up |
Smirnova L.N.
Physics Results at Large Hadron Collider
(2180 Kb) |
Denisov S.P., Shchukin A.A.
New Results of Experiments at the Tevatron
(320 Kb) |
Khokhlov S.S., Barbashina N.S., Bogdanov A.G., Dmitrieva A.N., Dushkin L.I., Zadeba E.A., Kindin V.V., Kovylyaeva E.A., Kokoulin R.P., Kompaniets K.G., Kruglikova V.S., Petrukhin A.A., Khomyakov V.A., Chernov D.V., Shutenko V.V., Yashin I.I.
Cascade Showers in Cherenkov Water Detector
(210 Kb) |
Gurevich G.M.
Active Polarized Target: Measurements of Spin Polarizabilities of the Proton
(470 Kb) |
Fetisov V.N.
On the Nuclear and Coulomb Interaction at Coherent Fragmentation of Relativistic Nuclei in Photoemulsion
(325 Kb) |
Boldyrev A.S., Romanyuk A.S., Smirnov S.Yu., Tikhomirov V.O.
Simulation of Gas Mixture Drift Properties for GasPixel Detector for Modernization of ATLAS
(495 Kb) |
Ivanov K.A., Shulyapov S.A., Rusakov A.V., Turinge A.A., Brantov A.V., Savel'ev A.B., Djilkibaev R.M., Nedorezov V.G., Uryupina D.S., Volkov R.V., Bychenkov V.Yu.
New Photonuclear Methods Based on Femtosecond Lasers
(190 Kb) |
Serov A.V.
Transition Radiation Detectors That Use Dihedral Angle or Conical Surface as a Radiator
(393 Kb) |
up |
Dineykhan M., Zhaugasheva S.A., Khabyl N., Nurbakova G.S.
Determination of the Mass Spectrum and the Decay Constant of Mesons
Consisting of c and b Quarks
(210 Kb) |
Ghahramany N., Khosravi R., Janipour S.
Ds0DK Vertex in QCD Sum Rules
(165 Kb) |
Timoshin E.S., Timoshin S.I.
The Extraction of the Polarized Structure Functions from the Asymmetries
in the Deep Inelastic Scattering with the Participation of the Neutrino
(111 Kb) |
Aparin A.A., Tokarev M.V.
Self-Similarity of Low-pT Cumulative Pion Production in Proton-Nucleus
Collisions at High Energies
(529 Kb) |
Kazaryan E.M., Shahnazaryan V.A., Sarkisyan H.A., Gusev A.A.
Quantum Model of Thomson Helium Atom
(136 Kb) |
Troyan Yu.A., Anikina M.Ch., Beljaev A.V., Jerusalimov A.P., Troyan A.Yu.
Elastic np np(pn) Scattering at Intermediate Energies
(329 Kb) |
Skobelev N.K., Penionzhkevich Yu.E., Voskoboynik E.I.,
Kroha V., Burjan V., Hons Z., Mr zek J.,
Pisko .,
ime kova E., Kugler A.
Fusion and Transfer Cross Sections of 3He Induced Reaction on Pt and Au in Energy Range 10-24.5 MeV
(260 Kb) |
Baldin A.A., Berlev A.I., Kudashkin I.V., Fedorov A.N.
The MCP-Based Detector for Monitoring Space-Time Characteristics of the Nuclotron Circulating Beam
(363 Kb) |
Mokrov Yu.V., Morozova S.V.
Application of Sphere Albedo System for Correction Reading
of Albedo Dosimeters in Neutron Fields of Phasotron, JINR
(305 Kb) |
Gikal B.N., Dmitriev S.N., Gulbekian G.G., Apel P.Yu.,
Bogomolov S.L., Borisov O.N., Buzmakov V.A., Verevochkin V.A., Efremov A.A., Ivanenko I.A.,
Ivanov G.N., Kazarinov N.Yu., Kazach V.I., Kalagin I.V., Kolesov I.V., Kononov V.M., Korolev A.A.,
Kostyrev V.A., Lomovcev A.M., Melnikov V.N., Mironov V.I., Pashchenko S.V., Sokolov V.A., Osipov N.F.,
Tikhomirov A.V., Fateev A.A., Khabarov M.V.
Development, Creation and Start-Up of DC-110 Heavy Ion Cyclotron Complex
for Industrial Production of Track Membranes
(709 Kb) |
Gikal B.N., Ivanenko I.A., Kazarinov N.Yu., Kalagin I.V.,
Mironov V.I., Samsonov E.V.
The Correction of Vertical Shifting of the Extracted Beam at the Test Operation of DC-110 Cyclotron
(210 Kb) |
Samsonov E.V., Gikal B.N., Borisov O.N., Ivanenko I.A.
Numerical Simulation of Ion Acceleration and Extraction in Cyclotron DC-110
(1.8 Mb) |
Didyk A.Yu.,
Wi niewski R.
Results of Irradiation of Aluminum and Homogeneous Alloy YMn2
by 23 MeV Energy -Quanta in the Atmosphere of Molecular Deuterium at 2 kbar Pressure
(3.6 Mb) |
Gikal B.N., Mironov V.I., Teterev Yu.G., Shchegolev V.Yu.
Neutron Yield at an Irradiation of Constructional Metals by Heavy Ions with Energy 2.5 MeV/nucleon
(145 Kb) |
Franko J., Gulbekian G.G., Kostromin S.A.
Analytical Dependences Used for the Preliminary Synthesis and Optimization of Magnetic Structures of Cyclotrons
(501 Kb) |
Franko J., Gulbekian G.G., Ivanenko I.A.
The Software Application CyclSyntWin for Synthesis and Optimization of the Magnetic Structures and Magnet of Cyclotrons
(457 Kb) |
Baljinnyam N., Frontasyeva M.V., Alekseyonok Yu.V.
INAA for Determination of Trace Elements in Bottom Sediments of the Selenga River Basin in Mongolia
(349 Kb) |
Publisher's imprint
up |
Mohammadi B., Mehraban H.
Effects of Final-State Interactions in B+
D+s Decay
(240 Êb) |
Mahmoud Zakaria M.M., Ibraheem Awad A., El-Azab Farid M.
Optical Model Analysis of p + 6He Scattering over a Wide Range of Energy
(433 Êb) |
Lovejot, Gautam S.
Directed Transverse Flow and Its Disappearance for Asymmetric Reactions
(216 Êb) |
Ishmukhamedov I.S., Valiolda D.S., Zhaugasheva S.A.
Description of Ultracold Atoms in a One-Dimensional Geometry of a Harmonic Trap with a Realistic Interaction
(267 Êb) |
Mariji H., Modarres M.
The Effect of Fermi Momentum Cutoff on the Binding Energy of Closed-Shell Nuclei in the LOCV Framework
(179 Êb) |
Chirikov-Zorin I., Krumshtein Z., Olchevski A., Utkin V., Zhmurin P.
The Design of à Module of a New Electromagnetic Calorimeter for COMPASS II
(915 Êb) |
Kalinnikov V., Velicheva E.
Investigation of LYSO and GSO Crystals and Simulation of the Calorimeter for COMET Experiment
(1.509 Êb) |
Davkov K.I., Myalkovskiy V.V., Peshekhonov V.D., Cholakov V.D.
A Mode of Operation of Thin-Walled High-Pressure Drift Tubes with High Spatial Resolution
(224 Êb) |
Uvarov V.T., Ponomarev A.G., Lonin Yu.F., Uvarov V.V.,
Nikitin A.N., Robuk V.N., Ivankina T.I., Klepikov V.F., Lytvynenko V.V., Donets S.E., Bazaleev N.I.
Radiation-Acoustic Thermal Parameters Control of Construction Materials
Irradiated by Intense Relativistic Electron Beams
(353 Êb) |
Hamel A.
The Influence of the Opening between the Heads of the Two Closest Pyramids
in Textured Surface for Solar Cells and Its Application on the Spectral Response
(114 Êb) |
Budagov J., Glagolev V., Lyablin M.,
Shirkov G., Mainaud Durand H., Stern G.
A Laser-Based Fiducial Line for High-Precision Multipoint Alignment System
(2.135 Êb) |
Budagov J., Glagolev V., Lyablin M., Shirkov G., Mainaud Durand H.
Air Temperature Stabilization in the Thermally Isolated Optical Laboratory
(2.244 Êb) |
Batusov V., Budagov J., Lyablin M., Gayde J.-Ch., Di Girolamo B.,
Mergelkuhl D., Nessi M.
The Laser Reference Line Method and Its Comparison to a Total Station in an ATLAS-Like Configuration
(867 Êb) |
Didyk A.Yu., Wi niewski R.
Results of Irradiation of Stainless Steel and Copper by 23 MeV Energy -Quanta
in the Atmosphere of Molecular Deuterium at 2 kbar Pressure
(3.155 Êb) |
Slavnov D.A.
A Soft Qubit
(145 Êb) |
Publisher's imprint
up |
Arbuzov A.B., Kopylova T.V.
Off-Mass-Shell Muon Anomalous Magnetic Moment
(76 Êb) |
Contrera G.A., Grunfeld A.G., Blaschke D.B.
Phase Diagrams in Nonlocal Polyakov-Nambu-Jona-Lasinio Models Constrained by Lattice QCD Results
(360 Êb) |
Vishneva A.V., Volkov M.K.
Radiative Decays of Radially Excited Pseudoscalar Mesons in the Extended Nambu-Jona-Lasinio Model
(117 Êb) |
Kotlorz D., Kotlorz A.
Evolution of the Truncated Mellin Moments of the Parton Distributions in QCD Analysis
(210 Êb) |
Voskresenskaya O.O., Kuraev E.A., Torosyan H.T.
Coulomb Corrections to the Parameters of the Landau-Pomeranchuk-Migdal Effect Theory
(258 Êb) |
Aparin A.A., Tokarev M.V.
Self-Similarity of High-pT Cumulative Hadron Production in p + A
Collisions at High Energies at U70
(348 Êb) |
Aparin A.A., Tokarev M.V.
Self-Similarity of Low-pT Cumulative Pion Production in Proton-Nucleus Collisions at U70
(563 Êb) |
Bunzarov I.Zh., Chankova-Bunzarova N.Y., Rogachevsky O.V.
Event Structure Investigation of AuAu Interactions from the HIJING Model Using Fractal Dimensions
(232 Êb) |
Naghdi M.
Comparing Some Nucleon-Nucleon Potentials
(1 Ìb) |
Ikot A.N., Hassanabadi H., Maghsoodi E., Zarrinkamar S.
Approximate Solutions of Dirac Equation for Tietz and General Manning-Rosen Potentials Using SUSYQM
(252 Êb) |
Ikot A.N., Hassanabadi H., Maghsoodi E., Zarrinkamar S., Salehi N.
Solutions to the Dirac Equation for Symmetric and Asymmetric Trigonometric Rosen-Morse Potential Using SUSYQM
(322 Êb) |
Kouzakov K.A., Studenikin A.I.
On Sensitivity of Neutrino-Helium Ionizing Collisions to Neutrino Magnetic Moments
(110 Êb) |
Gikal B.N., Teterev Yu.G., Shchegolev V.Yu., Zdorovets M.V.,
Ivanov I.A., Koloberdin M.V., Alexandrenko V.V.
Secondary Fusion Reactions in Bombarding Targets of Light Elements by Heavy Ions of Low Energy
(171 Êb) |
Bystritsky V.M., Bystritskii Vit.M., Dudkin G.N., Filipowicz M.,
Gazi S., Huran J., Nechaev B.A., Padalko V.N., Parzhitskii S.S., Pen'kov F.M., Philippov A.V., Tuleushev Yu.Zh.
Experimental Observation of the D(p, )3He
Reaction Electron Screening in the Ultralow Collision
Energy Region in the Deuterated Titanium
(228 Êá) |
Alekseev I., Belov V., Brudanin V., Danilov M., Egorov V.,
Filosofov D., Fomina M., Hons Z., Kobyakin A., Medvedev D., Mizuk R., Novikov E., Olshevsky A., Rozov S.,
Rumyantseva N., Rusinov V., Salamatin A., Shevchik Ye., Shirchenko M., Shitov Yu., Starostin A., Svirida D.,
Tarkovsky E., Tikhomirov I., Yakushev E., Zhitnikov I., Zinatulina D.
DANSSino: A Pilot Version of the DANSS Neutrino Detector
(1.9 Ìb) |
Zlokazov V.B., Morozov V.A.
Robust Fitting for the Estimation of Hidden Parameters in Experimental Distributions on the Plane
(227 Êb) |
Ivanov E., Svetov L., Smirnova Z.
The Quench Detector for Superconducting Elements of the NICA Acceleration Complex
(1.7 Ìb) |
Agapov N.N., Batin V.I., Emelianov N.E., Hisameev I.G.,
Krakovsky B.D., Mitrofanova Y.A., Nikiforov D.N., Popov O.M., Trubnikov G.V., Udut V.N., Ziskin G.F.
Cryogenics for the Future Accelerator Complex NICA at JINR
(899 Êb) |
Syresin E.M.
Incoherent Vertical Ion Losses at Multiturn Cooling Stacking Injection
(293 Êb) |
Cirilo-Lombardo D.J.
Bounded Coherent States and Excitonic Systems
(97 Êb) |
Serdyukova S.I.
Determination of IVC Breakpoint for Josephson Junction Stack. Non-Periodic Boundary
Conditions with = 1
(144 Êb) |
Didyk A.Yu., Wi niewski R.
Structure and Chemical Composition Changes of Pd-Rod and Reaction Product Collector Irradiated
by 10 MeV Braking = 1 Quanta
inside High Pressure Chamber Filled with 2.5 kbar Molecular Hydrogen
(647 Êb) |
Alexakhin V.Yu., Kouznetsov O.M., Rossiyskaya N.S., Sapozhnikov M.G.
Optimization the Parameters of the LEPTO/JETSET Generator for Charged Lepton DIS Region
(568 Êb) |
Ablyazimov T.O., Zyzak M.V., Ivanov V.V., Kisel P.I.
A Fast Parallelized Kalman Filter Based Reconstruction of Charged Particle
Trajectories for the CBM Experiment on a Manycore Server at JINR LIT
(670 Êb) |
Krylov A., Paraipan M., Sobolevsky N., Timoshenko G., Tret'yakov V.
GEANT4, MCNPX, and Shield Code Comparison Concerning Relativistic Heavy-Ion Interaction with Matter
(206 Êb) |
Janek M., Trpi ov B.,
Piyadin S.M., Ladygin V.P.
GEANT4 Simulation of dp Nonmesonic Breakup Reaction at 300 and 500 MeV
(274 Êb) |
Derenovskaya Î.Yu., Ivanov V.V.
Reconstruction and Selection of J/
e+e- Decays Registered
by the CBM Set-up in 25 AGeV Au + Au-Collisions
(542 Êá) |
Publisher's imprint
up |
X International Scientific Workshop in Memory of V.P.Sarantsev
Alushta, Crimea, Ukraine, September 3-7, 2013
Proceedings of the Seminar
Agafonov A.V., Tarakanov V.P.
Ion Beam Formation in Vacuum Neutron Tube
(338 Êb) |
Drozdovsky A.A., Bogdanov A.V., Gavrilin R.O., Golubev A.A.,
Drozdovsky S.A., Kantsyrev A.V., Ladygina E.M., Savin S.M., Stasevich Yu.B., Khudomyasov A.V., Yanenko V.V.
Electronic Gun for Physical Researches
(336 Êb) |
Zhabitsky V.M., Chizhova O.N.
Damping of Coherent Betatron Oscillations of a Beam in Synchrotrons with a Feedback System
(92 Êb) |
Zenkevich P.R.
Coherent Instabilities in NICA Collider
(216 Êb) |
Bolshakov A.E., Golubev A.A., Zenkevich P.R., Kats M.M., Kolomiets A.A.
Investigation of Carrying out Experiments ELISE and EXL Based on ITEP Accelerator Complex
(252 Êb) |
Kats M.M.
New Solutions of Beams Acceleration and Transport for Proton and Ion Therapy
(Review of PTCOG52 Conference Reports, Essen, June 2013)
(269 Êb) |
Karnaukhov I.M., Korzhov D.E., Lyaschenko V.N., Mytsykov A.A., Trotsenko V.I.
Control System of Power Supply for X-Ray Generator NESTOR
(511 Êb) |
Kres E.V., Kadenko I.N., Bessheiko O.A., Belov D.V., Blinov N.A.,
Galimov A.R., Zorin A.G., Karpinsky V.N., Nikiforov D.N., Pivin R.V., Smirnov A.V., Smirnova E.V., Shevchenko E.V.,
Smirnov S.A., Khodzhibagiyan G.G., Cheng Lian Liu
Tests of Prototypes of High-Temperature Superconducting Current Leads
on the Cryogenic Stand for the Testing of Magnet Elements of the NICA Accelerator Complex
(553 Êb) |
Kuznetsov G.I., Batazova M.A.
Optics of Electron Induction Accelerator LIA-2
(545 Êb) |
Kuksanov N.K., Fadeev S.N., Salimov R.A., Golubenko Yu.I.,
Kogut D.A., Korchagin A.I., Lavrukhin A.V., Nemytov P.I., Domarov E.V., Semenov A.V.
Technical Means of Improving the Quality of Material Irradiation ELV by Accelerators
(327 Êb) |
Bezdetko A., Gladkikh P., Gokov S., Grevtsev V., Dovbnya A., Ivashchenko V.,
Karnaukhov I., Kalamayko À., Korzhov D., Kushnir V., Mitrochenko V., Lyashchenko V., Mytsykov A., Ryezayev A.,
Trotsenko V., Skyrda V., Zelinsky A., Shcherbakov A.
Injection System at the X-Ray Generator NESTOR
(641 Êb) |
Blinov V.E., Bobrovnikov V.S., Zolotarev K.V., Kiselev V.A.,
Kononov S.A., Kurkin G.Ya., Levichev E.B., Meshkov O.I., Muchnoi N.Yu., Nikitin S.A., Nikolenko D.M.,
Sukhanov D.P., Tikhonov Yu.A., Tolochko B.P., Tumaikin G.M., Shamov A.G., Shatilov D.N.
Ñòàòóñ ÂÝÏÏ-4
(982 Êb) |
Orlov O.S., Meshkov I.N., Rudakov A.Yu., Philippov A.V.
Secondary Electron Yield from Surface of a Stainless Steel Covered with Titanium Nitride
(184 Êb) |
Paramonov V., Floettmann K., Kravchuk L., Orlov P.
Deflecting RF Structures with Reduced Level of Aberrations
for Transformation of Particle Distributions in the Bunch
(914 Êb) |
Rastigeev S.A., Goncharov A.D., Klyuev V.F., Konstantinov E.S.,
Kutnyakova L.A., Parkhomchuk V.V., Petrozhitskii A.V., Frolov A.R.
BINP AMS Adaptation for Biomedical Applications
(227 Êb) |
Aizatsky N.I., Dovbnya A.N., Zakutin V.V.,
Reshetnyak N.G., Romas'ko V.P., Chertishchev I.A., Boriskin V.N., Dovbnya N.A.
General and Regulation of Current of Powerful Electron Beam in Accelerator
Based on Secondary-Emission Source and Its Application
(2.5 Ìb) |
Rogovsky Yu.A., Berkaev D.E., Zemlyansky I.M., Zharinov Yu.M.,
Kasaev A.S., Koop I.A., Kyrpotin A.N., Lysenko A.P., Perevedentsev E.A., Prosvetov V.P., Romanov A.L., Senchenko A.I.,
Skrinsky A.N., Shatunov P.Yu., Shatunov Yu.M., Shwartz D.B.
Status and Perspectives of Electron-Positron Collider VEPP-2000
(3.6 Ìb) |
Alexandrov V.S., Donets E.E., Konnov G.I., Kosukhin V.V., Sidorova V.O.,
Sidorov A.I., Trubnikov G.V., Shvetsov V.S.
Prototype of the High-Voltage Platform for the KRION Ion Source
(5.6 Ìb) |
Starostenko D.A., Logachev P.V., Akimov A.V., Korepanov A.A.,
Bak P.A., Panov A.N., Pachkov A.A., Eliseev A.A., Ottmar A.V., Kulenko Ya.V., Bolkhovityanov D.Yu.,
Fatkin G.A., Pavlov O.A., Kuznetsov G.I., Nikolaev I.V., Batazova M.A., Batrakov A.M.,
Boimelshteain Yu.M., Pavlenko A.V.
The Performance Results of the LIA-2 in Radiographic Mode
(863 Êb) |
Boettcher Ju., Golubkov E.A., Egorov V.A., Zaytseva Yu.K.,
Zamriy V.N., Kayukov A.S., Kobets V.V., Korokin A.Zh., Minashkin V.F., Pyataev V.G., Repkin A.N.,
Skrypnik A.V., Sumbaev A.P., Udovichenko K.V., Shabratov V.G., Schvets V.A., Shvetsov V.N.,
Pavlov V.M.
LUE-200 Accelerator of IREN Facility: Current Status and Development
(6.7 Ìb) |
Kim Dong Su, Sumbaev A.P., Shvetsov V.N.
180 MW/180 kW Pulse Modulator for S-Band Klystron of LUE-200 Linac of IREN Installation of JINR
(543 Êb) |
Volkov V.I., Meshkov I.N., Mikhaylov V.A., Trubnikov G.V., Tuzikov A.V., Fateev A.A.
Conceptual Design of System of Heavy Ion Beam Injection into Booster of NICA Accelerator Complex
(1.1 Ìb) |
Dovbnya A.N., Rogov Yu.V., Tenishev A.Eh., Torgovkin A.V.,
Uvarov V.L., Shevchenko V.A., Shramenko B.I.
Study of 192Ir Production Conditions at an Electron Accelerator
(104 Êá) |
Bulanov V.A., Gorbachev E.V., Lebedev N.I., Tuzikov A.V., Fateev A.A.
Conceptual Design of Power Supplies of Deflecting Plates for Multivariant
Beam Injection into Booster of NICA Accelerator Complex
(496 Êb) |
Kuznetsov A.B., Meshkov I.N., Tuzikov A.V., Philippov A.V.
Luminosity of the NICA Collider in Working Mode with Using Electron Cooling System
(221 Êb) |
Kadenko I., Bezsheyko O., Hohov D., Sidorin A., Trubnikov G.,
Shurkhno N., Stassen R.
Optical Comb Filter for the Stochastic Cooling System at Nuclotron (JINR, Dubna)
(2.0 Ìb) |
Horodek P., Bugdol M., Kobets A.G., Meshkov I.N., Orlov O.S., Rudakov A.Yu.,
Sidorin A.A., Yakovenko S.L.
Development of Positron Annihilation Spectroscopy at LEPTA Facility
(156 Êb) |
up |
X International Scientific Workshop in Memory of V.P.Sarantsev
Alushta, Crimea, Ukraine, September 3-7, 2013
Proceedings of the Seminar
Larin S.A.
Perturbative Series and the 1/N Expansion for the QED Function
(80 Êb) |
Kisselev A.V.
RS Model with a Small Curvature and Dielectron Production at the LHC
(1.1 Mb) |
Silenko A.J.
Electric and Magnetic Polarizabilities of Pointlike Spin-1/2 Particles
(70 Êb) |
Konoplyanikov V.F., Savina M.V., Shmatov S.V., Shulga S.G.
Uncertainties of Drell-Yan Production Cross Section in pp Collisions at the LHC
(283 Êb) |
Syresin E., Brovko O., Grebentsov A., Zamjatin N., Shabunov A.,
Yurkov M., Gruenert J., Freund W., Novikov D., Basta R., Fiala T., Hedbavny P.
Micro Channel Plate Photon Detectors for Free Electron Lasers
(421 Êb) |
Pavlov S.S., Dmitriev A.Yu., Chepurchenko I.A., Frontasyeva M.V.
Automation System for Measurement of Gamma-Ray Spectra of Induced Activity
for Multi-Element High-Volume Neutron Activation Analysis at the IBR-2 Reactor of FLNP at JINR
(461 Êb) |
Tsyganov Yu.S.
Physical Basis of Critical Analysis
(1.2 Ìb) |
Khuukhenkhuu G., Gledenov Yu.M., Sedysheva M.V., Odsuren M.,
Munkhsaikhan J., Delgersaikhan T.
Systematical Analysis of (n, )
Reaction Cross Sections for 6-20 MeV Neutrons
(362 Êb) |
Ivanenko I.A., Kazarinov N.Yu.
Optimization of the Magnetic Field in the Analyzing Magnet of the Axial Injection Beam Line of the Cyclotron DC-280
(2.8 Ìb) |
Gulbekian G.G., Gikal B.N., Bekhterev V.V., Bogomolov S.L.,
Efremov A.A., Ivanenko I.A., Kazarinov N.Yu., Kalagin I.V., Melnikov V.N., Osipov N.F., Prokhorov S.V.,
Tikhomirov A.V., Khabarov M.V.
The Project of the Axial Injection for DC-280 Cyclotron
(1.6 Ìb) |
Smirnov V.L., Vorozhtsov S.B., Vincent J.
H- Superconducting Cyclotron for PET Isotope Production
(917 Êb) |
Vasilev S.E., Vishnevskiy A.V., Kadykov M.G., Makankin A.M.,
Tyutyunnikov S.I., Shurygin A.A.
Development of the Monitoring System for a Shape, Position and Intensity of the
Relativistic Nuclei Extracted Beam at the Nuclotron-M, JINR
(757 Êb) |
Rahmonov I.R., Shukrinov Yu.M.
Modeling of Phase Dynamics of Two Parallel Josephson Junctions Stacks
(158 Êb) |
Karamysheva G.A., Kostromin S.A., Morozov N.A., Samsonov E.V.,
Syresin E.M.
Influence of the Magnetic Field Radial Component Imperfection on the Beam Dynamics in the Medical Cyclotron C235-V3
(5.2 Ìb) |
Mokrov Yu.V., Morozova S.V., Timoshenko G.N., Krylov V.A.
The Correction of Albedo Dosimeters Readout at U400M LNR with the Help of a Spherical Albedo
System and Comparison with Other Correction Methods
(332 Êb) |
up |
International Workshop
Dubna, July 29 - August 3, 2013
Proceedings of the Workshop
Bergshoeff E.A.
Newton-Cartan Supergravity
(99 Êb) |
Buchbinder I.L., Pletnev N.G.
Harmonic Superfield Action for = 4 SYM Theory with Central Charge
(117 Êb) |
Lechtenfeld O.
On the Gribov Problem in Yang-Mills Theory
(120 Êb) |
Sagnotti A.
Brane SUSY Breaking and Inflation: Implications for Scalar Fields and CMB Distorsion
(171 Êb) |
Filippov A.T.
Integrals of Equations for Cosmological and Static Reductions in Generalized Theories of Gravity
(174 Êb) |
Tseytlin A.A.
Towards Solution of Superstring Theory in AdS3 S3
with Mixed Flux
(107 Êá) |
Zinoviev Yu.M.
Massive Spin-2 in Fradkin-Vasiliev Formalism
(88 Êb) |
Dobrev V.K.
Invariant Differential Operators for Noncompact Lie Groups: The Reduced su(3,3) Multiplets
(281 Êb) |
Galajinsky A., Masterov I.
Dynamical Realizations of Nonrelativistic Conformal Groups
(101 Êb) |
Kotikov A.V., Lipatov L.N.
Pomeron in the = 4 SYM at Large Coupling Constant
(77 Êb) |
Butter D., Kuzenko S.M., Novak J., Tartaglino-Mazzucchelli G.
New Approach to -Extended Conformal Supergravity in Three Dimensions
(125 Êb) |
Lavrov P.M., Shapiro I.L.
New Method of the Functional Renormalization Group Approach for Yang-Mills Fields
(87 Êb) |
Galajinsky A., Nersessian A., Saghatelian A.
Spherical Mechanics for a Particle near the Horizon of Extremal Black Hole
(98 Êb) |
Tsuchiya A.
Expanding (3+1)-Dimensional Universe from the IIB Matrix Model
(139 Êb) |
Zheltukhin A.A.
On Brane Symmetries
(105 Êb) |
Sergeev A.
Quantization of Universal Teichm ller Space
(122 Êb) |
Heinemeyer S., Mondrag on M.,
Tracas N., Zoupanos G.
Reduction of Couplings in a Finite GUT and the MSSM
(500 Êb) |
Dimitrijevi M.,
Radovanovi V.
SO(2,3) Noncommutative Gravity Model
(86 Êb) |
Buchbinder E.I.
Correlation Functions of Circular Wilson Loop with Local Operators
(87 Êb) |
Butter D., Kuzenko S.M., Novak J., Tartaglino-Mazzucchelli G.
Off-Shell Actions for Conformal Supergravity in Three Dimensions
(136 Êb) |
Tolstoy V.N.
Once More on Parastatistics
(114 Êb) |
Burd k .,
Navr til O.
Extremal Vectors of the Verma Modules of the Lie Algebra
B2 in Poincar -Birkhoff-Witt Basis
(94 Êb) |
Butter D.
The N = 2 Gauss-Bonnet from Conformal Supergravity
(86 Êb) |
Chatzistavrakidis A., Gautason F.F.
Fivebranes, Dualities and Nongeometry
(81 Êb) |
Goykhman M., Parnachev A.
Stringy Holography at Finite Density
(87 Êb) |
Kiselev A.V.
The Jacobi Identity for Graded-Commutative Variational Schouten Bracket Revisited
(101 Êb) |
Kova evi M.
3D Supersymmetric New Massive Gravity with Auxiliary Fields
(68 Êb) |
Nurmagambetov A.J.
M5s and n3
(87 Êb) |
Koshelev A.S., Vernov S.Yu.
Cosmological Solutions in Nonlocal Models
(83 Êb) |
Reshetnyak A.A.
On Composite Fields Approach to Gribov Copies Elimination in Yang-Mills Theories
(102 Êb) |
Salom I.
Representations and Particles of Orthosymplectic Supersymmetry Generalization
(83 Êb) |
Sidorov S.
Deformed = 4, d = 1 Supersymmetry
(78 Êb) |
Snegirev T.V.
On Gravitational Coupling for Massive Higher-Spin Fields in d = 3 Space
(77 Êb) |
Boulanger N., Sundell P., Valenzuela M.
A Higher-Spin Chern-Simons Theory of Anyons
(96 Êb) |
Parameswaran S.L., Zavala I.
Worldsheet Instantons and Coupling Selection Rules in Heterotic Orbifolds
(93 Êb) |
Parra L.
Kaluza-Klein Reduction of Supersymmetric Fierz-Pauli
(73 Êb) |
Nesterenko M.
Realizations of Lie Algebras
(76 Êb) |
Kuriksha O., Po ta S., Vaneeva O.
Group Analysis of Variable Coefficient Generalized Fifth-Order KdV Equations
(130 Êb) |
Avetisyan Zh.
A Unified Mode Decomposition Method for Physical Fields in Homogeneous Cosmology
(80 Êb) |
Gupta S.
Jackiw-Pi Model: A Superfield Approach
(87 Êb) |
Yeghikyan V.
On Integrable Isospin Particle System on High Dimensional Quaternionic Systems
(76 Êb) |
Cirilo-Lombardo D.J., Afonso V.I.
Information Metric from Riemannian Superspaces: Last Developments
(81 Êb) |
Cirilo-Lombardo D.J., Gershun V.D.
Integrable Hydrodynamic Chains for WZNW Model
(126 Êb) |
Bykov D.
Instantons and Holomorphic Spheres
(89 Êb) |
Makhaldiani N.
Renormdynamics, Unified Field Theories and Universal Distributions
of the Multiparticle Production Processes
(88 Êb) |
Mayburov S.N.
Fuzzy Topology and Geometric Quantum Formalism
(105 Êb) |
Merzlikin B.S.
Exact Superpropagators in = 2
Three-Dimensional Supersymmetric Electrodynamics
(79 Êb) |
Gromov N.A.
Electroweak Model at Infinite Energy
(81 Êb) |
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