up |
Golubjeva O.N., Sukhanov A.D.
Elements of Non-Equilibrium ( ,k)-Dynamics at Zero and Finite Temperatures
(137 Kb) |
Samsonov V.M., Petrov E.K.
On Physical Interpretation of the Central-Symmetric Gravitational Field Singularities
(121 Kb) |
Pervushin V.N., Shilin V.I.
Chiral Phenomenological Relations between Rates of Rare Radiative Decays of Kaon to Pion and Leptons and the Meson Form Factors
(196 Kb) |
Karnaukhov V.A., Avdeyev S.P., Oeschler H.,
Kirakosyan V.V., Rukoyatkin P.A., Budzanowski A., Karcz W., Norbeck E., Botvina A.S.
Collective Flow in Nuclear Fragmentation Induced by 4.4 GeV Deuteron on Gold Target
(287 Kb) |
Izosimov I.N., Kalinnikov V.G., Solnyshkin A.A.
Fine Structure of the Strength Function for the +/EC Decay of the 160mHo (5.02 h) Isomer
(287 Kb) |
Maslov V.A., Astabatian R.A., Goncharov S.A., Damaskin V.A., Danilov A.N., Demyanova A.S., Dlouhy Z., Ivanov M.P.,
Kalpakchieva R., Kulko A.A., Lukyanov S.M., Ogloblin A.A., Penionzhkevich Yu.E., Revenko R.V., Skobelev N.K., Testov D.A.
Study of the Diffraction Scattering 12С + 12С with the Excitation of the 12С Exotic State 02+ (the Hoyle State)
(211 Kb) |
Tsyganov Yu.
Complex Signal Amplitude Analysis for Complete Fusion Nuclear Reaction Products
(160 Kb) |
Kashchuk A.P., Kuchinskiy N.A., Levitskaya O.V., Movchan S.A.
Amplifier Equivalent Noise Charge at Various Schemes for Impedance Matching of the Straw Drift Tube and Amplifier
(290 Kb) |
Podolsky S.V., Kurilin A.S., Stepanenko Yu.Yu.
Method of Reconstructing Direction of Gamma Quanta Registered by the CsI Calorimeter of E391 Experiment
(868 Kb) |
Karamysheva G.A., Papash A.I., Welsch C.P.
Study of Slow and Fast Extraction for the Ultralow Energy Storage Ring (USR)
(1231 Kb) |
Belov O.V.
Modeling Ultraviolet-Induced SOS Response in Translesion Synthesis-Deficient Cells of Escherichia coli Bacteria
(197 Kb) |
up |
Galilo B.V., Nedelko S.N.
Weyl Group, CP and the Kink-Like Field Configurations in the Effective SU(3) Gauge Theory
(150 Kb) |
Bystritskiy Yu.M., Bytev V.V., Kuraev E.A., Ilyichev A.N.
A Model of a Transition Neutral Pion Form Factor Measured in Annihilation
and Scattering Channels at High Momentum Transfer
(160 Kb) |
Serdyukov A.N.
Field-Theory Interpretation of the Gravitational Interaction in Electrodynamics
(257 Kb) |
Shindin R.A., Guriev D.K., Morozov A.A.,
Nomofilov A.A., Strunov L.N.
Separation of Flip and Non-Flip Parts
of np pn Charge Exchange at Energies Tn = 0.5-2.0 GeV
(257 Kb) |
Ghahramany N., Gharaati S., Ghanaatian M.
New Approach to Nuclear Binding Energy in Integrated Nuclear Model
(205 Kb) |
Piyadin S.M., Vasiliev T.A., Gurchin Yu.V., Isupov A.Yu.,
Karachuk J.-T., Krasnov V.A., Kurilkin A.K., Kurilkin P.K., Ladygin V.P., Livanov A.N.,
Martinska G., Reznikov S.G., Semenov A.K., Tumanov A.E., Khrenov A.N., Janek M.
E-E Detector for the Registration of the Protons from the Deuteron
Nonmesonic Breakup Reaction at Internal Target at Nuclotron-M
(240 Kb) |
Afanasiev S.V., Dryablov D.K., Jomurodov D.M., Ivanov V.I.,
Igamkulov Z.A., Plekhanov E.B.
Identification of Xe Bunch at the JINR Nuclotron-M Accelerator by the Track Length Measurement Method
(249 Kb) |
Kuklin A.I., Rogov A.D., Gorshkova Yu.E., Utrobin P.K.,
Kovalev Yu.S., Rogachev A.\,V., Ivankov O.I., Kutuzov S.A., Soloviev D.V.,
Gordeliy V.I.
Analysis of Neutron Spectra and Fluxes Obtained with Cold and
Thermal Moderators at IBR-2 Reactor: Experimental and Computer Modelling
(496 Kb) |
Nemchenok I.B., Babin V.I., Brudanin V.B., Kochetov O.I., Timkin V.V.
Liquid Scintillator Based on the Linear Alkylbenzene
(406 Kb) |
Taran Yu.V., Balagurov A.M., Schreiber J., Evans A.,
Venter A.\,M.
Residual Stresses in Biaxially Fatigued Austenitic Stainless Steel Sample of Cruciform Geometry
(500 Kb) |
Belov O.V.
Modeling Base Excision Repair in Escherichia coli Bacterial Cells
(386 Kb) |
up |
International Workshop
Dubna, Russian Federation, July 29 - August 3, 2009
Proceedings of the Workshop
Edited by E.Ivanov and S.Fedoruk
Bandos I.A.
Superembedding Approach to Dp-Branes, M-Branes and Multiple D(0)-Brane Systems
(318 Kb) |
Mondrag n M., Zoupanos G.
Finite Unified Theories: Theoretical Basis and Phenomenological Implications
(250 Kb) |
Arbuzov A.B., Barbashov B.M., Nazmitdinov R.G., Pervushin V.N.,
Borowiec A., Pichugin K.N., Zakharov A.F.
Universe as a Representation of Affine and Conformal Symmetries
(257 Kb) |
Garc a del Moral M.P., Restuccia A.
Non-Abelian D = 11 Supermembrane
(139 Kb) |
Pasti P., Samsonov I., Sorokin D., Tonin M.
BLG and M5
(165 Kb) |
Belliard S., Ragoucy E.
Nested Bethe Ansatz for
Open Spin Chains with Diagonal Boundary Conditions
(165 Kb) |
Hasebe K.
Noncompact Hopf Maps, Quantum Hall Effect, and Twistor Theory
(116 Kb) |
Isaev A.P., Ogievetsky O.V.
Jucys-Murphy Elements for Birman-Murakami-Wenzl Algebras
(137 Kb) |
Malik R.P.
Notoph Gauge Theory: Superfield Formalism
(110 Kb) |
Tartaglino-Mazzucchelli G.
On 2D = (4,4) Superspace Supergravity
(184 Kb) |
Inozemtsev V.I.
Factorization of Wave Functions of the Quantum Integrable Particle Systems
(80 Kb) |
Mkrtchyan K.
Linearized Interactions of Scalar and Vector Fields
with the Higher Spin Field in AdSD
(120 Kb) |
Uvarov D.V.
Light-Cone Gauge Formulation for Superstring
(147 Kb) |
Frydryszak A.M.
Nilpotent Quantum Mechanics and SUSY
(79 Kb) |
Aneva B.
Common Structures of Quantum Field Theories and Lattice Systems through Boundary Symmetry
(172 Kb) |
Gershun V.D.
Integrable String Models with Constant SU (3) Torsion
(137 Kb) |
Gromov N.A.
Higgsless Electroweak Model and Contraction of Gauge Group
(123 Kb) |
Prokhorov L.V.
On the Nature of Supersymmetries
(87 Kb) |
Vernov S.Yu.
Localization of the SFT Inspired Nonlocal Linear Models and Exact Solutions
(176 Kb) |
Stepanyantz K.V.
Quantum Corrections in N = 1 Supersymmetric Theories
with Cubic Superpotential, Regularized by Higher Covariant Derivatives
(93 Kb) |
Makhaldiani N.
Fractal Calculus (H) and Some Applications
(111 Kb) |
up |
Elekina E.N., Krutov A.A., Martynenko A.P.
Fine Structure of the Muonic 4He Ion
(138 Kb) |
Nayak G.C.
Dark Matter Production at the LHC from Black Hole Remnants
(169 Kb) |
Czachor A.
Relativistic Aspects of the Motion of Two-Particle Model Molecule Oscillating
Perpendicularly to the Direction of Its Translation
(114 Kb) |
Andreev V.V.
Range of QCD Constant below 1 GeV in Poincare-Covariant Model
(258 Kb) |
Aksenov N.V., Bozhikov G.A., Berdonosov S.S., Lebedev V.Ya.,
Dmitriev S.N.
Coprecipitation of Ti, Zr, and Hf as Homologues of Rf
with Lanthanum Fluoride from Hydrofluoric Acid Solutions
(286 Kb) |
Beskrovnaia L., Latysheva L., Paraipan M., Sobolevsky N., Timoshenko G.
Simulation of Residual Activity in Steel and Copper Targets Induced
by 950MeV/Nucleon Uranium Ions
(74 Kb) |
Silenko A.J.
Measurement of Quadrupole Moments of Unstable Nuclei at
Channelling and a Possibility of Discovering the Effect of
Appearance of a Vector Polarization of a Tensor-Polarized Nuclear
(125 Kб) |
Tsyganov Yu.S.
An Attempt to Build a Statistical Model for a PIPS Detector Operated in a Real-Time Mode
Цыганов Ю.С.
(210 Kb) |
Syresin E.M, Agapov A.V., Anfimov N.V., Chelkov G.A., Gaevsky V.N.,
Elkin V.G., Karamysheva G.A., Kazarinov M.Yu., Khovansky N.N., Kostromin S.A., Kruchonok V.G., Krumshtein Z.V.,
Luchin E.I., Mitsyn G.V., Molokanov A.G., Morozov N.A., Olshevsky A.G., Romanov V.M., Sadygov Z.Ya., Samsonov E.V.,
Selyunin A.S., Shakun N.G., Shipulin K.N., Shirkov G.D., Shvidky S.V., Zhemchugov A.S., Novikov V.A., Tolbanov O.P.,
Tyazhev A.V., Jongen Y.
Development of Radiation Medicine at DLNP, JINR
(470 Kb) |
Jongen Y., Abs M., Kleeven W., Zaremba S., Glazov A.A.,
Gurskiy S.V., Karamyshev O.V., Karamysheva G.A., Morozov N.A.
RF Cavity Simulations for Superconducting Cyclotron C400
(359 Kb) |
Dimitrov V.
«Relationship» Specification in Z-Notation
(77 Kb) |
Serdyukova S.I.
Numerical and Analytical Study of Wave Processes in Periodic Stratified Media
(99 Kb) |
Boreyko A.V., Chausov V.N., Krasavin E.A., Ravnachka I., Stukova S.I.
The Influence of DNA Synthesis Inhibitors on the Induction and Repair
of DNA Double-Strand Breaks in Human Lymphocytes under Radiations of Different LET
(163 Kb) |
Gmucov K.,
Morvov M., Havr сnek E., Kliman J.,
Ko in r I.,
Kunecov D.,
Malakhov A.I., Anisimov Yu.S., Morva I.,
Siv ek I.,
S korov M.,
atka A.
Carbonized Waste for the Cut-Down of Environmental Pollution with Heavy Metals
(274 Kb) |
up |
International Conference
Dubna, July 7-11, 2009
Proceedings of the Conference
Edited by V.V.Ivanov
Tarasov O.V.
Functional Equations for Feynman Integrals
(152 Kb) |
Grebenikov E.A., Zemtsova N.I.
New Homographical Solutions in the Newtonian Many-Body Problem
(92 Kб) |
Kondratyev B.P.
New Methods in Potential Theory
(118 Kb) |
Smulsky J.J.
Multilayer Ring Structures
(140 Kb) |
Sushkevich T.A.
Pioneering Space Research in the USSR and Mathematical Modelling of Large Problems of Radiation Transfer
(144 Kb) |
Gerdt V.P., Palii Yu.G., Khvedelidze A.M.
Separability of Two Qubit State in Terms of Local Invariants
(700 Kb) |
Blinova I.V., Popov I.Yu.
Multiqubit Teleportation Algorithm and Teleportation Manager
(86 Kb) |
Suzko A.A., Velicheva E.P.
Mathematical Modeling of Quantum Well Potentials via Generalized Darboux Transformations
(127 Kb) |
Fedirko V.A., Polyakov S.V., Zenyuk D.A.
Transform Matrix Method for Simulation of Tunnel Effect
(104 Kb) |
Semin V.V., Gorokhov A.V.
Non-Markovian Relaxation of Atomic Systems and Spectral Lines Shape Calculation
(112 Kb) |
Antonosyan D.A., Kryuchkyan G.Yu.
Multiple Optical Interactions for Quantum Gates
(98 Kb) |
Gevorgyan T.V., Kryuchkyan G.Yu.
Modeling and Visualization of Quantum Bifurcations in Phase Space
(327 Kb) |
Gevorgyan T.V., Manvelyan S.B., Shahinyan A.R., Kryuchkyan G.Yu.
Scaling Invariance for Dissipative Chaos
(274 Kb) |
Sevastianov A.L.
Structure of Modes of Smoothly Irregular Three-Dimensional Integrated Optical Four-Layer Waveguide
(158 Kb) |
Deveikis A., Fedurtsya A.
Elimination of the Centre-of-Mass Motion in the Nuclear Shell Model with Isospin
(102 Kb) |
Popov I.V., Fryazinov I.V.
Method of Adaptive Artificial Viscosity
(687 Kb) |
Dimovski I.H., Spiridonova M.N.
An Implementation of the Heaviside Algorithm
(93 Kb) |
Hohlov A.A.
Robust Method of Dielectric Tensor Evaluation from Spectrophotometric Data
(168 Kb) |
Podolsky S.V., Kurilin A.S., Stepanenko Yu.Yu.
New Methods of the Data Analysis for the E391 Experiment
(342 Kb) |
Kopcansky P., Timko M., Hnatic M., Vala M., Arzumanyan G.M.,
Hayryan E.A., Jancurova L., Jadlovsky J.
Numerical Modeling of Magnetic Drug Targeting
(451 Kb) |
up |
Cirilo-Lombardo D.J.
On Unified Field Theories, Dynamical Torsion and Geometrical Models: II
(123 Kb) |
Chizhov M.V.
A Reference Model for Anomalously Interacting Bosons
(197 Kb) |
Kaloshin A.E., Lomov V.P.
Rarita-Schwinger Field and Multicomponent Wave Equation
(197 Kb) |
Dedovich T.G., Tokarev M.V.
P-adic Coverage Method for Fractal Analysis of Showers
(417 Kb) |
Tokarev M.V., Zborovsk I., Kechechyan A., Alakhverdyants A.
Search for Signatures of Phase Transition and Critical Point in Heavy-Ion Collisions
(1.021 Мb) |
Czachor A., Peczkowski P.
Square-Well Nuclear-Potential Depths and Bound-State Energy Levels from Neutron Scattering Data
(267 Kb) |
Troyan Yu.A., Arakelian S.G., Beljaev A.V.,
Jerusalimov A.P., Plekhanov E.B., Troyan A.Yu.
The Search and Study of Low-Mass Scalar Mesons in the Reaction
np np
at the Impulse of Neutron Beam
Pn = (3,83 0,12) GeV/c
(247 Kb) |
Bradnova V., Artemenkov D.A., Goncharova L.A., Donets E.D.,
Donets E.E., Zarubin P.I., Zarubina I.G., Kovalenko A.D., Kondratieva N.V.,
Kornegrutsa N.K., Malakhov A.I., Rukoyatkin P.A., Rusakova V.V., Polukhina N.G.,
Rusetsky A.S., Starkov N.I.
Test Exposure of Nuclear Track Emulsion to Xenon Nuclei at the JINR Nuclotron
(2.896 Mb) |
Gurchin Yu.V., Isupov A.Yu., Janek M., Karachuk J.-T.,
Khrenov A.N., Kiselev A.S., Ladygin V.P., Reznikov S.G., Vasiliev T.A.
Study of the Possibility to Use dp-Elastic Scattering for the Nuclotron External
Deuteron Beam Polarimetry
(463 Kb) |
Gurchin Yu.V., Vasiliev T.A., Isupov A.Yu., Karachuk J.-T.,
Krasnov V.A., Kurilkin A.K., Kurilkin P.K., Ladygin V.P., Livanov A.N., Piyadin S.M.,
Reznikov S.G., Terekhin A.A., Khrenov A.N., Janek M.
Detection Equipment of the Experiment for dp-Elastic Scattering Study at the
Internal Target Station of the Nuclotron for DSS Project
(1.220 Mb) |
Karivai A., Zuzaan P., Gustova M.V.
X-Ray Fluorescence Method for Determination of Some REE and Its Correlation with Thorium
(306 Кb) |
Skadorov V.V., Tyutyunnikov S.I.
X-Ray Focusing by Bent Crystals
(610 Кb) |
Syresin E.M., Shirkov S.G.
Formation and Interaction of Low Energy Electrons and Biomolecular Ions
in an Electrostatic Storage Ring
(1.012 Mb) |
Yudin I.P., Perepelkin E.E., Tyutyunnikov S.I.
Using the CUDA Programming Environment for Modeling the Ions Beam Line
Injection Taking into Account the Space Charge
(549 Kb) |
Zaitseva E.M., Govorun R.D., Mitsin G.V., Molokanov A.G.
Evaluation by Citogenetic Methods of the Efficiency of Irradiating Human Cells
by the Therapeutic Proton Beam of the JINR Phasotron
(257 Kb) |
Baldin A.A., Belov E.M., Galanin M.V.,
Gundorin N.A., Kadykov M.G., Kolesnikov V.A., Korneev S.V., Martsynkevich B.A.,
Rogov A.D., Ryazansky N.M., Solodchenkova S.A., Sorokin V.V., Sorokin V.N.,
Tyutyunnikov S.I., Furman V.I., Khilmanovich A.M., Chilap V.V., Chinenov A.V.
Relativistic Nuclear Technology (RNT) for Energy Production and
Utilization of Spent Nuclear Fuel (SNF). The Results of First Experiments on Physical Justification of RNT
(521 Kb) |
наверх |
Bolshie Koty, Irkutsk Region, Russia, July 6-14, 2010
Proceedings of the School
Edited by A.N.Vall and D.V.Naumov
Vysotsky M.I.
Lectures on the Theory of Electroweak Interactions
(598 Kb) |
Ivanov I.P.
Perturbative QCD
(135 Kb) |
Bakulev A.P.
Pion Form Factor in QCD: How to Calculate?
(532 Kb) |
McLerran L.
Quark-Gluon Plasma, Color Glass Condensate and Glasma: 3 Lectures at Lake Baikal
(678 Kb) |
Naumov V.A.
Solar Neutrinos. Astrophysical Aspects
(950 Kb) |
Avrorin A.V., Aynutdinov V.M., Belolaptikov I.A., Bogorodsky D.Yu.,
Budnev N.M., Wischnewski R., Gaponenko O.N., Golubkov K.V., Gres O.A.,Gres T.I., Grishin O.G., Danilchenko I.A.,
Dzhilkibaev Zh.-A.M.,
Domogatsky G.V., Doroshenko A.A., Dyachok A.N., Zhukov V.A.,
Zagorodnikov A.V., Klabukov A.M., Klimov A.I., Konischev K.V.,
Korobchenko A.V., Koshechkin A.P., Kuzmichev L.A., Kulepov V.F.,
Kuleshov D.A., Lyashuk V.I., Middell E., Milenin M.B., Mirgazov R.R., Mikheyev S.P., Osipova E.A., Panfilov A.I., Pan'kov A.L.,
Pan'kov L.V.,
Perevalov A.A., Petukhov D.P., Pliskovsky E.N., Poleschuk V.A.,
Popova E.G., Prosin V.V., Rozanov M.I., Rubtzov V.Yu., Ryabov E.V., Sinegovsky S.I., Suvorova O.V., Tarashansky B.A.,
Fialkovsky S.V., Shaibonov B.A., Sheifler A.A., Shirokov A.N., Spiering Ch., Yagunov A.S.
Search for Astrophysical Neutrinos in the Baikal Neutrino Project
(617 Kb) |
Naumov D.V.
Introduction to Neutrino Physics
(1,798 Мb) |
Ginzburg I.F.
Some Problems of Classical Electrodynamics
(165 Kb) |
Shnir Ya.
Magnetic Monopoles
(133 Kb) |
Petti R., Samoylov O.B.
Charm Dimuon Production in Neutrino-Nucleon Interactions in the NOMAD Experiment
(433 Kb) |
Zemskova S.G., Dmitrievsky S.G.
Automatic Processing of Nuclear Emulsion in the Modern Experiments
(314 Kb) |
Andonov A.D., Kolesnikov V.A., Uglov E.D.
The SANC Project Status and Plans
(68 Kb) |
Zhevlakov A.S., Dorokhov A.E., Radzhabov A.E.
Calculation of Hadronic Contribution to the Anomalous Magnetic Momentum
of Muon (g - 2) from Light-by-Light Scattering Diagram
in Nonlocal Chiral Quark Model
(175 Kb) |
Edemskaya A.K., Naumov D.V., Samoylov O.B.
Light Quark Fragmentations into the Pions
(113 Kb) |
Markov Yu.A., Markova M.A., Shishmarev A.A.
Equations of Motion for a Classical Color Particle in External Non-Abelian Fermionic and Bosonic Fields
(100 Kb) |
Korenblit S.E., Semenov V.V.
On Fermionic Tilde-Conjugation Rules and Thermal Bosonization. Hot and Cold Thermofields
(166 Kb) |
Frolova A.S., Semih S.S., Rozov S.V., Yakushev E.A.
Background Neutrons from the Reaction ( , n) on 1313C in the Experiment
EDELWEISS-II on Direct Search for Weakly Interacting Particles of Non-baryonic Cold Dark Matter
(173 Kb) |
Biktemerova S.V., Gonchar M.O.
Geant4 Tool for Simulation of Arbitrary Defined Fresnel Lenses
(285 Kb) |
Edemskaya A.K., Perevalova I.A., Sidorenkov A.Yu., Soldatenko O.N.
The Solution of the Unitarity Equation in Cone Variables on the SO(2,1) Group
(118 Kb) |
наверх |
Stellenbosch Institute for Advanced Studies (STIAS), about 50 km north-east
of Cape Town, South Africa, April 6-9, 2010
Proceedings of the Workshop
Cleymans J.
Maximal Net Baryon Density in the Energy Region Covered by NICA
(204 Kb) |
Becattini F.
Hydrodynamics of Fluids with Spin
(96 Kb) |
Bir T.S., Schram Z.
Towards a Superstatistical SU(2) Yang-Mills EoS
(252 Kb) |
Blaschke D.B., Berdermann J., Cleymans J., Redlich K.
Chiral Condensate and Chemical Freeze-Out
(228 Kb) |
Cassing W., Bratkovskaya E.L.
Nonequilibrium Parton Dynamics in the Strongly Interacting QGP
(211 Kb) |
Filinov V.S., Ivanov Yu.B., Bonitz M., Levashov P.R., Fortov V.E.
Quantum Simulations of Strongly Coupled Quark-Gluon Plasma
(210 Kb) |
Noronha-Hostler J., Greiner C.
Hagedorn States and Thermalization
(151 Kb) |
Fukushima K.
Effective Model Approach to the Dense State of QCD Matter
(258 Kb) |
Hartnack C., Oeschler H., Aichelin J.
Thermalization at the Lowest Energies? A View from a Transport Model
(291 Kb) |
Kodama T., Portugal L.
Proton-Nucleus Inelastic Cross Section at Ultrahigh Energy
(149 Kb) |
Kokoulina E.S., Kutov A.Ya., Nikitin V.A., Popov V.V.
Analysis of High-Multiplicity Events
(116 Kb) |
Bazavov A., Petreczky P. (for HotQCD Collaboration)
Chiral and Deconfinement Transitions in QCD with the Highly Improved Staggered Quark (HISQ) Action
(163 Kb) |
Sturm C., St ocker H.
The Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research, FAIR
(93 Kb) |
Wheaton S., Hauer M.
Recent Applications of THERMUS
(163 Kb) |
наверх |
National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Bogolyubov Institute for Theoretical Physics
Kiev, September 14-18, 2010
Workshop Proceedings
Sarkisyan-Grinbaum E.K. for the ATLAS Collaboration
Soft QCD in ATLAS: Minimum-Bias and Diffraction Studies
(633 Kb) |
Perrozzi L. for the CMS Collaboration
Bose-Einstein Correlations with CMS Detector at the LHC at = 0.9 and 2.36 TeV
(202 Kb) |
Mercado J. for the ATLAS Collaboration
Measurement of Two-Particle Correlations in pp Collisions at
= 900 GeV with the ALICE Detector
(229 Kb) |
Kisiel A. for the ALICE Collaboration
Underlying Event Background in Two-Pion Correlations in p + p
Collisions at = 0.9 and 7 TeV
(169 Kb) |
B langer-Champagne C. for the ATLAS Collaboration
Study of Charged-Particle Correlations and Underlying Events with the ATLAS Detector
(421 Kb) |
Sinyukov Yu.M., Karpenko Iu.A.
Hydrokinetic Predictions for Femtoscopy Scales in A + A Collisions in the Light of Recent
(469 Kb) |
Humanic T.J.
Predictions of HBT Parameters in Pb + Pb Collisions at
= 2.76 TeV from a Hadronic Rescattering Model
(113 Kb) |
Bugaev K.A.
Physics around the QCD (Tri)Critical Endpoint and New Challenges for Femtoscopy
(96 Kb) |
Stavinskiy A. for the FLINT Collaboration
Dense Cold Matter with Cumulative Trigger
(69 Kb) |
Borysova M.S., Karpenko Yu.A., Sinyukov Yu.M.
Evolution of Energy Density Fluctuations in A + A Collisions
(69 Kb) |
Seyboth P. for the NA49 and NA61 Collaboration
Search for the Critical Point of Strongly Interacting Matter at the CERN SPS
(478 Kb) |
Zawisza M. for the STAR Collaboration
Pion-Proton Correlations and Asymmetry Measurement in Au + Au Collisions at
= 200 GeV Data
(237 Kb) |
Zbroszczyk H.P. for the STAR Collaboration
Plans for Correlation Studies for BES Program at RHIC
(1.109 Мb) |
Zbroszczyk H.P. for the STAR Collaboration
Proton Femtoscopy at STAR
(139 Кb) |
Csan d M. for the PHENIX Collaboration
Femtoscopic Results in Au + Au and p + p from PHENIX at RHIC
(1.529 Мb) |
Toneev V.D., Voronyuk V.
Beam-Energy and System-Size Dependence of the CME
(295 Кb) |
Csan d M.,
K farag M.
A Method of ' Decay Product Selection to Detect Partial Chiral Symmetry Restoration
(180 Кb) |
Andrade R.P.G., Grassi F., Hama Y., Qian W.L.
The Ridge as a Shadowing Effect in Hydrodynamics
(533 Кb) |
Padula S.S., Dudek D.M., Socolowski O., Jr.
Update on the Status of Hadronic Squeezed Correlations at RHIC Energies
(283 Кb) |
Bock N.
Energy-Momentum Conservation Effects on Two-Particle Correlation Functions
(248 Кb) |
Akkelin S.V., Sinyukov Yu.M.
Simple Estimates of Non-Femtoscopic Particle Correlations in p + p Collisions
(152 Кb) |
Lednick R.
Femtoscopic Correlations and Final-State Resonance Formation
(102 Кb) |
Kotte R. for the HADES Collaboration
p Femtoscopy in Collisions of
Ar + KCl at 1.76A GeV with HADES
(144 Кb) |
Chaloupka P. for the STAR Collaboration
Femtoscopy with Multi-Strange Baryons at RHIC
(216 Кb) |
Zhang Wei-Ning
Two-Pion Interferometry for Granular Sources
(156 Кb) |
Karpenko Iu.A, Sinyukov Yu.M.
Kaon and Pion Femtoscopy at Top RHIC Energy in Hydrokinetic Model
(199 Кb) |
Bravina L., Bleibel J., Zabrodin E.
Description of pp Collisions at LHC Energies
(217 Кb) |
Mikhailov K., Werner K., Karpenko Iu., Pierog T.
Femtoscopy Application of the New EPOS Model to the STAR Experiment
(136 Кb) |
Rybczy ski M., Broniowski
Two-Body Nucleon-Nucleon Correlations in Glauber-Like Models
(116 Кb) |
Ster A., Csan d M.,
Cs rg T., L rstad B.,
Tom sik B.
Oscillating HBT Radii and the Time Evolution of the Source -
= 200 GeV Au + Au Data Analyzed with Azimuthally
Sensitive Buda-Lund Hydro Model
(212 Кb) |
Nilsson M.S., Malinina L.V., Bleibel J., Bravina L., Zabrodin E.
Study of  Correlations at RHIC
and LHC Energies in pp Collisions within the Quark-Gluon String Model
(172 Кb) |
Ikonen E.
Three-Pion Correlations for Studying Partial Coherence in Nuclear Collisions
(84 Кb) |
Suzuki N., Biyajima M., Mizoguchi T.
Estimation of Multiparticle Correlation from Multiplicity Distribution
Observed in Relativistic Heavy-Ion Collisions
(146 Кb) |
Csan d M.,
M jer I.
Initial Temperature and EoS of Quark Matter via Direct Photons
(96 Кb) |
Begun V.V., Gorenstein M.I., Mogilevsky O.A.
Fluctuations and Correlations in Pion System with Fixed Isospin
(102 Кb) |
Chung P. for The STAR Collaboration
Three-Dimensional Kaon and Pion Emission Source Extraction from
= 200 GeV Au + Au Collisions at RHIC-STAR
(418 Кb) |
de Kock M.B., Eggers H.C., Schmiegel J.
Edgeworth Versus Gram-Charlier Series: x-Cumulant and Probability Density Tests
(128 Kb) |
Kadenko I. for the ZEUS collaboration
Measurements of Inclusive and Exclusive Particle Production at ZEUS
(368 Кb) |
Nagy M.I. for the PHENIX Collaboration
Search for Particle-Antiparticle Back-to-Back Correlations in
= 200 GeV Au + Au Collisions
(368 Кb) |
наверх |
All-Russian Neutron School for Young Scientists and Students
Dubna, 25 October to 2 November
Proceedings of the School
Berveno A.V., Berveno V.P., Bondarenko M.A., Pentsak E.O.,
Lyrshchikov S.Yu.
Interrelation of Sorption Properties and Nanostructure of Carbon Molecular Sieves from Anthracites of Kuzbass
(903 Кb) |
Bondarenko M.A., Berveno A.V., Berveno V.P., Pentsak E.O.,
Lyrshchikov S.Yu.
Research for Possibilities of Obtaining of Carbon Mesoporous Sorbents from Coal-Based Materials
(250 Кb) |
Ivashevskaya S.N., Rozhkova N.N.
Effect of Thermal and Chemical Treatment on the Structure and Composition of Nanodiamonds
(70 Кb) |
Tomchuk O.V., Avdeev M.V., Bulavin L.A., Aksenov V.L., Garamus V.M.
Small-Angle Neutron Scattering by Fractal Clusters in Aqueous Dispersions of Nanodiamonds
(126 Кb) |
Krutikova E.V., Elfimova E.A.
The Structure Factor of Polydisperse Magnetic Fluids
(72 Кb) |
Pyanzina E.S., Kantorovich S.S.
Structure Factor of Ferrofluids with Chain Aggregates: Influence of an External Magnetic Field
(85 Кb) |
Ukleev V.A., Grigorieva N.A., Vorobiev A.A., Grigoriev S.V.,
Lutsev L.V., Dyadkina E.A., Lott D., Stognii A.I., Novitsky N.N.
Study of the Au/SiO2 + Co(65 at.%)/GaAs Heterostructure Interfaces
by the Polarized Neutron Reflectometry Method
(335 Кb) |
Ivanov I.L., Tsvetkov D.S.
The Crystal and Oxygen Nonstoichiometry of Layered Perovskites
(x = 0; 0.2; 0.4; 0.6)
(291 Кb) |
Maksimov V.I., Dubinin S.F., Parkhomenko V.D.
Spatial Topology of Local Nano Scale Inhomogeneity of Crystal Structure
Zn1-xFexSe (x = 0.001)
(77 Кb) |
Vakhrushev S.B., Shaganov A.P., Dkhil B., Lebolloch D., Ohwada K.
Study of Processes of Domain Nanostructure Formation in Relaxor Ferroelectrics
(1 Mb) |
Kozlenko D.P., Chan T.A., Kichanov S.E., Truhanov A.V., Truhanov S.V.,
Savenko B.N.
The Studies of Crystal and Magnetic Structures of Pr0.7Ba0.3MnO3
Manganite at High Pressure
(162 Кb)
Poster presentations by young scientists in the field of particle physics research
Averyanov A.V., Korotkova A.M., Lukstinsh Yu.
Studying of Hypernuclei with Nuclotron Beams
(216 Кb) |
Barabanov M.Yu., Vodopyanov A.S., Dodokhov V.Kh.
Search for Higher Lying Charmonium States and Charmed Hybrids in Experiments Using Antiproton
Beam with Momentum Ranging from 1 to 15 GeV/c
(83 Кb) |
Afanasiev S.V., Artiomov A.S., Bekmirzaev R.N., Dryablov D.K.,
Igamkulov Z.A., Ivanov V.I., Isupov A.Yu., Jomurodov D.M., Malakhov A.I., Lebedev A.I.,
L'vov A.I., Pavlyuchenko L.N., Plekhanov E.B., Polyansky V.V., Sidorin S.S.,
Sokol G.A., pavorov M.,
Sultanov M.U.
Search for -Mesic Nuclei in the Reaction d + C at JINR
(397 Кb) |
Kurilkin A.K., Janek M., Kiselev A.S., Vasiliev T.A., Hatano M.,
Isupov A.Yu., Kato H., Ladygin V.P., Ladygina N.B., Maeda Y., Malakhov A.I., Nishikawa J., Ohnishi T.,
Okamura H., Reznikov S.G., Saito T., Sakai H., Sakamoto N., Sakoda S., Satou Y., Sekiguchi K., Suda K., Tamii A.,
Uchigashima N., Uesaka T., Yako K.
The Investigation of Short-Range 3He, 3H, and Deuteron Spin Structure via
the Measurement of the Angular Distributions of the Analyzing Power in
the 3Hen
and 3Hp
Reactions at 140, 200, and 270 MeV
(140 Кb) |
Kurilkin P.K., Ladygin V.P., Uesaka T., Suda K., Gurchin Yu.V.,
Isupov A.Yu., Itoh K., Janek M., Karachuk J.-T., Kawabata T., Khrenov A.N., Kiselev A.S., Kizka V.A.,
Krasnov V.A., Ladygina N.B., Livanov A.N., Maeda Y., Malakhov A.I., Reznikov S.G., Sakaguchi S.,
Sakai H., Sasamoto Y., Sekiguchi K., Shikhalev M.A., Vasiliev T.A.
Investigation of the Angular Dependence of the Analyzing Powers in the Deuteron-Proton
Elastic Scattering at the Nuclotron
(79 Кb) |
Piyadin S.M., Gurchin Yu.V., Terehin A.A., Isupov A.Yu., Janek M.,
Karachuk J.-T., Khrenov A.N., Krasnov V.A., Kurilkin A.K., Kurilkin P.K., Ladygin V.P., Livanov A.N., Martinska G.,
Rapatsky V.L., Reznikov S.G., Semenov A.K., Tumanov A.E., Vasiliev T.A.
Experiments on the Study of the Deuteron-Proton Interactions at Intermediate Energies at Internal Target at Nuclotron
(83 Кb) |
Philippov A.V., Kuznetsov A.B., Meshkov I.N.
for JINR (JINR LHEP Accelerator Division)
Electron-Cloudless Operation Mode of the NICA Collider
(88 Кb) |
Vasiliev T.A., Ladygin V.P., Malakhov A.I.
Study of High-pT Pion Production with CBM at SIS100 Energies
(1.1 Мb) |