-lived because of «K-hindrance», i.e.,symmetry rearrangement. Production methods and spectroscopic studies of these isomers remain a challenge for modern nuclear reaction and nuclear structure physics. In the present work, activities were produced by irradiation of 176Yb (97.6%) enriched and natLu targets with 35 MeV 4He ions from the internal beam of the U200 cyclotron. Induced activities were analyzed applying methods of radiochemistry and gamma spectroscopy. Yields of compound and nucleon-transfer reactions were measured and the isomer-to-ground state ratios were deduced. Calculated results were obtained using standard procedures to reproduce the (, xn) cross sections, and the systematic behavior of the nucleon-transfer yields was established. The isomer-to-ground state ratios for direct reactions with 4He ions were examined, resulting in a new characterization of the reaction mechanism.

E2-2011-2 (761.859)
Tokarev M.V. et al.
Search for Signatures of Phase Transition and Critical Point in Heavy-Ion Collisions

The general concepts in the critical phenomena related with the notions of «scaling» and «universality» are considered. Behavior of various systems near a phase transition is displayed. Search for clear signatures of the phase transition of the nuclear matter and location of the critical point in heavy-ion collisions (HIC) is discussed. The experimental data on inclusive spectra measured in HIC at RHIC and SPS over a wide range of energies sNN1/2 = 9-200 GeV are analyzed in the framework of z-scaling. A microscopic scenario of the constituent interactions is presented. Dependence of the energy loss on the momentum of the produced hadron, energy and centrality of the collision is studied. Self-similarity of the constituent interactions described in terms of momentum fractions is used to characterize the nuclear medium by «specific heat» and colliding nuclei by fractal dimensions. Preferable kinematical regions to search for signatures of the phase transition of the nuclear matter produced in HIC are discussed. Discontinuity of the «specific heat» is assumed to be a signature of the phase transition and the critical point.

P2-2011-3 (648.725)
Dedovich T.G., Tokarev M.V.
P-adic Coverage Method for Fractal Analysis of Showers

Self-similarity in multiple processes at high energies is considered. It is assumed that a parton cascade transforms into a hadron shower with a fractal structure. The BC method (Box Counting method) used to calculate the fractal dimension of the cascade is analyzed. The parton shower with permissible 1/3 parts of the pseudorapidity space corresponding to the Triad Cantor set was used as the test fractal. The existence of the optimal set of bins (the parameter of BC method) allowing one to find the fractal dimension with the maximum accuracy was found. The optimal set of bins is shown to depend on the law of fractal generation. The P-adic Coverage method (PaC method) used for fractal analysis is offered. This method allows us to determine the fractal dimension of the shower with the maximum accuracy, the number of fractal levels and of partons at branching in the process of development of the shower, the cascade type (random or regular) and its structure. The method is shown to be applicable for the analysis of the regular and random N-ary cascades with permissible 1/k parts of the study space.

E10-2011-5 (275.987)
Lebedev S.
Fast Parallel Ring Recognition Algorithm in the RICH Detector of the CBM Experiment at FAIR

The Compressed Baryonic Matter (CBM) experiment at the future FAIR facility at Darmstadt will measure dileptons emitted from the hot and dense phase in heavy-ion collisions. In case of an electron measurement, a high purity of identified electrons is required in order to suppress the background. Electron identification in CBM will be performed by a Ring Imaging Cherenkov (RICH) detector and Transition Radiation Detector (TRD). Very fast data reconstruction is extremely important for CBM because of the huge amount of data which has to be handled. In this contribution, a parallelized ring recognition algorithm is presented. Modern CPUs have two features, which enable parallel programming. First, the SSE technology allows using the SIMD execution model. Second, multicore CPUs enable the use of multithreading. Both features have been implemented in the ring reconstruction of the RICH detector. A considerable speedup factor from 357 to 2.5 ms/event has been achieved including preceding code optimization for Intel Xeon X5550 processors at 2.67 GHz.

E14-2011-6 (809.042)
Didyk A.Yu. et al.
Depth Concentrations of Deuterium Ions Implanted into Some Pure Metals and Alloys

Pure metals (Cu, Ti, Zr, V, Pd) and diluted Pd alloys (Pd-Ag, Pd-Pt, Pd-Ru, Pd-Rh) were implanted by 25-keV deuterium ions at fluences in the range (1.2-2.3) 1022 D+/m2. The post-treatment depth distributions of deuterium ions were measured 10 days and three months after the implantation by using Elastic Recoil Detection Analysis (ERDA) and Rutherford Backscattering (RBS). Comparison of the obtained results allowed us to make conclusions about relative stability of deuterium and hydrogen gases in pure metals and diluted Pd alloys. Very high diffusion rates of implanted deuterium ions from V and Pd pure metals and Pd alloys were observed. Small-angle X-ray scattering revealed formation of nanosized defects in implanted corundum and titanium.

E14-2011-7 (1.340.965)
Didyk A.Yu. et al.
Comparative Analysis of Deuterium Ions Implanted and Deuterium Atoms Saturated at High Pressure in Pure Pd and Pd Diluted Alloys

Pd and its diluted alloys (Pd-Ag, Pd-Pt, Pd-Ru, Pd-Rh) were implanted by 25 keV deuterium ions at a fluence interval of (1.2-2.3) 1022 D/m2. The same property alloys were saturated by deuterium atoms using high pressure chamber during long period with temperature stabilization and electrical resistance measurement of standard Pd wire. The post-treatment depth distributions of deuterium and accompanied hydrogen atoms were measured immediately after implantation (ten days) and after definite time period (three months) after saturation with the usage of elastic recoil detection analysis (ERDA). After two months, the measurements were repeated. The comparison of obtained results in both series of studies allowed one to make an important observation of a relative stability of deuterium and hydrogen atoms in pure Pd and its diluted alloys.

E14-2011-8 (463.377)
Didyk A.Yu. et al.
ERD Studies of D-ion Depth Distributions after Implantation into Some Pure Metals and Alloys

This paper presents a report on experimental results of depth distributions of deuterium ions implanted with 25 keV energy at a fluence interval of (1.2-2.3) 1022 D+/m2 into samples of pure metals (Cu, Ti, Zr, V, Pd) and diluted Pd alloys (Pd-Ag, Pd-Pt, Pd-Ru, Pd-Rh). The post-treatment depth distributions of deuterium and hydrogen atoms were measured within a few hours after implantation with the use of elastic recoil detection (ERD) analysis. After three months the measurements were repeated. The comparison of the obtained results in both series of studies allowed us to make an important observation of the desorption rates of implanted deuterium atoms from pure metals and diluted Pd alloys. The maximum measured concentrations of deuterium atoms in pure Zr and Ti foils with relatively small desorption rate of deuterium atoms within three months after implantation were observed. Also a very high spreading of deuterium atom distributions was observed in all the measured pure metals and alloys. It can be explained by the large diffusion coefficients of deuterium and extremely fast kinetics.

P11-2011-9 (574.845)
Belyakov D.V. et al.
Information System DoctorDoc of Electronic Document Circulation

Some aspects of the development and introduction of an information system of electronic document circulation at a real enterprise have been discussed. Advantages and disadvantages of the home developed and purchased systems are shown. Questions of constructing the document circulation systems based on principally new approaches, the so-called process-oriented document circulation, are investigated. The main concepts of designing such systems are given, their advantages over the existing service-oriented systems are demonstrated. Some examples of work with the process-oriented electronic document circulation system implemented in test operation at LIT JINR are presented.

E2-2011-10 (703.735)
Tokarev M., Zborovsk I.
Energy Scan in Heavy-Ion Collisions and Search for a Critical Point

Experimental data on inclusive spectra measured in heavy-ion collisions at RHIC and SPS over a wide energy range = 9-200 GeV are analyzed in the framework of z-scaling. A microscopic scenario of constituent interactions in the framework of this approach is discussed. Dependence of the energy loss on the momentum of the produced hadron, energy and centrality of the collision, is studied. Self-similarity of the constituent interactions in terms of momentum fractions is used to characterize the nuclear medium by «specific heat» and colliding nuclei by fractal dimensions. Preferable kinematic regions for search for signatures of the phase transition of the nuclear matter produced in heavy-ion collisions (HIC) are discussed. Discontinuity of «specific heat» is assumed to be a signature of the phase transition and the Critical Point.

Музафаров Д. З.
Численное исследование некоторых нелинейных эволюционных моделей конденсированных состояний
Автореф. дис. ... канд. физ.-мат. наук

Лебедев С. А.
Математическое обеспечение для реконструкции колец черенковского излучения и идентификации электронов в RICH детекторе эксперимента СВМ
Автореф. дис. ... канд. физ.-мат. наук

P9-2011-15 (345.988)
Yudin I.P., Panacik V.A., Tyutyunnikov S.I.
Additional Transport Channel of Carbon Ions for Biological Research at the Nuclotron of JINR

The paper deals with the construction of the beam 12C+6 transport line for biomedical research at the Nuclotron accelerator complex, JINR. We have studied the scheme and modes of magneto-optical elements of the channel. The results of calculations of the investigated beam transport of carbon ions, are presented. The algorithms to control the carbon ion beam in the transportation system, are discussed. The choice of the magneto-optical system is motivated. The graphs of the beam envelopes in the channel, are given. The scanning control beam functions are considered.

P11-2011-16 (471.712)
Yudin I.P., Perepelkin E.E., Tyutyunnikov S.I.
Using the CUDA Programming Environment for Modeling the Ions Beam Line Injection Taking into Account the Space Charge

In the paper the simulation was made of the injection line beam in a synchrotron for the JINR VBLHEP project «Development and Creation of the Prototype of a Complex for Radiotherapy on Heavy Ions Beams at the Nuclotron-M». Parameters were selected for the injection beams transport line into a synchrotron with intensities of 25 to 100 mA taking into account the space charge effect. The simulation was performed using the method of macroparticles (PIC). In order to accelerate the computational process, an approach was used to massively parallel computing on graphics processors (GPU), using the technology CUDA. A 66 times accelerating of computing process has been obtained for Tesla C1060 computing module in comparison with single core CPU at 2.4 GHz.

E14-2011-17 (846.014)
Tsibakhashvili N.Ya. et al.
Microbial Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles by Streptomyces glaucus and Spirulina platensis

For the first time in Georgia a novel actinomycete strain Streptomyces glaucus 71 MD isolated from a soy rhizosphere has been used for microbial synthesis of silver nanoparticles. The Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM) images revealed that most of the particles produced by these microorganisms from AgNO3 are spherical-like in shape with an average size of 13 nm. The Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) allowed one to observe extracellular synthesis of nanoparticles, which has many advantages from the point of view of applications. Production of silver nanoparticles proceeds extracellularly with the participation of another microorganism, blue-green microalgae Spirulina platensis. It is shown that the production rate of the nanoparticles depends not only on the initial concentration of AgNO3 but also varies with time in a no monotonic way.

P14-2011-18 (2.348.961)
Belushkin A.V., Kozlenko D.P., Rogachev A.V.
Synchrotron and Neutron Scattering Methods for Studies of Properties of Condensed Matter: Complementarity or Competition?

A comparative analysis of modern possibilities of synchrotron radiation and neutron scattering methods for studies of collective excitations, atomic and magnetic structure of condensed matter is presented. The opportunities for research using techniques based on inelastic scattering, diffraction and small-angle scattering of synchrotron radiation and neutrons, as well as synchrotron radiation resonance elastic and inelastic scattering and absorption, are considered. The application limits and complementarity of the considered synchrotron radiation and neutron scattering methods are discussed.

E14-2011-19 (296.152)
Gonchigsuren M., Deleg S., Olafsson S.
Hydrogen Uptake in Mg-Pd Thin Films

The work is focused on the study of the possibility to reduce the binding energy of hydride formation by alloying metal magnesium with transition metal palladium. Hydrogen uptake in Mg-Pd films, with composition ranging from Mg0,95Pd0,05 to Mg0,5Pd0,5 was investigated by in-situ resistance measurements. Experimental data were used to calculate the dependence p-R-T and isotherms showing the enthalpy change were drawn. The data were then compared with the bulk values for MgH2 and PdH0,6. As a result, the authors were bound to conclude that the enthalpy change or the binding energy of hydride formation was reduced from -0.77 eV/H2 down to -0.65 -0.5 eV/H2.

E2-2011-20 (135.427)
Beshtoev Kh.M.
Important Remarks on the Problem of Neutrino Passing through the Matter

It is supposed that resonance enhancement of neutrino oscillations in the matter appears while a neutrino is passing through the matter. It is shown that Wolfenstein's equation, for a neutrino passing through the matter, has a disadvantage (it does not take into account the law of momentum conservation; i.e., it is supposed that in the matter the neutrino energy changes, but its momentum does not). It leads, for example, to changing the effective mass of the neutrino by the value 0.87 102 eV from a very small value of energy polarization of the matter caused by the neutrino, which is equal to 5 1012 eV. After removing this disadvantage (i.e., taking into account that neutrino momentum also changes in matter) we have obtained a solution to this equation. In this solution a very small enhancement of neutrino oscillations in the solar matter appears due to the smallness of the energy polarization of the matter caused by the neutrino. Two possible solutions to this equation are also given for the limiting cases.

P9-2011-21 (772.429)
Karamyshev O.V.
A Code for Simulation of Beam Dynamics at Injection into Circular Accelerators

It is important to perform a great number of numeric simulations for designing injection systems of circular accelerators. Initially, we calculate electromagnetic fields of the elements of injection lines and then simulate beam dynamics in these fields. This paper presents the DYN code, created in Matlab, which can use results from electromagnetic field simulations performed by Сomsol, CST Studio or ANSYS. The code integrates differential equations of motion of the charged particles in the electromagnetic field. Simulations of the spiral electrostatic inflector, dedicated for axial injection of the beam into the cyclotron center, and the beam line for antiproton injection into the AD-REC electrostatic ring are presented as examples.

P14-2011-22 (962.059)
Avdeev M.V., Aksenov V.L., Feoktystov A.V.
On Determination of «Atomic» and «Magnetic» Sizes of Nanoparticles in Ferrofluids by Means of Small-Angle Neutron Scattering

Main factors influencing the determination of the sizes of magnetic nanoparticles in ferrofluids by the nuclear («atomic» size) and magnetic («magnetic» size) components of the small-angle neutron scattering (SANS) are considered. They include particle interaction effects, colloidal aggregation and particle polydispersity. It is shown that ignoring these factors in simplified scattering analysis (use of only Guinier analysis at the contrast variation) may result in principally incorrect interpretations. The efficient and reliable SANS application for the structure analysis of ferrofluids in the frame of a complex approach combining several complementary methods is demonstrated.

E1-2011-24 (686.681)
Baldin A. et al.
Relativistic Nuclear Technology (RNT) for Energy Production and Utilization of Spent Nuclear Fuel. The Results of First Experiments on Physical Justification of RNT

An essentially new scheme of the electronuclear method - relativistic nuclear technology (RNT) - is considered. This is based on the use of the neutron spectrum forming in the deep subcritical active core, much harder than created in chain fission process. It is shown that an application of RNT for utilization of the radioactive nuclear wastes and energy production seems to be very promising. The results of the first experiments carried out at JINR demonstrate the validity of basic principles of RNT. In particular, these point to the essential (twofold) growth of beam power gain in massive (315 kg) uranium target irradiated with deuterons with increasing energy from 1 to 4 GeV.

E5-2011-28 (190.275)
Zhidkov P.E.
On Radially Symmetric Solutions of the Equation -u + u = |u|p-1u. An ODE Approach

Questions of the existence in a ball of radially symmetric solutions of the equation indicated in the title with the Dirichlet zero boundary conditions are studied in many publications and, generally speaking, there was obtained more or less complete answer to these questions. It is known now that if the dimension of the space d 3 and 1 < p < (d + 2)/(d - 2) or if d = 2 and p > 1, then for any integer l 0 this problem in a ball or in the entire space has a radially symmetric solution with precisely l zeros as a function of r = |x|. If d 3 and p (d + 2)/(d - 2), then the problem in the entire space has no nontrivial solution. For the first time, this problem was studied by a variant of the variational method. However, it is known to the specialists in the field that it is also interesting to obtain the same results by using methods of the qualitative theory of ODE. In the present paper, we shall give a simple proof of the above result in this way. An earlier proof of this result of the other authors is essentially more complicated than our one.

E5-2011-29 (1.342.088)
Gevorkyan A.S., Abajyan H.G., Sukiasyan H.S.
A New Parallel Algorithm for Simulation of a Spin-Glass System on Scales of Space-Time Periods of an External Field

We study the statistical properties of an ensemble of disordered 1D spatial spin chains (SSCs) of certain length in the external field. On nodes of spin-chain lattice the recurrent equations and corresponding inequality conditions are obtained for calculation of local minimum of a classical Hamiltonian. Using these equations for simulation of a model of 1D spin glass an original high-performance parallel algorithm is developed. Distributions of different parameters of unperturbed spin glass are calculated. It is analytically proved and shown by numerical calculations that the distribution of the spin-spin interaction constant in the Heisenberg nearest-neighboring Hamiltonian model as opposed to the widely used Gauss-Edwards-Anderson distribution satisfies the Lvy alpha-stable distribution law which does not have variance. We have studied critical properties of spin glass depending on the external field amplitude and have shown that even at weak external fields in the system strong frustrations arise. It is shown that frustrations have a fractal character, they are self-similar and do not disappear at decreasing of calculations area scale. After averaging over the fractal structures the mean values of polarizations of the spin glass on the scales of external field's space-time periods are obtained. Similarly, Edwards-Anderson's ordering parameter depending on the external field amplitude is calculated. It is shown that the mean values of polarizations and the ordering parameter depending on the external field demonstrate phase transitions of first order.

E11-2011-31 (1.712.423)
Ayryan E.A. et al.
Representations of Guided Modes of Integrated-Optical Multilayer Thin-Film Waveguides

We investigate the guided propagation (eigen) modes in the regular multilayer dielectric waveguides. The waveguide involves several nonmagnetic media with real dielectric constants, and the description of the corresponding wave equations is done in terms of transverse and longitudinal field components in Cartesian coordinates. In order to allow comparison with various previous approaches, the solutions of the equations of the guided modes are expressed in terms of both real valued and complex valued fundamental systems of solutions. For each of them we derive the appropriate form of the dispersion relation for the TE and TM~modes of three-layer and four-layer waveguides. Stable methods of solving the resulting nonlinear transcendental algebraic dispersion equations and related systems of linear algebraic equations are implemented and used for the calculation of the fields of the waveguide modes.

E3-2011-33 (2.085.337)
Sukhovoj A.M., Khitrov V.A.
Modified Model of Neutron Resonances Width Distribution. Results of Reduced Neutron Widths Approximation for Mass Region 35 A 249

The distributions of the reduced neutron widths of s-, p- and d-resonances of nuclei of any type from nuclear mass region 35 A 249 were approximated with maximal precision by the model which presents experimental data set as a superposition of a maximum of four independent neutron amplitudes. Under the assumption that each of these amplitudes has the Gauss distribution with the unique maximum there were determined the most probable values of contribution of each amplitude in summary width distribution, their most probable mean values and dispersions. Comparison of the obtained 2 values with value 2 at description of the experimental data by one distribution of neutron amplitudes with best fitted parameters shows that all widths from more than 157 analyzed data sets can have different types of wave functions.

P9-2001-34 (291.600)
Karamyshev O.V., Karamysheva G.A., Skripka G.M.
Beam Losses Due to Charge Exchange with the Residual Gas in the Cyclotron

This paper describes methods and results of simulation of light and heavy ion beams losses due to charge exchange with the residual gas in the cyclotron. A code IONLOSS was created which can simulate beam losses due to charge exchange with the residual gas while moving in the vacuum chamber. The results of simulations of 40Ar8+ and 84Kr17+ ion beams losses in the CYTRACK cyclotron, which accelerates heavy ions up to an energy of 2.4 MeV/u, and losses of H2+, 12C6+ ions in the C400 cyclotron (IBA, Belgium), which accelerates ions up to 260 MeV and 400 MeV/u, correspondingly, are presented as examples.

Аксенов Н. В.
Радиохимическая диагностика сорбционного поведения титана, циркония, гафния и тория как легких гомологов резерфордия
Автореф. дис. ... канд. хим. наук

E3-2011-36 (1.155.588)
Sukhovoj A.M., Khitrov V.A.
Modified Model of Neutron Resonance Widths Distribution. Results of Total Gamma-Widths Approximation

Functional dependences of probability to observe given 0n value and algorithms for determination of the most probable magnitudes of the modified model of resonance parameter distributions were used for analysis of the experimental data on the total radiative widths of neutron resonances. As in the case of neutron widths, precise description of the spectra requires a superposition of three and more probability distributions for squares of the random normally distributed values with different nonzero average and nonunit dispersion. This result confirms the preliminary conclusion obtained earlier at analysis of 0n that practically in all 56~tested sets of total gamma widths there are several groups noticeably differing from each other by the structure of their wave functions. In addition, it was determined that radiative widths are much more sensitive than the neutron ones to resonance wave functions structure. Analysis of early obtained neutron reduced widths distribution parameters for 157 resonance sets in the mass region of nuclei 35 A 249 was also performed. It was shown that the experimental values of widths can correspond with high probability to superposition of several expected independent distributions with their nonzero mean values and nonunit dispersion.

Кривенков Д. О.
Исследование когерентной диссоциации релятивистских ядер 9C
Автореф. дис. ... канд. физ.-мат. наук

039(E15-2011-39) (1.412.652)
Svoboda O. et al. (On behalf of the Collaboration «Energy and Transmutation of Radioactive Waste»)
The Study of Spallation Reactions, Neutron Production and Transport in a Thick Lead Target and Uranium Blanket during 1.6 and 2.52 GeV Deuteron Irradiation

Neutron activation detectors were used to study the neutron field in the setup «Energy plus Transmutation» consisting of a thick lead target and natural uranium blanket. This setup was exposed to 1.6 and 2.52 GeV deuteron beam from the Nuclotron accelerator. The experiment is a part of systematic study of neutron field and transmutation using proton and deuteron beams in the energy range from 0.7 up to 4 GeV. The experimental data were compared with the results of the MCNPX simulations and with the data from the previous experiments. A good agreement within the statistical uncertainties was observed.

E14-2011-40 (250.479)
Balasoiu M. et al.
Particle Concentration Effects on the Ferrofluids Based Elastomers Microstructure

Combination of magnetic and elastic properties of magnetic elastomer leads to diverse phenomena exhibited by this material in magnetic fields and opens new possibilities for technological applications. Various structures could be formed inside the material or the already existing structures would be changed due to the application of a magnetic field. A new rubber material containing magnetized anisotropic nano-clusters with the use of ferrofluids is proposed. By means of small-angle neutron scattering specific variations of the structure factor and interparticle correlation length with the particle concentration and the magnetic field imposed during polymerization are found and discussed.

P13-2011-43 (206.789)
Baturitskii M.A. et al.
Detector with a Profile-Based Cathode and the Two-Coordinate Pad-Strip Readout System

A detector with a profile-based cathode and a pad-strip cathode readout system is experimentally investigated. Cathode pads arranged along each anode wire are diagonally interconnected and make up strips that cross the detector at an angle with respect to the anode wire. Two cathode coordinates and an anode wire allow unique identification of events with high multiplicity in one detector.

P13-2011-44 (141.861)
Kuchinskii N.A. et al.
Using the Cathode Surface of Straw Tube for Measuring the Track Coordinates along the Wire

Currently, the coordinate detectors based on straw tubes are widely used in high energy physics. This is caused by a high accuracy of the radial coordinate measurement using the drift time and a small amount of matter in the way of the measured particles. So far, the remaining problem is the measurement of the coordinate along the wire. This paper proposes a method for measuring the hit coordinates along the wire in a straw tube detector using the signals from the cathodes of the detector.

P19-2011-45 (1.058.686)
Aksenova S.V., Belov O.V., Lhagva O.
Modeling the Spatial Distribution of the Volumic Radiant Energy and Absorbed Dose of Radiation in the DNA Structure under Accelerated Heavy Ions

Model approaches are developed to the description of the mechanism of the formation of different types of atomic-level DNA lesions under accelerated heavy ions. The radial distribution of volumic radiant energy and the absorbed dose are calculated in accelerated 4He, 12C, and 40Ar ion tracks in the energy range of 3-20 MeV/nucleon. The spatial location of the atoms of an adenine-thymine nucleotide pair is compared with the calculated radial dose and volumic radiant energy distribution.

E6-2011-46 (631.186)
Izosimov I.N., Kalinnikov V.G., Solnyshkin A.A.
Fine Structure of Strength Functions for Gamow-Teller and First-Forbidden +/EC Transitions

The experimental measurement data on the fine structure of S(E) in spherical and deformed nuclei are analyzed. The modern nuclear spectroscopy methods allowed the split of the peaks caused by nuclear deformation to be revealed in S(E) for transitions of the Gamow-Teller (GT) type. The resonance nature of S(E) for first-forbidden (FF) transitions in both spherical and deformed nuclei is experimentally proved. It is shown that at some nuclear excitation energies FF transitions can be comparable in intensity with GT transitions.

P15-2011-47 (889.200)
Rodin A.M. et al.
Mass-Spectrometer MASHA - Testing Results on Heavy Ion Beam

Description of mass-spectrometer MASHA, developed for the mass identification of superheavy elements, is given. The efficiency and operation speed in the off-line mode were measured with four calibrated leakages of noble gases. The total efficiency and operation speed of mass-spectrometer with hot catcher and ECR ion source were determined using the 40Ar beam. The test experiment was carried out by measuring the alpha decay of Hg and Rn isotopes, produced in fusion reactions 40Ar + natSm nat - xnHg + xn and 40Ar + 166Er 206 - xnRn + xn, in the focal plane of mass-spectrometer. The operation speed of the given technique and relative yields of isotopes in the test reactions were determined.

E2-2011-48 (210.597)
Beshtoev Kh.M.
About Oscillations in the System of K0 Mesons

This work considers K0-, -meson mixings and oscillations via K01-, K02-meson states at strangeness violation by the weak interactions and K01-, K02-meson mixings and oscillations via KS-, KL-meson states at CP violation by the weak interactions without and with taking into account decay widths. We work in the framework of the masses mixing scheme. It is shown that K01-(KS-)meson states appear at big distances from the K0-mesons source after their decays (L S (2 2)) due to oscillations of residual K02 (KL) mesons and then again we see short-living K01 (KS) mesons. It is implied that KL KS meson oscillations are absent. The case is also considered when at CP violation unitarity is violated, but orthogonality of KS, KL states remains. The general expressions for probabilities of meson oscillations (transitions) are given.

P9-2011-49 (716.899)
Kalmykov A.V. et al.
A Stand for Simulation and Test of the Magnetic Components of the Focus Beam and Transport Systems for Accelerator LUE-200, Installation IREN

Technical parameters and physical abilities of the equipment stand for simulation and testing of the dipole electromagnet to focus and transport the beam of the linear accelerator (LUE-200) are described. The overall design of the stand, a description of the magnetometer and the positioning system of Hall sensors are presented. The software of the stand has been developed.

P13-2011-50 (489.154)
Kalmykov A.V., Strekalovskiy O.V., Strekalovskaya E.V.
The SM-200 Step Motor Control Device

One of the main nodes of the stand for testing and modeling solenoid coils, which define the focus of the beam of charged particles in the accelerator LUE-200 (IREN), is a device for positioning Hall sensors (HS). The mechanism of movement of the platform where HS are installed is activated by the step motor. This paper describes the control device of the step motor SM-200.

Карамышев О. В.
Динамика низкоэнергетического пучка при инжекции в циклические ускорители и накопители
Автореф. дис. ... канд. физ.-мат. наук

E1-2011-52 (712.538)
Adam J. et al.
A Study of Rates of (n,f), (n,), and (n,2n) Reactions in natU and 232Th Produced by the Neutron Fluence in the Graphite Setup (GAMMA-3) Irradiated by 2.33 GeV Deuteron Beam

Spallation neutrons produced in a collision of 2.33 GeV deuteron beam with the large lead target are moderated by the thick graphite block surrounding the target and used to activate the radioactive samples of natU and Th put at the three different positions, identified as holes «a», «b» and «c» in the graphite block. Rates of the (n,f), (n,), and (n,2n) reactions in the two samples are determined using the gamma spectrometry. Ratio of the experimental reaction rates, R(n,2n)/R(n,f) for the 232Th and natU are estimated in order to understand the role of reactions of (n, xn) type in Accelerator Driven Subcritical Systems. For the Th-sample, the ratio is ~ 54(10)% in case of hole «a» and ~ 95(57)% in case of hole «b» compared to 1.73(20)% for the hole «a» and 0.710(9)% for the hole «b» in case of the natU sample. Also the ratio of fission rates in uranium to thorium, natU(n,f)/232Th(n,f), is ~ 11.2(17) in case of hole «a» and 26.8(85) in hole «b». Similarly, ratio 238U(n,2n)/232Th(n,2n) is 0.36(4) for the hole «a» and 0.20(10) for the hole «b» showing that 232Th is more prone to the (n, xn) reaction than 238U. All the experimental reaction rates are compared with the simulated ones by generating neutron fluxes at the three holes from MCNPX 2.6c and making use of LA150 library of cross sections. The experimental and calculated rates of all the three reactions are in good agreement. The transmutation power of the setup is estimated using the rates of (n,) and (n,2n) reactions for both the samples in the three holes and compared with some of the results of the «Energy plus Transmutation» setup and TARC experiment.

P19-2011-53 (1.077.986)
Hlinkova E. et al.
Effect of -Irradiation on Euglena gracilis Algae

Given the prospects for using Euglena algae as part of the biological systems of human life support in long-term space flights, we studied the effects of low doses of radiation and genotype influence on the radiosensitivity of Euglena cells. Irradition of several Euglena gracilis strains with 60Co -rays shows that strain Z is the most radioresistant. Its chloroplastless derivate OFL strain shows increased radiosensitivity. The E. bacillaris strain and its derivates W3 and W10 without chlorophyll have intermediate radiosensitivity. Irradiation up to 10 Gy had the hormesis effect on the initial strains, and it is only above 100 Gy that cell death was observed. The hormesis effect was observed concerning both radioresistance and growth rate. The use of methylen blue and fluorochrome dyes allows a rapid estimation of the share of the living and dead cells. A comparison of two survival rate tests shows that the classical method of plating on a growth medium yields an increased death rate because this method does not take into account the living non-dividing cells.

E4-2011-54 (160.636)
Ignatovich V.K.
On EPR Paradox, No Entanglement Theorem for Separate Particles and Consequences

EPR paper [1] is reconsidered. Unavoidable redefinition of values of physical quantities is shown to resolve the paradox. Entangled states according to EPR logic are shown not to exist, and therefore nonlocality in quantum mechanics is absent. Violation of Bell's inequalities in coincidence experiments with parametrically downconversion photons is shown not to mean a rejection of quantum mechanical locality. Experiments to check the natural correlation of photon polarizations without entangled states are proposed. Consequences of absence of the entangled states are discussed.

P10-2011-55 (371.090)
Galaktionov V.V.
GridCom, Grid Commander: Graphical Interface for Grid Jobs and Data Management

GridCom - the software package for maintenance of automation of access to means of distributed system Grid (jobs and data). The client part, executed in the form of Java-applets, realises the Web-interface access to Grid through standard browsers. The executive part Lexor (LCG Executor) is started by the user in UI (User Interface) machine providing performance of Grid operations.

P17-2011-56 (168.412)
Nazmitdinov R.G., Chizhov A.V.
Entanglement in a Two-Electron Quantum Dot in a Magnetic Field

Entanglement features of the ground state in an exactly solvable model of a two-electron quantum dot are analysed. It was found that a degree of entanglement increases with the interaction strength between electrons, irrespective of a shape of the confining potential in a quantum dot. The magnetic field destroys the entanglement of electrons. However, the entanglement in deformed quantum dots is more stable to the effect of the magnetic field.

P15-2011-58 (3.515.393)
Karnaukhov V.A.
Hot and Boiling Nuclei (To the Centenary of E.Rutherford's Discovery)

The paper is the report given by the author at the JINR meeting devoted to the centenary of the atomic nucleus discovery by E.Rutherford. The properties of nuclei with the excitation energy comparable to the total binding energy are considered.

P13-2011-59 (1.781.474)
Astabatyan R.A. et al.
Parallel Plate Avalanche Detector for Identification of Low Energy Ions

The set-up containing avalanche detectors, a multiwire proportional chamber and a strip silicon detector is presented. The main part of the set-up is a low pressure avalanche wireless detector for energy losses and time-of-flight measurements of ions in the range of Z 1 and E = 1-10 MeV. The results of -particles from 226Ra measurement as well as for (p, Be, C, O) ions identification obtained on the cyclotron ITS-100 FLNR JINR are presented.

E11-2011-60 (567.640)
Gevorkyan A.S., Abajyan H.G., Ayryan E.A.
On Modeling of Statistical Properties of Classical 3D Spin Glasses

We study statistical properties of 3D classical spin glass layer of certain width and infinite length. The 3D spin glass is represented as an ensemble of disordered 1D spatial spin chains (SSC) where interactions are random between spin chains (nonideal ensemble of 1D SSCs). It is proved that in the limit of Birkhoff's ergodic hypothesis performance, 3D spin glasses can be generated by Hamiltonian of disordered 1D SSC with random environment. Disordered 1D SSC is defined on a regular lattice where one randomly oriented spin is put on each node of lattice. Also, it is supposed that each spin randomly interacts with six nearest-neighboring spins (two spins on lattice and four in the environment). The recurrent transcendental equations are obtained on the nodes of spin-chain lattice. These equations, combined with the Silvester conditions, allow step-by-step construction of spin chain in the ground state of energy where all spins are in minimal energy of classical Hamiltonian. On the basis of these equations an original high-performance parallel algorithm is developed for 3D spin glasses simulation. Distributions of different parameters of unperturbed spin glass are calculated. In particular, it is analytically proved and numerical calculations show that the distribution of spin-spin interaction constant in Heisenberg nearest-neighboring Hamiltonian model, as opposed to widely used Gauss-Edwards-Anderson distribution, satisfies Lvy alpha-stable distribution law which does not have variance. A new formula is proposed for construction of partition function in the form of one-dimensional integral on energy distribution of 1D SSCs.

Большакова А. Е.
Калибровка времяпроекционной камеры эксперимента HARP и измерение сечений рождения адронов в адрон-ядерных взаимодействиях на тантале и свинце для проектирования нейтринной фабрики
Автореф. дис. ... канд. физ.-мат. наук

P9-2011-62 (834.058)
Becher Yu. et al.
The Positioning Device of Beam Probes for Accelerator LUE-200

The description of a device for the positioning of sliding beam probes which is the part of the beam diagnostic system for the LUE-200 electron linac of IREN installation is presented. The device provides remote control of input--output operation of beam probes of five diagnostic stations established in an accelerating tract and in the beam transportation channel of the accelerator.

Жемчугов А. С.
Экспериментальное исследование взаимодействия адронов с ядрами бериллия для развития феноменологических моделей ядерных реакций
Автореф. дис. ... канд. физ.-мат. наук

P6-2011-64 (420.424)
Maslov O.D. et al.
Determination of Aluminum and Silicon Content in Water Samples by Nuclear Physical Methods Using XRFA and the MT-25 Microtron

Some of element contents in the samples have been determined by nuclear physical methods (XRFA, GAA and NAA).The possibility of determining Mg, Al, and Si content in water samples has been studied. The detection limits of 0.03 for Al and 0.1 mg/l for Si in water samples have been obtained. Monitoring of the aluminum and silicon content in water is important because the high concentration of aluminum or the low content of silicon in drinking water may be risk factors for Alzheimer's disease.

P9-2011-65 (584.046)
Azaryan N.S. et al.
The Modeling of the Single-Cell Superconducting Niobium Resonator for an Accelerator of Electrons and Positrons

The modeling of the accelerator section consisting of superconducting niobium resonators for the International Linear Collider (ILC) has been made in the conditions of a maximal energy transfer to electrons, travelling along the resonator axis. The mathematical model and the program package have been created for the modeling of the electric characteristics and the shape of the single-cell resonator. The computer-based synthesis of the resonator shape was developed providing the required electrical characteristics. The perspective design variants of a single-cell resonator have been found with the quality up to 1010 at working frequency 1.3 GHz for the design optimization and the elaboration of a single-cell resonator. The electric characteristics of a chain of single-cell resonators have been calculated.

Покотиловский Ю. Н.
Исследования генерации и взаимодействий ультрахолодных нейтронов
Автореф. дис. ... канд. физ.-мат. наук

Прокошин Ф. В.
Измерение массы топ-кварка на однолептонной выборке событий эксперимента CDF
Автореф. дис. ... канд. физ.-мат. наук

E14-2011-71 (219.982)
Anghel L. et al.
SAXS Studies of Ultrasonicated Dispersions of Biomineral Particles Produced by Klebsiella oxytoca

A small-angle X-ray scattering experiment was performed on biogenic nanoparticles produced by bacteria Klebsiella oxytoca. Structural investigations of ultrasonic assisted samples of different concentrations of water dispersed particles were performed. Model calculations and fitting procedures revealed scattering objects of an elongated shape of 6.73 0.16 nm radius of gyration.

P9-2011-72 (14.825.189)
Аverichev А.S. et al.
Results of 42nd and 43rd Nuclotron Runs

The main goal of the 42nd Nuclotron run (December 2010), completing the Nuclotron-M project, was commissioning of a new power supply and protection system for the structural magnets and lenses. As a result, the stable and safe work of the magnetic system was demonstrated at a design magnet field equal to 2?T. During the 43rd run, performed in the framework of the new project «Nuclotron-NICA», commis-sioning of the power supply and protection system was prolonged. Acceleration and slow extraction of the deuteron beam was provided up to an energy of about 3 GeV/u. The accelerator worked for the physical research program during about 300 hours. The results of the machine development shifts are presented in this article.

E15-2011-73 (1.002.106)
Bystritsky V.M. et al.
Investigation of Temperature Dependence of Neutron Yield and Electron Screening Potential for the d(d,n)3He Reaction Proceeding in Deuterides ZrD2 and TiD2

The temperature dependence of the enhancement factor for the dd reaction proceeding in TiD2 and ZrD2 is investigated. The experiments were carried out at the Hall pulsed ion accelerator (INP, Polytechnical University, Tomsk, Russia) in the deuteron energy interval 7.0 12.0 keV and at temperatures ranging from 20 to 200 oC. The values obtained for the electron screening potentials indicate that the dd-reaction enhancement factor does not depend on the target temperature in the range of 20 200 oC. This result contradicts the conclusions drawn by the LUNA Collaboration from their work.

E5-2011-74 (658.878)
Gevorkyan A.S., Abajyan H.G.
A New Parallel Algorithm for Simulation of Spin Glasses on Scales of Space-Time Periods of External Fields with Consideration of Relaxation Effects

We have investigated the statistical properties of an ensemble of disordered 1D spatial spin chains (SSCs) of finite length, placed in an external field, with consideration of relaxation effects. The short-range interaction complex-classical Hamiltonian was first used for solving this problem. A system of recurrent equations is obtained on the nodes of the spin-chain lattice. An efficient mathematical algorithm is developed on the basis of these equations with consideration of the advanced Sylvester conditions which allows one step by step to construct a huge number of stable spin chains in parallel. The distribution functions of different parameters of spin-glass system are constructed from the first principles of the complex classical mechanics by analyzing the calculation results of the 1D SSCs ensemble. It is shown that the behavior of the parameter distributions is quite different depending on external fields. The energy ensembles and constants of spin-spin interactions are changed smoothly depending on the external field in the limit of statistical equilibrium, while some of them such as the mean value of polarizations of ensemble and parameters of its orderings are frustrated. We have also studied some critical properties of the ensemble of such catastrophes in the Clausius-Mossotti equation depending on value of the external field. We have shown that the generalized complex-classical approach excludes these catastrophes allowing one to organize continuous parallel computing on the whole region of values of the external field including critical points. A new representation of the partition function based on these investigations is suggested. As opposed to usual definition, this function is a complex one and its derivatives are everywhere defined, including critical points.

E14-2011-75 (667.036)
Anghel L.V. et al.
Stability of Tris-1,10-Phenantroline Iron (II) Complex in Biomineral Particles Produced by Klebsiella oxytoca

The composition of composites has a huge impact on the stability of tris-1,10-phenantroline iron (II) complex during the determination of total iron content. The subject of this work is the determination of the stability of tris-1,10-phenantroline iron (II) complex in samples of biominerals produced by bacteria Klebsiella oxytoca. The stability of this complex was monitored in the time period of 0-60 min. The aim of this work is to determine the concentration of the biogenic ferrihydrite in the samples and the time interval in which the absorbance of the complex is highest. The UV-Vis spectrophotometric method was used for the determination. Obtained results indicate that for more exact estimations of the concentration of biogenic ferrihydrite, absorbance of tris-1,10-phenantroline iron (II) complex should be measured within 25 min from the moment ortho-phenantroline was added.

Калиновский Ю. Л.
Эффективная КХД при конечной температуре и плотности
Автореф. дис. ... доктора физ.-мат. наук

P13-2011-79 (1.106.405)
Turek M. et al.
Designs of the Plasma Ion Source for Solid Bodies

Three different designs of the plasma ion source, with a hallow cathode and anode-evaporator system at the rear part of the source (TA), with a cylinder anode (CA), and with a hallow cathode and anode at the front part of the source (PA), are described. The experimental results, such as dependence of the ion current on the discharge current, cathode current and induction of the electromagnetic field generated by the electromagnet of the ion source, are presented.

E16-2011-80 (882.158)
Kubank J., Molokanov A.G., Vlek B.
Out-of-Field Dosimetry of the JINR Radiotherapeutic Proton Beam Using Thermoluminescent Detectors

We describe results of experiments performed at the clinical proton beam of the Laboratory of Nuclear Problems of JINR (Dubna, Russia). The experiments were focused on determination of the out-of-field doses in the near vicinity of the irradiated target volume and estimation of the linear energy transfer (LET) distributions. Measurements were performed using several types of thermoluminescent detectors (TLD) placed in the polymethylmethacrylate phantom. The average value of the LET was estimated using knowledge of the relative response of the TLD to the radiation with different LET. It was found that the relative out-of-field dose values decline up to 0.01% of the dose delivered to target and that the average value of the LET in the vicinity of the target does not exceed 6 keV/m. Further we revealed scatter of the radiation in the collimation system causing the nonsymmetry of out-of-field distribution. Fortunately, we found out that it does not pose a hazard for the patient.

P9-2011-82 (199.932)
Dolya S.N., Reshetnikova K.A.
Linear Accelerator of C+6 Ions as Injector for a Synchrotron Intended for Hadron Therapy

We consider acceleration of С+6 ions by the field of a traveling wave in a helical waveguide. The frequency of the accelerating RF field f0 MHz, generator power P0 = 2 MW. The initial energy of ions Ein = 50 keV/nucleon, final energy Efin = 5 MeV/nucleon, accelerator length Lacc = 10 m. A spiral with the initial and final radii of winding r0 in = 2 cm and r0 fin = 1 cm is placed in a screen of diameter 2R = 100 mm. Ion focusing is provided by a solenoidal magnetic field with the intensity B0 = 3.5 T. With increasing the accelerator length up to L = 15m, the final energy of the ions can be increased up to a value of Efin = 7 MeV/nucleon.

E9-2011-84 (2.970.063)
Bing Wang et al.
Computer Design of a Compact Cyclotron

Here we present results of the computer design of the structural elements of a compact cyclotron by the example of HITFiL cyclotron selected as the driving accelerator that is under construction at the Institute of Modern Physics (Lanzhou, China). In the article a complex approach to modeling of the compact cyclotron, including calculation of electromagnetic fields of the structural elements and beam dynamics calculations, is described. The existing design data on the axial injection, magnetic, acceleration and extraction systems of the cyclotron are used as a starting point in the simulation. Some of the upgrades of the cyclotron structural elements were proposed, which led to substantial improvement of the beam quality and transmission.

E14-2011-85 (348.696)
Skora I. et al.
Variations of 137Cs and 40K in the Surface Air of Bratislava (Slovakia) - Indications of Soil Resuspension Processes

Sources and variations of 137Cs and 40K in the ground-level air of Bratislava are presented and discussed. The 137Cs activity concentration in the surface air between 1977 and 2007 was decreasing with an ecological half-life of 3.4 years (high values observed during 1986 and 1987 due to the Chernobyl accident were excluded from the evaluation). However, during 2007-2010 the yearly averaged 137Cs activity concentrations were almost constant. The increased atmospheric 137Cs and 40K levels observed during winter may be due to surface soil resuspension and radionuclide transport by winds, particularly from open agricultural areas (also confirmed by high correlation coefficient between the 137Cs and 40K atmospheric concentrations, R = 0.84). The 137Cs/40K activity ratio for the surface air (0.07) is closer to the mean value observed in soil (0.05) than to the mean value observed in tree leaves (0.01), which would also indicate a predominant influence of soil resuspension processes on the atmospheric concentrations of these radionuclides during winter.

P14-2011-87 (800.795)
Didyk A.Yu.
Anomalously Deep Penetration of Hydrogen and Deuterium in a Sandwich of Two Niobium Foils and Deuterium Polyethylene (CD2)n under Action of Pulse High Temperature Hydrogen Plasma

The studies of storage and redistribution processes of hydrogen atoms under the influence of pulse high temperature hydrogen plasma obtained using the «Plasma Focus» PF-4 set-up in multilayered structure (sandwich) consisting of two high purity niobium foils and deuterium polyethylene film pressed between them have been carried out by the method of elastic recoil detection (ERD). It was established that with an increased number of PF-4 set-up pulses there occurs spreading and transfer of implanted hydrogen atoms to large depths in two Nb-foils which are significantly larger than the projected range of hydrogen ions (with the velocity ~ 108 сm/s). The maximum hydrogen concentration up to 45 at. % is reached in the nearest to PF-4 surface of the second Nb-foil at 20 impulses of the PF-4 set-up. Roentgen studies allowed us to establish the presence of niobium hydride phase in both Nb-foils. It was observed that the redistribution and spreading of deuterium atoms from the bound state in deuterium polyethylene near the surface layer and bulk material of the second Nb-foil took place, too. The observed phenomenon can be described by transfer of implanted hydrogen atoms under the action of powerful shock waves, created by pulse hydrogen plasma and by accelerating hydrogen atom diffusion under the influence of compression-straining wave at the front of the shock wave and redistribution of hydrogen and deuterium atoms at large depths.

P14-2011-88 (484.612)
Didyk A.Yu.
Anomalously Deep Penetration of Hydrogen into Niobium under Action of Pulse High Temperature Hydrogen Plasma

The method of elastic recoil detection (ERD) has been used for the study of storage and redistribution processes of hydrogen atoms under the influence of pulse high temperature hydrogen plasma obtained using the «Plasma Focus» PF-4 set-up in three high purity niobium foils. It was established that with an increase of number of PF-4 set-up pulses there occur spreading and transfer of implanted hydrogen atoms to large depths in three Nb-foils which are significantly larger than the projected range of hydrogen ions (with the velocity ~ 108 сm/s). The maximum hydrogen concentration up to 60 at.% is reached in the nearest to PF-4 surface of the third Nb-foil at 20 impulses of the PF-4 set-up. The observed phenomenon can be described by transfer of implanted hydrogen atoms under the action of powerful shock waves, created by pulse hydrogen plasma and (or) by accelerating hydrogen atom diffusion under the influence of compression-straining wave at the front of the shock wave at redistribution of hydrogen atoms at large depths. Similar behavior was discovered and described also in series of nickel, vanadium, niobium and tantalum foils (two or three foils and more in a series) including series of foils from heterogeneous (different) materials, which were studied, too.

Киселев М. А.
Структура и свойства липидных мембран - нейтронные и синхротронные исследования
Автореф. дис. ... доктора физ.-мат. наук

E4-2011-91 (180.782)
Kuz'min V.A., Tetereva T.V.
Influence of Monopole Pairing Potential on the Energies of the Single-Nucleon States in the Problem of the Pairing Correlations of Superconductive Type

The correlation function, chemical potential, coefficients of Bogoliubov's special transformation and one-quasiparticle energies have been calculated with taking into account the influence of monopole pairing on the energy of single-particle states in nuclear mean field.

P11-2011-93 (743.973)
Filozova I.A. et al.
User Guide to JINR Server of Scientific Publications JDS

In the framework of the international program OAI (Open Access Initiative) the digital open access archive-repository JINR Document Server (JDS) is built up. The main goal of the JDS is to collect at the JINR site all the publications of JINR researchers. The documents deposited in the repository are preprints, journal articles, books, conference papers, conference announcements, theses, annual reports, etc. Currently, the retrospective publications of JINR authors up to 1956 are deposited. The JDS, being an integrated digital library system, gives users an opportunity to deposit manuscripts in self-archiving mode, create personal catalogs, subscribe to alerts and RSS, send comments and arrange discussions on submitted papers.

E10-2011-94 (201.012)
Bogdanova N., Todorov S.
Orthonormal Polynomial Approximation of Water Drop Evaporation Data with Errors in Two Variables

The investigation for fitting drop water evaporation data as a result of original microscope observations is presented. Our approximation algorithm with construction of orthonormal polynomials (orthonormal polynomial expansion method, OPEM) is applied to data with uncertainties in both independent and dependent variables. For this purpose our numerical method is developed here to include both errors. We also review its principles and analyze the orthonormal and «usual» expansions of the approximating function.

E9-2011-95 (592.850)
Zhabitsky V.M.
Beam Stability in Synchrotrons with Digital Transverse Feedback Systems in Dependence on Beam Tunes

The beam stability problem in synchrotrons with a digital transverse feedback system (TFS) is studied. The TFS damper kicker (DK) corrects the transverse momentum of a bunch in proportion to its displacement from the closed orbit measured at the location of the beam position monitor (BPM). It is shown that the area and configuration of the beam stability separatrix depend on the beam tune, the feedback gain, the phase balance between the phase advance from BPM to DK and the phase response of the feedback chain at the betatron frequency.

P11-2011-96 (3.439.531)
Shvetsov V.N. et al.
8-Channel System for Neutron-Nuclear Investigations by Time-of-Flight Method

In connection with commissioning of the IREN pulsed resonance neutron source, new electronics and appropriate software are developed for registration of time-of-flight spectra with small width of the channel (10 ns). The hardware-software system is intended for research of the IREN neutron beam characteristics, properties of new detectors, and also for performance of precision experiments under conditions of low intensity or registration of rare events. The time encoder is the key element of the system hardware. It is developed on the basis of the Cypress-technologies. The unit can measure time intervals for signals intensity up to 105 for each of eight inputs. Using a USB interface provides system mobility. The TOF System Software includes the control program, driver software layer, data sorting program and data processing utilities and other units, performed as executable applications. The interprocess communication between units is provided by network and/or by specially designed interface based on the mechanism of named files mapped into memory. This method provides fastest possible communication between processes. The developed methods of integrating the executable components into a system provide a distributed system, improve the reusing of the software and provide the ability to assemble the system by the user.

E11-2011-97 (249.197)
Kupenova T.N.
An Inductive Algorithm for Smooth Approximation of Functions

An inductive algorithm is presented for smooth approximation of functions, based on the Tikhonov regularization method and applied to a specific kind of the Tikhonov parametric functional. The discrepancy principle is used for estimation of the regularization parameter. The principle of heuristic self-organization is applied for assessment of some parameters of the approximating function.

P18-2011-98 (5.529.672)
Eganova I.A. et al.
Dubna–Nauchny–Novosibirsk Geophysical Monitoring: The Sun Factor

Observed in the Siberian point of the Dubna–Nauchny–Novosibirsk monitoring, the phenomenon of the controlled open geological system mass decrease, which is due to the Sun, is considered. Mass phase trajectory is discussed, and it is shown that the observed annual dynamics of some mineral (mineral aggregate) mass is conditioned by this phenomenon, and minute mass dynamics contains a definite functional dependence, too — the so-called embedding dimension is equal to four. Possible range of application of this phenomenon is given in the conclusion, and in the appendix, which is of separate interest, physical meaning of the rescaled range introduced by H. E. Hurst is revealed and some practical way for temporal structures confrontation is proposed.

P10-2011-101 (1.867.843)
Kirilov A.S.
Current State and Prospects of the IBR-2M Instrument Control Software

The article is devoted to the main features and plans of future improvements of the Sonix+ instrumental complex, which is used now to control experimental hardware at the IBR-2M spectrometers. The Sonix+ software inherited basic solutions from the older Sonix system. In particular, those are the modular organization using special database for device control and reflection of the current system state, using script programming for the measurement procedure. At the same time, some basic features were revised to make the system more unified, flexible and comfortable for the user. Main changes can be grouped as follows: structural enhancements, using the Python as a script language, GUI redesign and unification, remote supervision and instrument control via network. During the last years, this complex has been tested at some IBR-2 instruments (REMUR, NERA-PR) and on some instruments at other centers. We are planning to install it at the other instruments of IBR-2M as well.

P11-2011-104 (687.013)
Amirkhanov I.V. et al.
Analytical and Computational Investigations of Solutions of Boundary-Value Problems for the Quasipotential Equation

Investigation of solutions of a boundary-value problem is carried out for the quasipotential equation with piecewise-constant potentials at various values of the parameters of the problem. The comparative analysis of the solutions of the quasipotential equation with the solutions of Schrdinger equation is performed.

E15-2011-105 (214.751)
Karamian S.A., Carroll J.J.
Calculated Yield of Isomer Depletion due to NEEC for 93mMo Recoils

Possibilities for nuclear isomer depletion due to atomic-nuclear cooperative processes such as NEET and NEEC with application of storage rings and electromagnetic traps are of interest in modern literature. Recently, a newer scheme requesting only standard techniques for isomer production in nuclear reactions combined with stopping of recoils in gas has been proposed. The isomer sample and the producer reaction must be chosen specially to meet the requirements for NEEC resonance in transmutation of the isomer to ground state via definite intermediate level. At the present work, quantitative calculations were carried out for production and depletion of the 93mMo isomer at relatively simple experiment using 91Zr ions. Such studies could be arranged at already existing and operating accelerators, for instance, in GSI, or in Dubna. The 93mMo nuclei produced in He-gas target due to the 4He(91Zr, 2n) reaction continue to move in gas with high velocity being then depleted due to NEEC in highly-ionized species.

Госткин М. И.
Измерение сечений реакций π±, p + C, Cu → π±, p ... при 3-15 ГэВ/с для экспериментов нового поколения
Автореф. дис. ... канд. физ.-мат. наук

E4-2011-107 (522.733)
Severyukhin A.P., Voronov V.V., Nguyen Van Giai
Spin-Isospin Excitations in Nuclei and a Separable Approximation for Skyrme Interactions

A finite rank separable approximation of Skyrme forces is applied to study charge-exchange excitations in spherical nuclei. This approximation enables one to reduce considerably the dimensions of the matrices that must be diagonalized to perform QRPA calculations in large configuration spaces. Choosing as examples the nuclei 90Zr, 132Sn and 126,128,130Cd, we demonstrate an ability of the method to study the Gamow-Teller and spin-dipole strength distributions. It is shown that characteristics calculated within the approach are in a reasonable agreement with available experimental data.

P10-2011-108 (2.171.341)
Afanasiev O.A. et al.
A Software Complex for Mapping and Research of Proteins and Nucleic Acids

A software complex with a suitable graphic interface has been designed for cartography and studies of the surface of globular proteins, helix chains of proteins, DNA, and RNA on the basis of PDB files within the Windows environment. For the proteins it is possible to devise maps with a functional atom and relief coloration in Aitov-Hammer projection (SURFACE-2008 program) or else in an original cylinder projection (PROT-Z program). The helix-DNA program provides maps of the surfaces of the DNA/RNA spiral molecules as an orthogonal projection of a 3D structure onto the plane perpendicular to the long axis of the DNA helix. This software complex includes a modified program SURFACE developed earlier in the OS DOS environment for mapping the surfaces of globular proteins in the Aitov-Hammer projection. The complex comprises the compact versions of the mentioned computer programs, namely SURFACE-compact, PROT-Zcompact and helix-DNA-Zcompact programs. The graphic interface has been excluded from these versions of programs as these are used only to organize a mass calculation of the maps in a distributed computing environment. Thus, one can reach significant savings of both computing resources and computing time when studying single-type data structures. In order to obtain graphic images of the maps, one should use the full versions of corresponding programs. To manage jobs within the distributed computing environment, a specialized monitoring program NetdBBio working in OS Windows has been created.

P10-2011-109 (94.408)
Grokhlina T.I. et al.
ANTPC - a Database of Amino Acid-Nucleotide Contacts in the Protein-DNA Complexes

The analysis of amino acid-nucleotide contacts in interfaces of the protein-DNA complexes, intended to find consistencies of the protein-DNA recognition, is a complex problem that requires an analysis of the physico-chemical characteristics of these contacts, of the positions of the participating amino acids and nucleotides in the chains of the protein and the DNA, respectively, as well as conservatism of these contacts. Thus, those heterogeneous data should be systematized. For this purpose we have developed a database of amino acid-nucleotide contacts ANTPC (Amino acid Nucleotide Type Position Conservation) following the archetypal example of the proteins in the homeodomain family. We show that it can be used for comparison and classification of the DNA-protein interfaces.

Давков К. И.
Разработка и исследование гранулированных координатных детекторов на основе тонкостенных дрейфовых трубок
Автореф. дис. ... канд. физ.-мат. наук

Киселев А. С.
Изучение анализирующих способностей реакций ‾dd → pX и ‾d12C → pX при промежуточных энергиях
Автореф. дис. ... канд. физ.-мат. наук

P6-2011-112 (299.824)
Aksenov N.V. et al.
Production of 178m2Hf by Irradiation of 176Yb with Accelerated 4He Ions

We studied a possibility of accumulation of 178m2Hf isomer by irradiation of 176Yb with accelerated 4He ions at internal beam of the U-200 cyclotron in Dubna. The He+ ions reach an energy of 35 MeV with a beam intensity of 15 A. An efficient radiochemical separation method based on anion exchange chromatography has been developed to isolate and concentrate Hf isotopes from the ytterbium irradiated target. Under described conditions 3.17 1014 atoms of 178m2Hf were produced. The possibilities of using the described method for production of the 178m2Hf isomeric material via 176Yb(4He,2n) reaction with increased beam current are briefly discussed.

P2-2011-116 (416.837)
Dedovich T.G., Tokarev M.V.
Method of Systems of the Equations of P-adic Coverages for Fractal Analysis of Events

Self-similarity in multiple processes at high energies is discussed. A parton shower is assumed to transform into a hadron shower with a fractal structure. It is noted that the BC (Box Counting) and PaC (P-adic Coverage) methods allow one to determine the dimension of fractals with permissible 1/k parts. New method (method of Systems of the equations of P-adic Coverages) that is applicable for analysis of N-ary cascades with permissible m/k parts is offered. This method (SePaC method) allows us to determine the fractal dimension of the shower with the given accuracy, the number of fractal levels and of partons at branching in the process of development of the shower, the cascade type (random or regular) and its structure.

P9-2011-117 (420.484)
Isaev A.V. et al.
Calculation of Neutron and Gamma-Quanta Yields from the DC-110 Cyclotron

At present the DC-110 cyclotron is being designed at the FLNR for the needs of the technology-innovative zone in Dubna. Within the framework of the project different «incident ion-target nucleus» combinations were analyzed over a wide range of ion energies for the dosimetric control purposes. In this paper neutron and -ray yields produced by the DC-110 ion accelerator as well as various nuclide cross-sections are presented.

P13-2011-120 (358.140)
Sobolev Yu.G., Ivanov M.P., Penionzhkevich Yu.E.
Set-up for Measuring Total Cross Sections in Nuclear Reactions

Experimental method and set-up for measurements of energy dependence of total cross sections in nuclear reactions are described. The modified transmission method, registration of quanta in 4 geometry and pulse-shape discrimination with semiconductor detector are used. charged-particle identification by pulse-shape analysis in semiconductor detector are used.

P4-2011-123 (1.064.453)
Pupyshev V.V.
Proton-Hydrogen Atom Scattering in Effective Two-Body Model

By assumption, the total proton-hydrogen atom interaction is the sum of the short-range nuclear Reid potential with a soft core and the long-range Thomas-Fermi potential. The quantum-mechanic analysis of the low-energy peculiarities of the phase-shift and cross-section of the proton-hydrogen atom scattering is given in the case of zero total angular momentum. As the result of the calculation performed in the framework of the nonlinear version to the variable phase approach, it is shown that due to the long-range asymptotics of the Thomas-Fermi potential, the cross-section oscillates at low energies but has a finite number of zeros.

P13-2011-124 (349.331)
Batusov V.Yu., Budagov J.A., Lyablin M.V.
Laser Sensor of the Earth Surface Seismic Vibration Angular Component

A principally new method to measure the seismic tilt angle is proposed. The method opens up the possibility of on-line stabilization of the laser ray extended coordinate axis in the metrology support of large scale physics equipment high precision assembly. The method has been approved experimentally: for the first time the low frequency periodic angular oscillation of the earth surface has been registered with 5 10-7 rad amplitude and 2.5 10-8 rad registration noise. The measurements were performed at CERN during the assembly of the ATLAS Spectrometer.

E10-2011-126 (426.520)
Alexandrov E.I. et al.
HEPWEB - WEB-Portal for Monte Carlo Simulations in High-Energy Physics

A WEB-portal HepWeb allows users to perform the most popular calculations in high-energy physics - calculations of hadron-hadron, hadron-nucleus, and nucleus-nucleus interaction cross sections as well as calculations of secondary-particle characteristics in the interactions using Monte Carlo event generators. The list of the generators includes Dubna version of the intranuclear cascade model (CASCADE), FRITIOF model, ultrarelativistic quantum molecular dynamics model (UrQMD), HIJING model, and AMPT model. Setting up the colliding particles/nucleus properties (collision energy, mass numbers and charges of nuclei, impact parameters of interactions, and number of generated events) is realized by a WEB-interface. A query is processed by a server, and results are presented to the user as a WEB-page. Short descriptions of the installed generators, the WEB-interface implementation and the server operation are given.

P13-2011-127 (3.684.825)
Golubeva M.B. et al.
Nucleus-Nucleus Collision Centrality Determination by the Spectators Calorimeter for the MPD Setup at the NICA Facility

The work conditions of the hadron calorimeter for spectators registration (Zero Degree Calorimeter, ZDC) were studied for the heavy nuclei collisions with the several GeV invariant energy. The ZDC simulations were performed for the MPD (Multi-Purpose Detector) at the NICA (Nuclotron-based Ion Collider fAcility) collider, which are under development at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR, Dubna). Taking into account the spectator nuclear fragments leads to a nonmonotonic dependence of the ZDC response on the impact parameter. The reason for this dependence studied with several event generators is the primary beam hole in the ZDC center. It is shown that the ZDC signal should be combined with data from other MPD@NICA detector subsystems to determine centrality.

P4-2011-129 (464.931)
Pupyshev V.V.
Proton-Hydrogen Reaction in Effective Two-Body Model

In the suggested model the total interaction of proton and hydrogen atom is assumed to be the sum of the short-range nuclear Reid potential and the long-range Thomas-Fermi potential caused by the Coulomb interactions of electron with hydrogen nucleus. As is shown, in this model the cross-section of the proton-hydrogen reaction with generation of the deuteron increases as inverse power of the collision energy in its zero limit.

Величков А. И.
Исследования сверхтонких квадрупольных взаимодействий методом возмущенных угловых корреляций в интерметаллических соединениях LnAl2 и LnAl3, синтезированных при высоком давлении
Автореф. дис. ... канд. физ.-мат. наук

P10-2011-132 (822.205)
Borisovsky V.F., Zaikina T.N., Musulmanbekov G.
Indico: Conference Storage and Management System

The manual introduces the multi-platform system Indico which allows one to create the conference portal and perform the management of the entire conference lifecycle up to the publishing of conference proceedings. The basic features of the system for both the organizers and participants are described.

P13-2011-135 (313.614)
Krasnov V.A. et al.
Multilayer Scintillation Charge Pions Spectrometer

The design and characteristics of the 14-layer scintillation spectrometer for the charged mesons registration are given. The results of the spectrometer testing using a space radiation and beam particles are given at energies up to 1 GeV. The spectrometer is constructed on the flat scintillation plates glued with light irradiating optical fibers.

2011-134 (42.073.247)
Brief Review of Topmost Scientific Results Obtained in 2011 at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research
